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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Well done Boozer for not giving in to that nasty little gremlin that sits on your shoulder whispering bad ideas into your ears!! Day 6 - fantastic - and WELL DONE!!

    LIFECHANGE - we made it!! One week AL Free and embark today on day 8 - :yay:

    Enough - tonight is our greatest challenge so lets go into this one together. I know there is a time difference so we won't actually be sitting in the restaurant at the same time, but when everyone else is drinking, I'm going to say to myself, me and Enough are sitting here together and we aren't joining in this drinking. I'm going to think of you at the table with your friends saying no to the wine - and while all of your friends are indulging I am going to be right there with you saying no to it too!!

    Good luck - we CAN and MUST get through tonight!

    Snap x
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Snap and Enough, Good Luck to both of u tonight. Snap......... What a great statergy!!!:goodluck::goodluck:


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        First of all, :bday3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNAP !!!:day4:

        You have so many nice events to look forward to do not let any AL nagging thoughts steal any good moments from you.
        Guys, I have a confession: I had half a glass of beer yesterday - I walked the dog after work, and when I came back I moved around some heavy garden pots - I was so hot and sweaty and my neighbor called me, beer in both hands - "Saw you when you came back with the dog, you must be very hot" ops!: I suddenly could not think of any way to refuse, my mind was thinking - I'd rather you invited me for a dip in your pool !!!" . I said cheers, thanks, will finish this inside, desperately need a shower now. I did not finish the glass, and although it felt great it did not trigger wanting more.
        I know that does not make for a totally AF day yesterday, but still ? do you think I can still count it as such?
        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Snap.. Thanks so much for your post. I am in! I am watching a beautiful sunrise right now as I wait for my plane to depart. It will be a really long day today. My thoughts will be with you too as we succeed this challenge together.

          Good luck today everyone. I will check in this afternoon.

          Boozer... Awesome job!

          Here's to DAY 11.
          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Shue.. Great job just having a bit and tossing the beer! I went for a walk night with "#1 drinking girlfriend" and she did have a beer... I had a popsicle. I was fortunate that I had no desire for the beer and am thankful she wasn't carrying a wine!!

            Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Hi Shue

              I think that the fact that you had just half a glass and weren't tempted to drink more - allows you to remain AF!! The challenge we face here is not being able to have one without finishing the whole bottle so I think stopping after half a glass exemplifies you!!

              Well done!!
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hi Snap, thanks for your vote but I actually do not deserve such praise as I am not a beer drinker. I would only have a few gulps a few times a year when I am extremely overheated. I used to say no to beer because I did not want to get a beer belly. Now I have wine love handles.

                Boozer, you are doing fantastic, are you still at work at 3PM? I had a period of sneaking in a drink at work at 5PM. Set up meetings at that time, or aim to be driving somewhere. I feel for you, living where you live I can imagine that going out involves a lot of visits to wineries (good wine & good food).

                For the first time since I stopped drinking, today I really really craved wine. I was at lunch with my colleagues. It must be the heat ... all I could taste was an ice cold glass of Sauv Blanc. It is amazing how in the space of 10 minutes I started to really question my resolve and hear the little voice saying " you have gone long enough, stop this nonsense, you can have a drink now". I rushed back to the office and read my first post ever (only last Tuesday) and reminded myself why I am doing this. I need to silence that little devil.
                workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  shueaddict;1150096 wrote: First of all, :bday3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNAP !!!:day4:

                  You have so many nice events to look forward to do not let any AL nagging thoughts steal any good moments from you.
                  Guys, I have a confession: I had half a glass of beer yesterday - I walked the dog after work, and when I came back I moved around some heavy garden pots - I was so hot and sweaty and my neighbor called me, beer in both hands - "Saw you when you came back with the dog, you must be very hot" ops!: I suddenly could not think of any way to refuse, my mind was thinking - I'd rather you invited me for a dip in your pool !!!" . I said cheers, thanks, will finish this inside, desperately need a shower now. I did not finish the glass, and although it felt great it did not trigger wanting more.
                  I know that does not make for a totally AF day yesterday, but still ? do you think I can still count it as such?
                  What an awkward situation! I figure you didn't want it, didn't crave it, didn't ask for it, didn't want more, and poured it out. You were in control the entire time. I would consider myself to be AF. Just don't let this one even think you can moderate now! Too soon to even consider that. You did great though!


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    shueaddict;1150166 wrote: Hi Snap, thanks for your vote but I actually do not deserve such praise as I am not a beer drinker. I would only have a few gulps a few times a year when I am extremely overheated. I used to say no to beer because I did not want to get a beer belly. Now I have wine love handles.

                    Boozer, you are doing fantastic, are you still at work at 3PM? I had a period of sneaking in a drink at work at 5PM. Set up meetings at that time, or aim to be driving somewhere. I feel for you, living where you live I can imagine that going out involves a lot of visits to wineries (good wine & good food).

                    For the first time since I stopped drinking, today I really really craved wine. I was at lunch with my colleagues. It must be the heat ... all I could taste was an ice cold glass of Sauv Blanc. It is amazing how in the space of 10 minutes I started to really question my resolve and hear the little voice saying " you have gone long enough, stop this nonsense, you can have a drink now". I rushed back to the office and read my first post ever (only last Tuesday) and reminded myself why I am doing this. I need to silence that little devil.
                    Shue we were posting at the same time. Good for you for staying strong! And you're right, that voice is the devil!. Don't listen to it. Why do we listen to that voice and believe it in the first place? I think honestly that the exact opposite of what the devil voice tells us is the truth!


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Enough and Snapdragon--Across the miles you two will be holding hands tonight and holding each other up. I will be thinking of you both throughout the day and night and sending positive energy and strength to you.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Boozer--Way to go on staying strong! This is a process and it can be painful. But you have to get through the pain to get the reward. The reward is sobriety and control and respect for yourself. If you drink again you'll have to go through the pain all over again to reach the goal. It will get easier! You can do it! We are all here with you.

                        Pcnana--How are you doing? Still reading and making a plan? I'm thinking of you and hope you check in today.


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Fly, I am in no way ready for contact with AL. If I had to run out of the house with the dog 2 nights ago into the forest at night, only to be far away from drink - you can imagine. It might have been a bit extreme but I am all alone this week and do not trust myself. How could I? - in the past having my husband away on business meant lottery tickets to drinking and accounting to no one. No kid to attend to in the morning? ditto . No nanny/cleaning lady to gather the bottles for reciclying? give me more !

                          So this week is the week for me, if I can make it AF in an empty house I'll treat myself.
                          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            My beer bearing neighbor just called me; she needs help dealing with her son's posh school in Switzerland (and I am good at writing fancy letters).

                            I am visualizing - going straight from work, no change of clothes, apprearing professional and definitely not sweaty like yesterday. She will offer prosecco (her choise of poison these days and a former favorite of mine, until a major session that killed the taste). I shall decline nicely, saying I'm hungry, cannot stay long. I shall ask for perrier. Then I'll walk the dog.

                            Going to either of my 2 lovely neighbors has been a trigger for drinking, they all like it and we got sh ... faced together many merry times. Not today!!!

                            Sorry if I bore you with this, I am actually writing this for my own benefit.
                            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              shueaddict;1150264 wrote: My beer bearing neighbor just called me; she needs help dealing with her son's posh school in Switzerland (and I am good at writing fancy letters).

                              I am visualizing - going straight from work, no change of clothes, apprearing professional and definitely not sweaty like yesterday. She will offer prosecco (her choise of poison these days and a former favorite of mine, until a major session that killed the taste). I shall decline nicely, saying I'm hungry, cannot stay long. I shall ask for perrier. Then I'll walk the dog.

                              Going to either of my 2 lovely neighbors has been a trigger for drinking, they all like it and we got sh ... faced together many merry times. Not today!!!

                              Sorry if I bore you with this, I am actually writing this for my own benefit.
                              OMG, you certainly don't bore me and I'm sure the others feel the same. I think we all take something away from the experience and stories of others here. I think it's crucial that we preplan how we're going to handle temptations and events. I enjoy hearing everyone's strategies and I'm sure that I'll be using some in the future. My brother's 50th birthday party is on Saturday and I'm sure lots of booze will be flowing.


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                I am on Day 3!

                                I can't believe I actually made dinner last night without drinking a bottle of red wine...but I did! And I woke up without a hang over it feels really different, and wonderful. Very emotional today though and keep coming back to this site to read and realize I am not alone... what a relief! But it is not 5 pm yet and I am making it through this day minute by minute. I am proud of myself but also ashamed I have been living in a booze soaked brain for 20 years... failed marriages, failed raising 3 kids, failed jobs... I think I failed at life so far because of alcohol.... I hate that! But that doesn't mean the next 20 years have to be like that!! Right?

