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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Good Job everyone!
    The ending of my Day 7!
    Will check in tomorrow


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Joining for the first time

      Hi everyone. Have been checking out the MWO forums for a couple of weeks now and I thought this one was the most inspiring/entertaining !!! You have all kept me going..... and I am happy to write that I have managed to reach day 10. I never thought of myself as having a drinking problem, but I now realise that I do . Reality set in slowly but surely and after several blackouts and many negative happenings I decided to get help. I believe that I am in the right place and would seem that my timing is just perfect for this thread! :thanks:


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        I had a glass of wine!

        Hi All - I broke my string of AF last night - but I confess, I don't feel too badly about it. I don't feel that I've ruined my resolve.

        The situation was that my youngest son (who is 17) proudly presented me with a bottle of Rose wine for my birthday (my fault really as I haven't mentioned to my kids that I'm not drinking - just my partner). Apparently, as he knows I love wine, he had asked his girlfriend's mum and dad to help him choose a really nice bottle for me.

        He had given me the wine on Wednesday - and of course it's just sat the unopened. Last night he got quite upset and kept saying "You don't like my present do you?" So I said that I love it and was waiting for us all to be together so that we could share it with our meal. Consquently I poured us all a glass (there were four of us so just one each) and exclaimed how delicious it was.

        The funny thing was - although it was a really nice wine - I didn't really enjoy the taste of it that much. Its the longest I ever gone without drinking wine and usually it doesn't hit the sides so I don't take much notice of the taste - but this I sipped slowly. I was quite surprised and could quite happily have left it and had a lime and soda instead.

        So although officially I'm back to day one - I don't feel that I've harmed my resolve. We are going out for yet another meal this evening and I will definately not be drinking.

        Great guns to everyone else here - Flyaway - well done at reaching Day 10! And Enough - fab achievement getting through such a long work event (I've been to a few of those too!!) and for being on the sober side of the fence!
        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Hello all!

          Snap... I am so proud of you just having 1 glass. You are definately not back to day 1... You are on your way to long term success! I remember you saying many days ago that you wished you could only have 1 glass! You did it!

          Fly.. Wow day 10

          Mya ... 1 week down

          Noxy... Welcome! I am happy you are joining our little family. Day 10 already you are through the worst... Great things to come!

          I am chillin today by he pool as I am off from work this weekend. Dropped my boys at camp earlier today and looking forward to some peace and quite. I have to say I feel the dynamics at home have changed. My boys are still much calmer and I don't feel overwelhmed by the "little things". They commented this morning how nice it was not to be stressed out and in a rush in the morning. So what... They are late to camp what is the counselor going to yell at me! Where before I was feeling so rough in the morning just getting out of bed was exhausing.

          So I am looking forward to lucky day 13 today. Instead of my usual bottle of white around 2-3 followed by the bottle of red around 5... I have a new selection of sparkling waters, club soda and juices.

          Have a awesome day; will check in later this afternoon.

          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            i've really missed you all the past couple of days!! it's taken some time for me to read all the new news.

            i just suffered through 3 days of almost pure 13hrs/day stress at work. and even though i'd told people i wasn't drinking, and even though i had the best "free wine sucks" motto, i drank. and i drank like an alcoholic. i didn't get super sloshed, but i drank quickly and subtly and had problems remembering conversations the next day. my co-worker and i cook in an art-setting and we had a sort of exhibit where we were serving drinks we'd made. going into it, i thought i would be ok, but once i started giving out the drinks it was one for you and one for me-- without thought. then the next day i drank almost a liter just to get through the long day.
            so. i'm at day 1 again. it's a strong day


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              i wanted to say its a strong day 1 because i feel once again resolved that i can't be a casual drinker. never could be.

              thank you all for being there and for being so damned honest.ime
              i wish i would have been able to sign in at work for support. next time i will.

              welcome everyone new and stay close by.


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Hi Lifechange

                Sorry you slipped up - I think we've all been more than tempted in the past few weeks, it's just that tipping point from craving it desperately and giving in - or turning your back on it.

                I'm cross with myself too for having a glass of wine last night - not even because I wanted it, but because I didn't want to hurt my sons feelings. Particularly as I had a hell on earth time the night before drinking water and watching everyone else enjoying wine

                Ho Hum - both back to day one, hopefully a bit stronger and wiser than before.
                Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  helo all,

                  Enough - your post describing your experience watching other people drink around you at your work event really stuck in my mind. It really is a pathetic sight, especially when someone carries on well beyond the stopping point. It's nice to be the one that wakes up in the morning going over the behaviour of others rather than trying to piece together your own. I hate that morning guilt!!! Great job getting through.

                  Snapdragon - you are not back to day one. Your son is so sweet. You handled the situation with grace. If you had left it untouched he would have thought he selected something you did not like. What you did not do is open up a second bottle, go to the the store latter in the evening for more wine, rummage through the pantry looking for the cooking Sherry ( am I alone on this last one). Again, you handled the situation with restraint, grace.

                  Lifechange - getting sober is a process. Glad you are here, loads of support to you.

                  Hi Mya and Noxy.

                  I am off for diner with the friends that don't like me to not drink. Not entirely sure how I am going to handle things with them, which worries me because I know I should have a plan. Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their Friday, sober in preparation for a hangover free Saturday!
                  While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    not doing too good . i have had a few glasses of wine over the last few days , some due to me and some due to being wih friends ,but i have at least kept it from more than two. I feel very guilty and upset with myself i really want to stop but i find it hard and i really do not know why?. when i was young i never drank at all
                    AF 10th June 2014


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Just getting home and I'm wiped. Day 11 done and here comes day 12! I can do it!

                      Mya--Way to go on day 7. How were you feeling on day 8?

                      Noxy--I'm so happy you joined us! I hate those blackouts and the semi-memories I have from drinking. I can so relate.

                      Snapdragon--I actually think the way you handled the situation was great. And what a great idea to pour some out for everyone. Making sure there wasn't more left for you to drink. Good job!

                      Enough--How great is it that you can sense a change in your entire family? And so many of us think that our drinking is just affecting us. Not true! I am jealous of your pool! It's so damn hot I'm practically melting.

                      Lifechange--One foot in front of the other. You just get right back on the wagon and away we go together!

                      Not tonight--Wondering how you made out tonight. I hope all is well.

                      Ginger--I know you're upset, but at least you managed to moderate. Don't give up. Keep thinking about it and working on it and chatting with us all. It will come.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Arrrghh... Friday night... Movie night.... No wine

                        Still not easy!

                        Ginger ... Keep readin the posts and stay close. Even after almost 2 weeks the cravings come and the little wine voice starts wispering. You have to drown it out and be super strong.


                        To a sober friday.
                        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Enough--Last night as I was driving home from work around 9pm the booze voice was whispering in my ear. Had this been 2 weeks ago I would have come home and had a drink or 6 and then felt like crap for work today and probably called in sick.


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            I know it is amazing how good I feel and how easy it would be to totally screw it all up. Same as you 2 weeks ago I would have picked up a 1.5 L tonight along with our movie ( Unknown is the feature film this evening). Just popped a L- glutamine and making tea.

                            My husband was having a beer earlier and that even set me off and I don't even like beer so much.

                            I need to take my own advice and stay strong and stay close.
                            Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              I just kinda vented here....(I'm typing this after I just finished typing this post...I feel much better).....:H

                              I hope you don't mind me posting here tonight....normally I post in the Monthly Ab thread, although I've been following this thread daily as well. It's VERY inspiring, positive and motivating!!! Thank you all!!
                              Tomorrow will be five weeks for me being AF...and I'm scared. I said this whole time I've felt so different this time, and I have, honestly I have!! But tonight, and I don't know why...maybe it's my son not being here/me being alone...or cuz I ordered some hot wings from a favorite restaurant/bar and when I got there the man on the phone didn't put my order in....which then I ended up sitting there for another 20 minutes listening to everyone laughing, drinking and having a good time...only to come home to an empty house and eat my wings alone with my diet pepsi. It just made why can't I be "normal"??? I remember once being normal...what did this happen?? How don't other people think or worry about their drinking like I do....they have kids too???

                              Sorry, to totally be a downer....maybe I'm the only one that thinks like this right now....I think the gals in Monthly Ab have so much AF time under their belts...they have come to grips with all these questions...that if I just stop crying and the pity party for two seconds, I know the answers to!! It isn't about's about me...and my son...we're the only two things in this world that matter (in my world). Onward and upward....this too shall pass!!! No one said this ride was an easy one!!
                              Again, great job to EVERYONE on this thread!! Your support to one another is invaluable!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                SD... I am really glad you stopped by. You are welcome anytime and sometimes we just need to vent... Nothing wrong with needed someone to listen. It's really tough being by yourself and not drinking. For me it has been 15 years of opening up the bottle for any reason. Happy ,sad ,by myself, with friends It did not matter. Right now everyone is in bed but me, 2 weeks ago I wouldn't have thought twice about opening a new bottle at 1130 if the last one or two were gone.

                                It's flipping really hard to stay strong. 5 weeks under your belt is huge, but there will still be those moments I am guessing for a long time.

                                Please join us here if you would like. Anytime.

                                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein

