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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Good morning my lovelies, I have good news and bad news:

    The Good ? I have found out I have a truly good friend ? I have told her a while ago I was staying off the booze and she has been quietly supportive ( ie. Offered me no wine and never asked me why I stopped). On Saturday she organized this big leaving party for our Irish friends and she showed me my special section in her fridge ? 2 six packs of AF beer. She said she did not want me to feel left out or questioned while everyone is holding drinks. I nearly cried.

    It was a scorching day and I must have drank 2 liters of that stuff and watched everyone getting progressively more sloshed, getting in their cars and driving home. I helped with the clean up and took a few other merry friends in my car (that were considering driving) . Got stopped by the cops at 1 AM, breathalyzer test ? passed with flying colors and then the officer apologized that they had to do it although I looked OK because only 1 hour ago they stopped a foreign woman driving intoxicated with her merry hubby and 2 kids in the car, ?can you imagine?? he said. GOD GOD GOD !!!! That could have been one of my friends. WORSE ? this could have been me some time ago.

    My hubby told me that he was very proud of me that night for sticking to not drinking ( ?. and not ending up with a DUI). And that he?d join me too on an AF holiday next week.

    The Bad
    ? I woke up a bit tired but clearheaded on Sunday and while cooking I got the usual urge to drink. My defenses were on low after the success of the previous night and a little feeling of entitlement crept in (that damned AL devil is cunning putting novel thoughts in my head) . I considered my usual MO - sneaking upstairs and swigging gin straight from the bottle. NO ! No more drinking in hiding! I made myself a big G&T, complete with lemon strips and straw. Hubby encouraged me too. Then another ? then another . The gin finished thankfully ?I have to be honest and admit that I would have had a forth. I did not sleep that well and dreamt that I was thirsty. I am not completely mad at myself for slipping; this only goes to prove that I cannot control my drinking.

    Wish you all a lovely week ...
    workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Enough, sweetie, I feel really sorry that on top of temptation everywhere you have to deal with snarky comments from DH too. You are super strong !!! You have been there for me so many times when I was very close to jumping over that edge...

      MBy ? Happy AF birthday !!! Make yourself a virgin margarita, close your eyes and think that you?re turning 20!

      Jennie / Merlot ? I also had horrible episodes of mood swings and mostly depression. I took 5HTP for a week to fight off depression but the biggest improvement came when I changed my diet ? no simple sugars, more complex carbs, eating something every 2-3 hours to keep the blood sugar levels constant. I have found this article very very useful:
      Alcoholism, Part 2 ? Fixing the Brain — 1 By David Gersten, M.D. | Intelligent Alcohol Management

      Rosey ? welcome aboard. Maybe cold turkey is hard for you, just try drinking less and less ? that might ready you for AF days. Boozer here said this approached worked for him for AL and ciggies.

      Queenieee ? you are losing weight, way to go girl !!!
      workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Hi Everyone

        Well – I’m back – and I’m married!!

        I was hoping to catch up on your thread to see how everyone is doing – but with over 720 posts it would take me a week to read it all!! Hope you’re all continuing your successful fight with the booze.
        I had a fabulous wedding and a really relaxing honeymoon and hubby and I seem to have at last reached a level playing field and all of the previous stresses seem to have disappeared. Hopefully, life will stay that way.

        I haven’t been AF but seem to have got things a bit more in control. On honeymoon, I had two glasses of wine with our meal every night and was happy to finish there. Since we got back at the weekend, I did drink too much last night – shared a bottle of wine with my daughter, but she only had one glass!

        Have decided that I’m going to try and have lots more AF days. I thought it would be good to try not drinking in the week – so no vino for me tonight!!
        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Morning all. Day 10 and feeling really low. No more jumping dots in my vision and the shakes gone completely but just feel empty. Have eaten my way through my sons sweetie cupboard and now feel sick. Think I'll clean out the fridge to cheer me up!


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            welcome back, Snap. I am so happy to hear from you again. Congratulations on getting married and on managing moderation. Stay with us !!!
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Mrs. Snap!!! - welcome back! So happy to hear everything went well and new hubby is taking good care of you. I have been mostly AF as well many more days on to a positve trend.y vacation a few weeks ago was murder. You seem to have done great.

              Mb.. Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you ( if you heard me sing it would surely be off key )

              Shue- you did amazing at the party. You being sober that night wasost likely a lifechanging event. Having your drinks in the open the next day showed some resolve as well. I did the same on Saturday by having a margarita... In the right glass... Fresh squeezed lime... Etc. The important thing is it is now the EXCEPTION not the rule and everyday occurance. Get your confidence back with some AF days this week.

              Jenny... Great job with 10. I ate all th goodies in my fridge too. I think most of us do. No worries. 10 days is almost 2 weeks... you can make it. I recently made a batch of homemade granola bars which are rich bit a little better for you.

              3 cups quick oats.. 1 can sweetened condensed milk.. 2 tbs butter.. And 3-4 cups anything else. Choc chips... coconut... Dried fruit... Nuts.. Cook for 20-25. @ 350. Yum.

              Merlot.. You made it to 2! Stay close keep posting. Day 3-5 things get a little easier.

              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Oh... and me!

                Made it AF again Sunday. A day at the pool with my cranberry and club. Old drinking buddy/ neighbor came over I told her to leave her kids to play with my son no problem; kind of kicked her out. Said I was finishing a book... Sorry! So instead of my 2 bottle of wine day off.. Made dinner ( still tough without wine )... had some very good S.S.... woke up once again clear headed!

                My baby turns 13 today so a busy afternoon to come. Took the day off and going to pick him and his brother up early from school and do something fun. Hopefully the weather cooperates.
                Tall soon!

                I figure I started July 10th and have been sober 35 of the past 40 something!

                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Enough, my lovely, this is just another stepping stone. I made no concrete resolutions but it seems I am starting to let go more and more of the memory of my deceased good friend, Mr. Sauv Blanc.

                  ... And enjoying S S more and more ....

                  Love the recipe, good for keeping the sugar levels in check .

                  Good luck with your "baby" birthday .... Mine is 7.... But so big so quick.

                  I am sending you thoughts of the lovely starry sky here, fireflies from my garden and a big nighty night hug.
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    My day sucked beyond belief. I was suppose to go out to dinner for my birthday. My Daughter told me she had to work so she was not coming, then my son called to say he was going to his friends house for dinner. My husbands boss told him he had to be at the office for a meeting at 5pm. His job is 2 hours away . I am not suppose to complain about his being on call 24 hours a day bc I dont have a job. So I decided I was going to make myself a brownie sunday and read a book. I went out to get ice cream and when I got home my DH had eaten all the brownies and told me his boss had cancelled the meeting and then asked what I was making for dinner? I walked out of the house and down to the local bar where I had 2 margaritas and neither of them were virgins. I guess I was just to weak and feeling sorry for myself. I was finished the 2nd drink and just walked out I knew if I stayed I would drink until I could not see strait.


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Merlot don't beat your self up. Count your AF days vrs your AL days. You are still winning! Yesterday I had a pity party for my self and had 2 drinks. I use to drink 8 shots a day so stopping myself at 2 drinks is still a victory. Today I am back to the goal of more AF days then not. good luck with day 3 You can do it .

                      Shu You are so right! I never thought of it as mourning but I guess in a way we are all giving up our closest friend and confident. Only when we are completely clear headed do we realize he was not our friend at all. Like all unhealthy relationships you cant see it while you are in it! Btw I envy you, Your "Baby" being only 7. My "Baby" starts her senior year in a few weeks. Enjoy every moment time slips by so quickly! I am so glad I am sober! I have very few memories of her high school years but now I will cherish this last year.

                      Enough, you are my hero . Because you have shared this last 5 weeks of your life with us you have showed us all that we too can beat this! Falling does not mean failing, it just means get the hell up and try again!!

                      21 days sober out of 23 and moving forward! Have a great AF day!!!


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        MBY ? so sorry you had yourself a pity party instead of a proper one. But you stopped at 2!!! Do you know how many times I wished I had a ?stop at 2 button? I can push? Well done!!!

                        Merlot ? it?s not the end of the world, the important thing is that you had no more than that.

                        Enough ? hope you?re having fun in the sun with your boys, just to know that I?m thinking of you.
                        workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Good morning. I was fortunate to be able to sleep in this morning and feel well rested. We took our boys and our sons friend to a Japanese habachi grill for his bday. They throw the knives around make lots of noise and corny jokes. The kids loved it- they didn't have to pay the bill

                          I had 1 glass of White wine with my sushi- either of was very good; at least the tuna and rice filled me up. I stopped at 1 glass which is the unbelievable thing. No more wanted- even with 3 add boys on tow and the perfect excuse of 13 years ago I pushed this kid out where is
                          party!!! Remembering every moment of my sons 13th birthday - WOW!

                          Mby... I am really sorry you had a crappy bday. I am so proud of you for not using this as a reason to get blasted. It would of been so easy too. Great job stopping at 2.

                          I am totally flattered by your hero comment- I have been called many things ( some great some not so great). I think it's a first for me. Thank you! I believe any one posting here is a hero.

                          I really though I was the only one like me. Yes I knew people were alcoholics, but not people like me. It's so easy for us to fall through the cracks. I fell through for 15 years.

                          Merlot... You did it! Day 3! Things now things get a little easier. You are on the right track. 4 oz- no big deal. Make today AF just to show yourself you can do it.

                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            I GET KNOCKED DOWN - BUT I GET UP AGAIN -YOUR NEVER GONNA KEEP ME DOWN! :lordhelpme:


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              cailin;1167642 wrote: :new:
                              what's with the sad face? Dish out, we're here for you.
                              workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Hey Cailin...

                                You are brave just for posting. It's a great first step. When you are ready; please feel free to join in.

                                Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein

