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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    oh At Home what u said is so true. i have four kids and when they were little i only drank every tuesday then as they got older it was weekends and now the oldes is 24 it was 2 bottles a day after work. i finally told my daughter today that i had not had a drink for 4 days and she was so proud after she had her dig which i deserved. the temptation this afternoon was enormous but thinking of what she said stopped me. i live with my son and i asked him if he had noticed anything and he said no mum. so i told him and he said "your brother died of being an alcoholic and he stopped drinking and died" I told him he had other issues and was not well beforehand. Then he told me to go and get wine as he didnt want me to die. When he said tht i thought yeah why not. But i didnt and a proud day for me. Even after 4 days i feel so much better with so much more energy and even have plans for the morning. before it was like i am so hungover i will just stay in bed.

    best of luck at home xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Yes.... its awful, believe me i know! You make excuses to yourself to justify it, just this once wont hurt etc but this once is once too often!

      Your poor son, he obviously loves you a LOT!

      Well done for not drinking....i know how hard it is and yes.... having more energy is fantastic and actually enjoying the mornings and getting up. Its still mega hard sometimes but the urge only lasts a while at a time, the more you ride it out the better it gets and that proundness and energy only gets better and more constant i find.

      Keep it up and well done available....Am in it with you xx


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        thanks At Home, i am not giving in, i am feeling strong and i spend a lot of time on this site just reading. if i feel like a drink i go on this site, it is always open on my pc and at work too. im just happier in myself and the cravings arent as bad as what i thought but early days yet and i have read enough here to know it is a rocky slippery ride. Im doing it for me first then the kids and then the grandkids that i will eventually get.

        Day 5 tomorrow its been many years since i have done 5 days. woo hoo

        loving your advice at home, its great to have such support.

        If not for this site

        A: I would still be thinking of giving up drinking while still drinking
        B: If i did stop it would only have been for 2 days at the most
        C: Not found such great support and friendship
        D: MADE IT TO DAY 5 with hope for many more days
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Doing it for you first is great....I tried to give up many times for the kids or because my partner asked me to but this time i did it because I wanted to and have had several weeks now of success.

          It does get slippy and rocky, still is for me too but the firm ground comes along more often the longer you hang in there

          dAY 5 AND MANY MORE....dont hope...its real and you are doing it all by yourself because you want better things for YOURself

          Well done and keep in touch xx


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Hello lovelies,

            It is great to see so many new people on this thread.

            Summer ? this is the first place too I admitted on that I had a problem. It is the easiest way to start with perfect strangers that are so understanding and supportive. I built on it and this gave me the courage later on to admit it to a few close ones, and finally my husband.

            I have been a closet, highly functioning alcoholic for 3 years ? in the end drinking in hiding from my hubby, alone at home or alone in posh hotel rooms while away on business. I drove my precious boy while drunk, played with the dogs and fell badly, lost lots of jewelry, lost memory of evenings or movies, but worst of all, lost so much time in this zombified state .

            So ? I guess I am on day 5 ? but not really counting the days.

            Have a great one everybody.
            workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Hi all, waking up here to day 3 of no booze and I feel great. Slept better last night...maybe cause I stayed up late But I slept better than the first night I was AF.

              Available-Ditto for those points you mentioned about if you were not on MWO, how they would have an impact on your success to day. Totally agree with you there. MWO is a huge tool in my "toolbox" of recovery. I appreciate the support and what I learn here everyday and for that I am so grateful.

              I guess lots of us have used all sorts of tricks to lessen the noise in the recycle bin. My hubby still drinks his fair share of beer and so those pile up, but at least my big bottles of 1.5 liters of wine won't be adding to the clanking!

              Have a fabulous day everyone!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?


                Waking up to Day 3, but am exhausted! Stayed up too late reading, too, the damn cat howled for food before daylight, and I busted my fat behind all day yesterday. I could sleep for 3 more hours, I know.

                No problem drinking today--still recovering from Wednesday's bout. Tummy and abdomen still aching. Jeez!

                Gotta get a move on.....
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hi all. I am an alcoholic. I regularly drink two bottles of wine a day and feel lousy most of the time. I am going to stop this weekend. My Doc has told me that he will prescribe me Campral if I can go without for a few days. I know that when I stop, I am going to feel better,livelier and stronger, but I am scared to do it and I just don't understand why ? I keep telling myself to have a few drinks today and stop tomorrow. Tomorrow, I can't drink until 8.30pm anyway as I have to go to the airport. What should I do ? Try to stop today or wait until tomorrow ?


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    hi timpin, the decision is ultimately yours but if it was me i'd fresh start tomorrow, get rid of the booze from the house and KEEP on this site, DONT ever get off. I drank 2 bottles of wine daily and felt like crap and no self esteem let alone worth, still managed to go to work though god knows how and now i am up to AF 5 days tomorrow. Exercising more, getting support off here and just feeling better everyday. I never ever thought i could go cold turkey and not cave in but bless me i am doing great.

                    Positive thoughts always and good luck
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      Day one--DONE and I feel great! Wish me luck to keep the momentum going.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        We have been renting for 3 years now since we lost our home to foreclosure. 2 weeks now of mostly AF. I really needed something to motivate me. The rum ran out 5 days ago. I made a crazy deal with myself, every time I drive to the liquor store (its right next to the supermarket) and make myself leave without buying anything I put 25$ in the house account. According to my bank statements I was spending 400$ a month on booze. I really want to move! this is working for now, I hope watching the account grow will be enough motivation to keep me moving in the right direction.
                        Shu, great job telling your DH. That was one of the hardest things I ever did. I was terrified he would be disappointed or angry if I slipped but he is never judgmental. He knows it is a process.


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Hi All. Just went to get two bottles of wine for tonight. They are going to be the last AL drinks I ever buy ! If there's anything left tonight it's going down the drain. I just know I am going to pull this off. If you guys can all do it then so can I !! Please help by giving me the encouragement that I am going to need and I'll do the same for you.


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Hi All,

                            Still hanging in there. Can't believe I'm up to day 11 - this is a world record for me over the last decade! Have now survived two Friday nights and one Saturday night, and lots of nights in between. Felt like crap until the afternoon of Day 9, then finally started to feel halfway human. The urge to eat everything not tied down has passed, and I'm now on to lots of healthy fruit and vegies. I feel strangely relaxed and peaceful, and starting to feel more energetic. Also seem to be losing lots of retained water -my eyes, hands and feet are losing their puffiness, and I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. Is this a normal part of detox?

                            Need to start exercising next. I thought I'd try walking each day as a start. Any advice on what works for you guys? I'm a very sporadic gym attender, so I don't fancy my chances committing to that.

                            I'm a bit scared about next week. I have to travel to Sydney (from NZ) for business, and there will be wine lounge, planes, work dinner, two dinners with family in Sydney etc. This is making me feel really anxious. Any helpful strategies? I'm not sure that I have the strength to resist the drinks trolley passing right next to me on the planes. (I've been avoiding anywhere that has alcohol, including the supermarket!)

                            Ideas please!!!


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Another question...what do you do with your time in the evenings if you're not drinking? I would normally drink nonstop from 6 until 8 or 8.30 and then fall into bed asleep by 9 (only to wake up at 2, feeling like crap of course!).
                              But now I'm wide awake until 11 every night and I feel like a lost soul - I don't know what to do with myself. After getting the kids to bed, I've tried watching tv (very boring, nothing good on), and reading books, which is kind of working but I still feel unsettled. I'm wondering if I need to take up a hobby?
                              How are you guys handling this big void?


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Well I'm in the middle of Day 3 and feel pretty good. Slept alot better last night. Situation with DH and I is getting better. We were invited to a Karoke party tonight and he said "If you don't want to go when we won't, I good either way" So I told him no that I didn't and he said ok.

