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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    hi Ginger(s) and Shue,
    have been reading a few pages of this thread and am thinking of you both.
    that was interesting to imagine the truck loads of bottles and money spent.
    i always think of my poor little body having had to process and then flush all that crap out. it's amazing what our bodies will (to some --great--extent) let us put them through.
    it must be possible to start putting that money aside. in another 5 or 10 yrs we could really treat ourselves to something special.


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Day 1 coming to a close, I was tempted to make day 1 tomorrow but managed to shut down those thoughts and have focused on food instead. Stir fry and ice cream! (not at same time)

      I had approx. 3 drinks last night so today's day 1 isn't as stressful as it has been in the past where I have to remember what I did last night, go pick up my phone, or purse, or pay someone back or tell someone I am sorry for saying or doing something (and sometimes they were doozies!) So I am trying to focus on the positives, such as I realize I don't want the complication drinking adds to my life. And the $$ wasted?! In Canada, AL is much more expensive; I could've done so much!

      Lifechange; I agree, lets start putting that money saved on AL and do something special for ourselves!

      Reading your stories; Gingersnap and Shue, made me think about my own.. I am 35 and never been married, no kids; AL is just one of the things that has held me back from moving forward. I have had many long term relationships but they have ended mostly due to AL (either my issues, or theirs, usually both). Sometimes I am glad I never married else I would likely be divorced, and would not have been responsible enough to parent a child... but maybe I would have grown up sooner.

      Gingerspice, I hope things are going bit easier for you!


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        mega congrats to you Today! nice to meet you on chat also. hope to catch you there again soon.

        being AF is one of the most difficult, yet utterly rewarding tasks I've ever embarked upon. the grass really is greener over here. keep up the great work
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Hi Determinator! Nice to "see" you again. :-) Live chat helped me a lot Friday night, I will definitely try that again to get through the rough times and quiet AL's nasty voice.

          I completely agree that AF time is difficult, but so rewarding.

          Best wishes for all you others out there on your first, second, twentieth, thousandth Day 1 or any other day. I am thinking of this as a process... good luck on yours!

          PS; how long do these food cravings last? Does the L glut help?


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            I dont think i could even begin working out how many bottles/boxes -and the money its enough to make you depressed.
            Hi Today ,all i can say about the food cravings is i have a real need for sweet things, and i am drinking a lot of fluids. I am prepared to go with the flow as im staying off the wine ,just about .I find myself fighting the voice telling me to buy a bottle ,but i keep saying to the voice " I DONT DRINK".

            Stay strong and take care all x
            AF 10th June 2014


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              Today, that's a very subjective and individual question, but generally speaking there will be a lot of ups and downs in the first 60 days or so. then AL cravings/thoughts very gradually subside and fade.
              I think L Glutamine helped me quite a bit and is a healthy supplement aside from sobriety issues, so by all means give it a go. I get mine in bulk powder form. a rounded teaspoon is approx 6 grams. studies I've read show a bad craving for AL or sugar can take 7 to 12 grams to mitigate. you can mix it in water or juice.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                I made 4 days AF then slipped. I am going to try again today. This much harder than the last time. I am a nervous ball of energy all the time. I am taking all the supplements but my anxiety levels are off the charts. I am anxious and agitated all the time. By the 5th day of struggling all I wanted was to sleep and it had been 4 days I was physically sick exhausted and still could not calm myself down long enough to get more than a hour of sleep at a time. So for the last 3 days I have been drinking 2 shots of rum every night to sleep. This is not what I want! Can anyone suggest a herbal remedy for anxiety. something that will control this constant anxious feeling. I feel like if I could get this aspect under control I would have a better fighting chance.


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hi Mby,

                  so sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I find lavander & chammomile tea really helps calm me down in the evening. It might not be enough for you but it can't hurt eiher.

                  Are you taking GABA?

                  sending you good vibes
                  workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    My day 1 failed

                    Hi, I'm new here.
                    My goal was to live thru 1 day without wine yesterday, but I finished the whole bottle again. Didn't open another one though. We'll try again today. I got Kudzu and Milk thistle; should I take them once a day in the morning, anyone knows ?


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      shueaddict;1266903 wrote: Hi Mby,

                      so sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I find lavander & chammomile tea really helps calm me down in the evening. It might not be enough for you but it can't hurt eiher.

                      Are you taking GABA?

                      sending you good vibes
                      I tried that chammomile tea last night to calm me and to help me get to sleep, it didnt work for me.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        Hi MBy,
                        My Heart goes out to you,it is so hard. Have you been to see a doctor ,as maybe they could help you with the withdrawal symptoms - anxiety , and so help you make it through the first few days.

                        Hi Dina,
                        Im afraid we have all had several day ones before we made a day two .Not sure about supplements as have not used any - Milk thistle sounds like a good idea I drink hot Lemon (from a real lemon) it is meant to be a liver cleanser, and boy does mine need it.

                        Take care all fellow travellers
                        AF 10th June 2014


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Milk Thistle works, it has lowered my liver enzymes between blood tests, I took it regulary when I was drinking. Now I am on a liver complex, supposed to be better than milk thistle alone, that I got from costco.


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Miklo;1267047 wrote: Milk Thistle works, it has lowered my liver enzymes between blood tests, I took it regulary when I was drinking. Now I am on a liver complex, supposed to be better than milk thistle alone, that I got from costco.
                            Do you mind sharing the name? I have taken milk thistle for years, but I'm sure my liver is the size of a pea after my recent chugalugging. Glad to be on day 2 with you.
                            AF since 2/22/2012


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              I made it through day 1 again. I took an over the counter sleep aid. and I did sleep. woke up kind of weird. not hung over though. day 2 here I come rested and really to fight!


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Hi mby,
                                well done on getting to day 2 ,glad you were able to get some sleep. Now onwards and upwards !
                                Take care x
                                AF 10th June 2014

