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Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

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    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

    Enough!;1557379 wrote: A late post for me as I am still pretty awake at midnight.... Just got home from work a couple hours ago. Enjoying some quite time at the end of my day sitting on the patio.. listening to the cicada bugs sing. Opened up Dan Browns new book Inferno... but as much as I am looking forward to a good read... Too late to begin that journey.... and I know I will get sucked in for sure and 6am comes early.

    I asked for some ass kicking so I can only say thanks to my new friend Strong for speaking up. My first reaction was ... Hey you don't know me... You don't get to say boo... Then realize you certainly know enough ( no relation to my name here )... by reading this thread. So thank you!

    As I sit outside now I am enjoying a nice calm tea... but did come home and out of habit or what not had the remaining 2 glasses of wine left from yesterday. Yes... I see the repeating pattern. I have had the most sober month of my adult life and would very much like it to continue. Absolute transparency here... Ass kicking or not.
    Night all!
    Enough - you are right, I don't know you, and I apologize. After I posted, I realized I should have PM'd you. I know you want to break the habit, as do I. I hope that I have the honesty and the courage that you do in posting the truth. It is presumptuous of me to think that you may not have a Plan for quitting/cutting down. I can only see that in you because I DON'T HAVE A PLAN - I'm leaving for a vacation on Friday - international flights, free wine, quaint little cafe's and hotel bars that stay open until the last guest leaves. I did take on a suggestion to visualize myself sitting at a caf? ordering an non-alcoholic drink. Yet the screaming meanie is shouting "are you friggin kidding me!".

    I found this site 2 years ago, did more than 30 days AF and stayed around for quite some time before deciding I could moderate. It took me 2 years to come back. After another AF bout, I had another relapse, but this time came back much sooner. If I don't have a successful AF vacation, I want to come back for the support on this board. Now I'm rambling when I need to be packing and making a Plan! I am sorry I called you out - it wasn't appropriate. We're in this together.
    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

      Hey enough, i always look at the positive that 2 glasses is way better than 2 bottles. We have so many negatives in our lives that seeing the positive is good and as you said you have had the most sober 30 days ever. I am doing day 17 and still not a day i dont think about it and dont think "just a glass". I went to the shops before work and got my supply of fizzy drink for tonight as even at 7am i was thinking "oh might have a glass tonight" WTF. I am not saying i will never have a drink as I cant say that atm, all i know is that everyday sober is a good day and i really dont mind fighting with myself as one of us always wins and that is me me me!

      I think something in our brain needs to really click to say no to AF forever, my switch is half way there.

      Im Strong, well you are certainly coming up for a challenge and i hope it works out well for you. We can only try and keep trying.

      Have a great day/night everyone
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

        Strong . Really no worries and apology not necessary. I asked for tough love. Have a wonderful vacation and stay on top of "staying in control". I guess that is my plan and mission. As once you go back overboard it is hard to swim back in. My wish and plan is to ...stay in control. No more stumbling around like an idiot and going to bed/ passing out and missing out on my life.
        Avail.. Thanks for your continued support too!! Best of luck. I am still working but will check in later.
        Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

          Good on you Enough and everyone else. I was a 15+ year drinker and slowly got worse and worse until i finally realised I had to do something. After 16 days i feel way better in my health and in myself and i actually looked in the mirror this morning and did not look like i was a hungover as crap and i actually looked ok for a nearly 50 year old.

          I cant say it is any easier, well it is but i have had to change my ways so i DONT buy wine on my way home from work, the wine i think i deserve after a hard day. I go in the morning before work so the bottlo is not open. I still do not trust myself not to buy wine on the way home. Will this subside I hope so but for the time being I am doing what i can. This is the most I have gone AF forever. One day at a time, dolly steps, MWO and the support all has made a difference.

          I would love to moderate but who am i kidding, myself that is all but I dont/cant accept i can never drink although deep down i know i cant. I am an alcoholic and i have told my children this and i am starting to accept it. Half the battle is admitting it but its not a label i am happy with.

          Thank god for this site and the support it brings to us all, each story is different but involves one thing that brings us together.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

            Hey enough and avail, I am a 25+ drinker and been trying to quit the past 2 years. It takes practice. This time feels right, your right you have to admit your an addict first, then you have a choice. Drink till you die or choose to stop your nose from turnin red, start remembering each night and waking up with some inner peace.

            Sorry I waited this long, I always drank and never even thought it was bad. Hell I got a good job, a house a wife no problems here. Thats the problem too busy being high I couldn'tsee that everyone around me was moving up or getting better, now I think about it, it was just me gettin worse.

            Hang in there guys
            What you resist persits


              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

              As you say Dryer it takes practice and practice makes perfect. It is true if the time feels right you will make a choice and it is so lovely to wake up in the morning and feel at peace with yourself knowing you have not shamed or embarrassed or done anything you dont remember. The sun seems to shine more brightly. So many positives that outweigh the negative of AL but as we know it is a beast that tries to best our resolve. I am not letting it win.

              Its amazing how many tv shows i actually remember now, the beginning the middle and the end and most importantly the storyline. Now that is a bonus and cooking for my sons.

              I was always too hungover to see that my life was not a life at all but an existence that was not benefiting anyone let alone myself. It is becoming a lot clearer without AL.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                Right on! When I drank i would think of "what happened to me last night" because I didn't remember.

                Now when I think of last night I think of what happened as in a tv show or where I was and who was there etcc...
                What you resist persits


                  Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                  Hey Enough still going strong i hope, I got my power cut off last night (long bloody story) so no electricity no internet nothing so what do i do i get a bottle of wine and think yep. First problem was I had to go to the shop to get candles so what do i do i buy that bottle. Took me an hour to pour a glass, had half a glass and tipped it out. It tasted so foul, i had a talk to myself about why I did this and came to no real conclusion lol but proud that i did not finish the glass let alone the bottle. So Day 19 and still going pretty strong. Feeling great mind and body (well body could do with a bit of work) but life is good.

                  Dryer how is going today? Hope you are still going strong. The first few days are the hardest. I so dont ever want to wonder what happened, where did those bruises come from, who did i ring, who did i text, what did i say on FB, the list is endless.

                  Hey LC I see you are still going strong, wonderful to hear. HADIT where are you? Also Free?????

                  Hope everyone is having a great AF day.
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                    Way to go avail, yeah you make it sound a lot more exciting when you drank, good deal. (where did these bruises come from- funny) Now we sound like our dads.

                    Man that is awesome to buy a bottle and then throw it out. Close call but your self image grew 10 times bigger. We get the mojo from that, that is good to carry me through till at least Friday. That will be day 11.

                    Thanks for choosing the prize and leading the way.
                    What you resist persits


                      Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                      What I hate most about drink is the missing out on life part. I am living right now. Keep strong and do what makes you happy. Not drinking makes me happy.
                      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                        Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                        I totally agree with you LB we have missed out on so much although we think we havent as in our AL muddled brains we say "well we were there werent we". I used to be everywhere just a shame i cant remember half of it or 3/4 really. My button has nearly clicked and i am sure the button is not far off being turned off on AL. I told my daughter about having a wine and pouring it out and she was so proud and that makes it all worthwhile.

                        Its getting easier Dryer and the cravings less and the headaches less and no shakes etc. Keep going Dryer we can do it
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                          Goodaye Guys, Thanks available for asking .I am still around and taking each day as it comes. I don,t like to think I will never drink again. I can,t promise that atm. But what I can promise is I will never give up trying to beat this condition.


                            Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                            Good to see you hanging around Hadit, keep up the positive good thoughts about beating it. What we need is some warm bloody weather to make us happier is all i can say.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                              Hello to all! For some enjoying a beautiful Satuday... For others around the world... it's Sunday all ready... I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Doing really well in "moderating land"... So proud to report it has been about 5weeks since I have been drunk one time. Not too many alcohol free days to report... But lots of successful putting away the bottle and saying done. I remember every single moment of everyday ... Every conversation ... Each good night kiss... Not chugging water when I wake up thinking " a little drink would make me feel better".... Feel pretty good. Eating lots of sweets... Made a key lime pie ( super easy) .. Was able to enjoy a slice as I don't need to pair it with red wine ... Needed something else to fill some time Thursday might so made cauliflower soup ( yummy)... Not loosing that last 5 lbs yet but who really cares.
                              I am so proud of those adding up successful days. And if you are not yet... Keep trying and staying committed. Keep checking in and only be honest to keep on task.
                              Best to everyone.
                              Avail... Had it.. Little B...dryer.. Thanks for sticking w me here!!! Thread had over 60k reads... Pretty cool stuff.
                              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                                Conquoring day 1!!! Who's beating this with me?

                                Avail, cheers to ya, I'm here, way to go. Hey you got those last 5 lbs to lose, get to work.
                                What you resist persits

