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New here Looking for help

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    New here Looking for help

    Hi there, after a month of failed attempts to beat this on my own. I now realize I need support. And after searching online, this place sounded helpful. Not sure how this works or where to start.....
    Feeling defeated after waking up yet again with regret. Every day I think I can do it, but by 7 pm it starts calling again.

    New shoes

    New here Looking for help

    Hi New Shoes.

    Welcome. Sounds like you have found the right place. We all have similar stories. Have you read the MWO book? If not you can download it from here. Also think about getting the supplements as they can really help with cravings, detox etc. The CD's are also worth listening to ( I sound like a salesman, dont I! I can assure you I am not getting paid for this "advert" - just using my experience).

    Have a look around the site and join us in the Newbies nest. There are alot of new people there and we all offer and receive support and it is a great place to ask any questions you may have. Someone will always have an answer. No need for shame or embarrasment here, we really do understand.

    Stick around and take care of yourself.

    Hippy Chick
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      New here Looking for help

      Thanks for the reply Hippy Chick! Just posting for the first time was tough. It's admitting to yourself that there is a problem.... Something I swore I didn't have.... I just loved good wine, right? Well, a few hundred bottles later here I am. I'll look at the newbie nest and start on trying to make today the day. Thanks for the tips, I'll look for the book. Fingers crossed for today!

      New shoes


        New here Looking for help

        Hi new shoes and welcome!! I too found that I could not stop without support. My Way Out was the start of a whole new life for me!! Like Hippy Chick, I recommend starting with the book. You can download it from the "Health Store" (center of the top menu bar) and start reading right away. I followed all the recommendations in the book with the exception of prescription medication. I know those tools (supplements, hypnosis CD's, diet, exercise) along with becoming involved in this forum were instrumental getting me on the path to sobriety. There have been bumps in the road (that's normal I found!) and my personal plan for sobriety has evolved over the years. If I can do it, and these other folks here can do it, you can do it too.


        PS - HC - awesome to see you! Where have you been? Would love to see you on AF Daily!
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          New here Looking for help

          Hi New Shoes! This is a great place to get support in trying to kick the wine habit. I've found that reading the other posts helps keep me from running out and buying another bottle.


            New here Looking for help

            NS: I've been a member here for 4 years, & this was the first place I actually broke through my denial about how abnormally I drank. Keep coming & sharing. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              New here Looking for help

              Hi all! Thanks so much for your posts! It was a HUGE deal for me to comment on here. It's the first time I've admitted anything. I have been reading the threads and they are very helpful. I really don't feel as alone about this now. I suppose I fooled myself bc I had rules. "how can i have a problem if I never drink during the day?". Etc...etc...
              I'm at the beach house with the kids and I was goingto wait to try this when we we went back home.... But I just can't stand waking up everyday with that cloud of pain and regret. It's going to be tough, but after reading so much on here, I have to give this a try.

              Thanks for the tips, I'm going to try and download the book now.

              I can do this!!

              New shoes


                New here Looking for help

                Hi New Shoes,

                Welcome to MWO, we are all here for the same reason, wanting to wake up every morning AL & hangover free

                You will find so much support and advice here from some amazing people :welcome:
                I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                But I can change the direction of my sail.

                AF since 01/05/2014

                100 days 07/08/2014


                  New here Looking for help

                  Welcome New Shoes!

                  This place is such a great place to be on. Even if you haven't stood up in a room full of people, or confined in someone about it, sometimes just getting it out to anyone that there is a problem and you want a better life makes a huge difference. This is a great place for it.

                  No one judges, lots of people are or have gone through similar experiences. I've been here over a week and can't tell you how much it has encouraged me to change my life for the better.

                  Look forward to reading more posts Take care
                  "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."-- Judy Garland


                    New here Looking for help

                    Thanks for support! Your posts really make it feel like I can do this. Working on day 2! The next 3 hours will be the worst , but I'm trying to hang in there. I'm planning now, I realize that is key. Hope is strong, but so is the wine, so I need to keep a plan every day.
                    I've been reading many of your stories on other threads and you all are inspiring me. Husband is having his happy hour drink, and I'm drinking ice cold water and feeling ok, so far anyway........ Getting ready for a run to ward off the anxiety.
                    Working to make it to day 3!

                    New shoes


                      New here Looking for help

                      Hi new shoes and welcome! I just bumped this thread - but here's the link. I think you might find it helpful.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

