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Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

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    Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

    I'm really fed up with myself - I decided half way through friday I was going to have a drink - I didn't even try to stop myself - so two bottles of wine later then one on saturday, one on sunday and one and a bit last night. Time to start again. I am sooo depressed

    Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

    Welcome Lydia!

    Good for you for making 10 days! What a great start.
    Pretty much everyone here has had a similar experience in relapsing and it doesn't feel nice. We know.
    Have you checked out all of the support offered by MWO? If not please do so. And if you haven't checked Newbies Nest post, you should. There you'll find many who are / have experienced the same thing. We're all battling the same evil and you will never find a more supportive group of friends anywhere.
    Hang in the Lydia and if your MWO friends can help, we're here.

    If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

    If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me


      Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

      10 days is great Lydia, it shows you have a real desire to stop.

      Today is a new day, don't be too hard on yourself as you recognise you want to stop, focus on the future you want to have.

      We're all at various stages of the same tough journey so do read the forum, there are many inspirational posts here that will help and guide you in the right direction.


        Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

        Hi Lydia

        10 days is a HUGE effort. I haven't done it yet. I succumbed on the weekend after a few days. You should be proud but you just gotta pick yourself up and make a plan to start again. I'm trying to do that and I've decided I will co incide that time for when I receive the MWO book and supplements in the mail.That's my plan.No huge pressure on myself.And you shouldn't heap pressure on your self either. I'm not getting blasted, just having the evening beer but I want to stop that so I'm AL free which I know will boost my wellbeing. Please give yourself a break, give yourself credit for 10 days and allow yourself to start again when you're ready.

        Take care and look after yourself. You've shown great courage in reporting back for support



          Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

          well done, don't knock it !!!! Focus on the fact that you actually managed 10 days. Next time you reach day 10 remember how you feel today.
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

            Hi Lydia,

            Why did you decide to drink after 10 AF days?
            Was it a planned thing or did you react to some trigger? It's important to figure it out so you don't keep repeating the pattern. Turning down the volume on the mind chatter is very hard but something you need to do to remain on the AF wagon I found distraction to be a key factor for me. The minute a drinking thought entered my head I stopped whatever I was doing & went on to do something completely different! That action really helped!

            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

              10 days is an awesome achievment! not managed past day 4 in 10 years+ mate! Keep reading/posting/lurking really helps...take care of yourself
              big love..
              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

                Hi Lydia,

                We really need each other's support.... I went 10 days as well, got complacent and just decided "what the hell" no particular reason!
                I'm still having such a hard time wrapping my head around the fact-I CAN NEVER TOUCH ALCOHOL AGAIN! What the hell is wrong with my brain?


                  Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

                  10 days great effort! I made it to day 6 once... Now on day 3 and that the past 15 years! Ouch. Keep trying and if you need some support feel free to join us ladies on my thread conquering day 1. Love to have you over We are all LOVE our wine. let's do this together.
                  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                    Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

                    Hi Lydia,
                    Just want to add my support.

                    Still trying !!!
                    AF 25th June2014


                      Back to day 1 only managed 10 days :-(

                      Lydia congrats on 10 days. Weekend sounds the same for me only a bottle of vodka a night. I'm trying day one also. Lets stick to it together.

