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What is it with Day 5 6?

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    What is it with Day 5 6?

    I can't seem to get passed day 5 and 6. Got to day 6 the other day and developed a massive 'craving' for the poison. This has happened to me before. I rationalised it and felt okay with having a hangover, so after much debate with myself, decided to have a drink and deal with the hangover the next day. Well, the next day was not so pretty.

    I genuinely hate alcohol, yet i sometimes i can't get passed these days. Is there anything i can do to get passed these days (and yes, i tried everything, talking myself down)? I feel like i am going to burst if i don't have a drink :egad: I woke up this morning without a hangover (although it takes me 2 days to get poison out of system these days) and KNOW that i do not want a life of alcohol anymore, yet i need to get passed these points.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    What is it with Day 5 6?

    Hi Change

    That sounds soooo like my situation. Get to day 5 or 6 and something convinces me to have a drink - the poison easily rationalises it. At least you're aware that this is a danger period. How to overcome it? Not sure but you can plan for it as I need to as well.

    Hope you're going okay otherwise.



      What is it with Day 5 6?

      Hi Jim,

      How are you going?

      Well, the next few days are taken care of, as i have to work. I am looking forward to today, i have a lot planned. It's nice to look forward to the day rather than try to work out how you're going to cope with it!

      I'm going to have to work out some strategies for the AF thing. In fact, i might set the goal of not drinking m-fri for the next two weeks, again, due to work commitments.
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        What is it with Day 5 6?

        Day 5 is a common stumbling block. All you can do is to be determined to reach day 7 and be prepared for the temptation.
        Try starting on a different day. If you always start on Monday, then by weekend you're feeling great and it's easy to think you will be OK to drink, plus it's Friday which means everyone else is drinking. What if you start on Friday or Saturday and try to make it through to the next weekend. Having managed one AF weekend you may be able to talk yourself into another when you get there.


          What is it with Day 5 6?

          Gday Change

          Not too bad at the moment. Have been through the ringer a bit - separation / house sale / settlement etc but I'm in a new place and a lot better than I was. Seem to be able to do 3 - 4 days AF then lapse. I was pretty bad during the above circumstances but now am ready to make a better fist of it going AF. I've ordered all the vitamin supplements and the book from the online store so when that arrives it'll be time to co-ordinate those and forward planning to ditch this stuff. Won't look too far ahead or promise any timeframes but will do one minute, hour, day and week at a time.

          Hope you're able to get your plan together and work your way through the process. AT least in MWO you have a heap of people who have been there and are there and know where you're coming from.



