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I Have Had enough

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    I Have Had enough

    I am so sick of what al has done to me. I have a beautiful wife and family but have hidden my drinking habits (1 to 2 btles of wine a day 3 to 4 days a week for many years). I dont want to drink any more. Moderation doesnt work.I cannot stop at one drink. I need help. I cannot do this on my own.I am so sorry to sound like a winger, but I have pretty well hit the wall and am now willing to do anything to stop. Thank You for listening

    I Have Had enough

    Hi Boozer

    Welcome and you have come to the right place to get help. We are almost all in the same boat and trying to do something positive about it.

    I too have been drinking one or two bottles of wine a day for years - and am on the point of almost losing my fiance (we are supposed to be getting married in three weeks) because of it.

    I decided yesterday that I am going to do something about it and am now on Day two AF.

    There is a fabulous thread just below posted by 'Enough' called 'Conquering Day 1' - we are all new to this and supporting each other through this horrible addiction. Can I suggest that you read through the entire thread and then join us all.

    :welcome: Snap X
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      I Have Had enough

      Snapdragon, Thanks so much for your post. I do hope u can somehow resolve your drinking problem and proceed with your marriage.I have been married many years but so much want to stop drinking,it would be such a great life without the booze. Used to love it, but now it dominates my life. Good Luck! Let us know how everthing works out. Maybe we can do this together??:thanks:


        I Have Had enough

        Hi Boozer

        You don't have to do this on your own, we're here, just yell shout or scream if you need something. I drank two bottles of wine at least each day, first each evening once the kids were settled but eventually it had to stop when I was drinking half and vodka during the day whilst they were at school.

        You have your motivation, your wife and children so do it for them. The Toolbox is a good place to start ( I can't find it if someone else could post the link please):l Find your triggers, change your routine, make sure you are occupied during your witching hour, yes it's hard at first but if I can do it then you can too.

        Make a plan, read everything you can here, get involved in a thread or the chat room, prepare yourself for any possible side effects, if you know in advance what they could be if they happen you'll know how to deal with them and it is normal.

        Most of all look after yourself, eat well, drink lots of water, herbal tea and if you can take them a herbal based treatment like calms can help to help with the stress, just take it minute by minute and hour by hour until you feel stronger.

        Take care


        Just taking it day by day.......


          I Have Had enough

          I found the toolbox


          Just taking it day by day.......


            I Have Had enough

            Good to see your post boozer. You definitely don't have to go this alone. Getting booze out of my life wasn't easy, but it was the best thing I ever did for my marriage, and for my life in general.

            The Toolbox thread is good! I suggest making a plan. Setting some goals. Deciding in advance how you will handle trigger times and circumstances. Determine a strategy for handling social events. Having a game plan worked much better for me than flying blind and "hoping" for the best.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              I Have Had enough

              Hello Boozer!
              If you need some support I welcome you to my thread (conquering day 1 )snap mentioned in an above post. We can use some guys over there

              Read from the beginning to truly understand our stories. There is lots of support we are all in this together.

              Celebrating day 5 today
              Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Albert Einstein


                I Have Had enough

                Hi Boozer,

                I was in your shoes when I first came here but that's all changed now

                Be sure to read the MWO book (you can download it from the Health Store here) so you completely understand the program. And arm yourself with a good, solid plan using the tools in the Tool Box.

                Stay close to mWO, check in every single day, it really helps

                Wishing you the best!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  I Have Had enough

                  Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your kind words and helpfull advice. I am planning a A/F weekend and will be keeping close to MWO.I need lots of support :thanks:


                    I Have Had enough

                    Just saying Hi can do it...good luck x
                    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                      I Have Had enough

                      Hi Boozer and Welcome!
                      There is a lot of support here.
                      You can do this!

                      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                        I Have Had enough

                        How are you doing today Boozer? One day at a time my friend.

