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Looking forward to a sober future

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    Looking forward to a sober future

    :new: Hi, This is my first visit to the site and from reading everyones good wishes to others I glad to be here and feel happy that I'm not alone in this.

    I'm a young mum of two grown up kids, and have just gotten engaged to a guy who is very anti alcohol due to the effects it has had on his family, and he has made me realise that I too have a problem. I really want this relationship to work, and also say goodbye to the craving to drink, I don't drink everyday, but once I start I just can't seem to stop, and have all the guilt and unhealthy side affects. I really want to feel healthy and happy and get rid of the craving to drink, and then drink too much. I'm feeling pretty low about myself at the moment and can't wait to beat this and feel better.

    :thanks: :h

    Looking forward to a sober future

    Hi Jasmine,

    I'm new too. Sounds like you have great motivation to give up. good luck. I often wish I could meet someone who is anti grog too, I guess I hope it will make it easier. Wishful thinking though I guess. I've been sober for 2 weeks now, just got through my work Xmas party!!

    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Looking forward to a sober future

      Hi Flip!

      Hi, and thanks for your kind words, and we are practically neighbours, so it's nice to talk to someone local. In a way it is nice to be with a non drinker, after a series of heavy drinking boyfriends, who were actually more like drinking buddies, but the down side is he has no understanding of what it's like, and he thinks that I just do it to rub it in his face, which is not true, as it is something I fight off until I just can't anymore, usually stress or feeling bad will set me off, and then I can seem to stop myself. I know that this is no way to deal with the problems in life, but when he has a go at me, the first thing I want to do is have a drink! Can't win it seems, but I'm trying to take one day at a time and find other ways of dealing with my emotions, but sometimes it feels like he is the one causing me the stress, so it has become a problem also....

      Look forward to talking with you some more, it's good to talk to people that understand and don't judge.

      Cheers, (bad choice of words? lol)

      :thanks: :h


        Looking forward to a sober future

        Nice to meet you Jas

        Hi Jas,

        Where are you? i'm guessing Sydney? lol How's it all going?

        I still have a couple of 'buddys' that are huge drinkers. What do you do with them once you sober up and find out what they look like! :H

        My ex was a non-drinker. When we met I was probably already an alcoholic only I didn't know it then. After we married I didn't drink for the whole 13 years we were together. However, the day he left (after I kicked him out), I bought a box of red and that was the beginning of the end.... I guess you could say he saved my life. if I'd kept drinking all those years too I would be dead by now, instead of healthy, with two beautiful daughters. Maybe that is why I put such faith in finding a non-drinking partner (although sometimes even the 'buddys' start looking good! :yuk: )

        What are you to help yourself be sober? I'm taking Campral - it's really good for abstinence. I am also seeking the help of a counsellor with the drug and alcohol council here starting tomorrow. I have also bought a few books which have helped a lot too. Allen Carr's Easyway to control drinking has probably been the best buy yet.

        I've done 19 days sober now, but still struggling sometimes. other times I think I'll never drink again. One day at a time. One hour at a time.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Looking forward to a sober future

          Hi there Flip and Jasmine,
          I think you'll find a lot of Aussies here at MWO but one thing you will find is a lot of caring and supportive people from all over the place, all going on the same journey as you guys.
          This site has been an amazing help for me to quit (and I was a bottle of vodka a day,girl)and I know you will both find some amazing people here to help you too.
          Welcome to both of you,and good luck.


            Looking forward to a sober future

            Hi Flip & Stollie!

            Just back from Hols, so soz I haven't replied before.

            I'm 16 days af and so far so good, the ultimatum from my financee didn't hurt. So far I'm taking the supps and listening to the cd's, but will try Campral if I need to. I'm wondering if you had any trouble getting a script for it, I asked one doctor here and he looked at me as if I was a crazy person and told me to go see a drug & alchohol councillor. I live on the South Coast NSW (Batemans Bay). I have 1 friend who has been my drinking buddie, but she is cooling towards me now I have made the decision to quit, and I think she resents my fiancee for his stand on things.

            Hope you are all going well, like I said, so far so good for me, but I expect it to get hard around 'that time of the month' as this is when my binging has always been at its worst.

            Cheers, Jas
            :thanks: :h


              Looking forward to a sober future

              Hi jasmin
              I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. 16 days is fantastic. I'm on day14 myself and feeling great.


                Looking forward to a sober future

                Hey Jas!

                I'm in Sydney... howdy neighbour!

                16 days... you are brilliant. Keep on checking in with everyone on the site... that's what's keeping me going!

                Free since 26th February 2012


                  Looking forward to a sober future

                  You are doing so well Jas!!! :goodjob:

                  If your Dr told you that, s/he has NO bloody idea about what is really going on with you, so find another doctor ASAP!!! BB is a smallish place, so if you need to go outside the area PM me and I'll give you the name of my Dr, she's fantasitic. She has NEVER given up on me, even when I drag my sorry arse in there with the worst hangover, or even, god forbid, half cut. :sighbubble: it's wonderful having support. That's why we hang out here!

                  If your 'friend' can't handle you sober, she may not be worth keeping. However, if you think she is, why not ask her to do something "non-alchoholic" with you - a walk, swim, movies.. try and redefineyour relationship. it's really worked for me (with the ones worth keeping!).

                  Hmm, PMT - eat chocolate! lol

                  Keep on keeping off....


                  PaulB. Conga rats to you to sweetie!
                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    Looking forward to a sober future

                    Jasmine - congrats on your 16 days! Way to go. You will do absolutely fabulous! I know all about binging during the PMS stage - but for me it just made it worse LOL! Good job!


                      Looking forward to a sober future

                      :woot: 16 days AF. That's sooo cool. I'm just on day 6 AF. I'm not sure about the friend thing. I just moved at the end of Aug. and I really have noooo friends here. A lot of people seem to drift in in and out of my life lately. I just have Hubby. He drinks socially. He doesn't beat me up mentally for my addiction. He gets it. He supports me and is my cheerleader these days. He has never said I'm a bad person. He just says you're and addict and we have to get you healthy again. So, I see there is hope. :h

