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How long?

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    How long?

    Hi all - I am Day 3 AF - which isn't much, but the longest I've gone without wine for a very, very long time!!

    I'm sure a lot of us who are very early in journey to give up AL are wondering the same - how long will it be before I don't spend my entire day obsessing about not drinking, not having a massive fight with myself on my journey home from work - shall I or shan't I give in and buy a bottle, everytime something goes wrong want to give up and open a bottle etc etc - I know you have all been there, done that!!

    Does it get easier in a week? will it be this intense even after a month?

    I admire so many of you who are celebrating a month, 6 months, a year or even longer - my question to you all is - How Long? :thanks:
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    How long?

    Hi Snap...

    I am Day 2 AF (again..) I so feel your struggle with the questions you ask! I am exactly where you are and have the very same question. On my drive home from work, I too struggle with, "do I stop and get some or not?" Of course I don't want too, but there seems to be this undying force that won't let me just get the thought out of my head! It is a battle! I have to convince myself to drive past the grocery store and sometimes even when I am past the grocery store, I consider turning around and going back! It is an inner battle that feels like there is some paranormal force behind it - is that strange? it is the only way I can explain it....

    -wordy response to say I can relate and have the same question! Cravings are the worst...



      How long?

      It is tough. I am on day 13 and can't tell you how many day 1's I've had. This time is slightly different because when I decided to stop I tried to figure out what was really driving me to drink. Anxiety seems to be the main theme for me. So first I decided this time to quit the caffeine first. After two weeks of 1 cup of java a day I started with my AF plan and have now found it much easier to just not drink. I actually find giving up caffeine harder than giving up anything else. Seems like coffee and alcohol share some sort of interrelated action.
      I think it is the blood glucose thing. If you can even out your blood sugar the cravings may not go away but will diminish greatly(at least w/me). So now I am going to totally caffeine free and see how diet and exercise work without AL or stimulants. Hope this may help you as well. Best, hyper


        How long?

        Bloody well done you. Snapdragon!

        As far as I am concerned, there is no set 'length of time' that it takes. I believe that it happens when something shifts inside you, when your thinking changes, when you learn to accept your troubles. That is certainly true for the type of drinker I was anyway.

        I did a whole year on my own and actually it got harder and harder - I was scared of relapsing so many times. Some days I got my bf to lock me in the bathroom as I was scared I'd go and buy something.

        Now I am staying sober through mutual aid groups and I am only 6 months but I feel solid in sobriety. Who knows, I may relapse - it's a relapsing illness. But I don't feel like I did when I was doing it on my own - I'm not constantly scared of myself picking up. I am calmer. And it's a hell of a lot easier!

        You're doing amazingly if this is the longest you've gone - don't forget to feel really proud of yourself for that!
        K x
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          How long?

          Hi Snapdragon & everyone!

          I think ww are all different & heal in our own way & time.
          For me I think it was around the three month point when I actually started to believe I was living the AF life! The drinking thoughts will be less frequent & less intense as each day goes by. Developing a sense of gratitude helped me so much. Do some reading here - I've been a member for quite some time. The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies

          Congrats on your 3 AF days. Do everything you can to keep it going

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            How long?

            Snap, congratulations on your 3 days AF!! I was a daily drinker for about 30 years and I can't tell you how many times I told myself I wouldn't drink, and then couldn't even make it until 5PM much less 3 whole days!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!! What a wonderful new beginning for you.

            I agree with the others that it's an individual journey. Like Kimberly mentioned - I have really benefited from face to face support. I have also done a lot of soul searching and focused on personal growth - developing in ways that I should have developed YEARS ago - but didn't as I was too busy drinking and nursing hangovers. Building a new life for myself that has no room for AL in it has been very key for me. A focus on what I'm DOING (growing as a person and building a new and more meaningful life) more than what I'm NOT DOING (drinking).

            All the best to you. Don't be afraid. It WILL get easier.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              How long?

              hi all, congrats to you all for deciding to get sober.
              For me, it is still tough from time to time, but it does get so much easier in time.
              But the advantages of not drinking make up for the difficult cravings and temptations.
              6 months on and I still have my moments when I am tempted.
              But the sense of pride the next day when I stick with the plan, "no matter what, I am not drinking alcohol" today is amazing.

              Please, please, stick with it, no matter what it takes, you all definitely wont regret it.

              Congrats again

              Still trying !!!
              AF 25th June2014


                How long?

                Day 4

                Hi all

                Thank you so much for your helpful replies - I can see this is going to be an ongoing journey, but hopefully it will get easier. I'm beginning to recognise my triggers and for me it is when it gets to around 4pm I start to think about a nice cool glass of wine when I get home.

                Yesterday, I made an excuse and left work early and took my two dogs for a five mile bike ride (nearly killed the poor things!! but my going AF is certainly going to get them into shape too!!) by the time I got home I was really thirsty and had two huge glasses of cherry juice while I cooked tea - by which time the craving had gone. Its funny - the craving for me is just between 4pm up until I eat - so if I can get through those few hours each day, I should be OK.

                Well - here we are - day 4. The awful headache has finally gone and I slept like a log last night!

                Disco Bunnie - it's great to hear from you - do you remember the last time we made a go of it here (quite a long time ago now) and we tried to support each other through it. You did so much better than me and if I remember, went AF for quite a long time. Hopefully my resolve is much stronger this time - I keep thinking how amazing it would be to be free!!
                Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

