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I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

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    I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

    Hi, everyone! I'm new here, and stumbled across this forum while researching liver pain. For a few days now I've had a sore upper right flank, radiating around to the kidney area. It feels like something is swollen in there when I press on it. I also feel a bit like I have a bug or something. Here's the background...

    I have been a drinker off and on since my late teens, (late 40's now), with many years of hardly any drinking or no drinking at all. Recently, having lost 3 jobs in the last 6 years (layoffs), I was hitting the wine quite a bit. About one bottle to a bottle and half, three or four days a week. A few months ago, I stopped that, and only drank once every five or six days, same amount, when I called my mother. For some reason I can't talk to my mother without drinking first. She stresses me out. Anyhoo...Two days before I noticed the pain I had done the bottle and half routine, and that's the last time I had a drink. It's been 7 days and I don't want to drink now ever again. I'm really scared something is wrong with my liver or some other organ. I don't have any money for doctors, and no insurance, so I can't get it checked out, and quite frankly, I would like my "numbers" to go down before anyone tested me for anything, although I doubt they are that bad, but who knows. I should add I don't have a fever or vomiting or anything else...I had initially thought it was a kidney infection, but haven't developed any other symptoms at all.

    I live alone and don't have anyone close in this area, and I'm just wondering if anyone has had these symptoms? I think what I did was considered "binge" drinking, right? I just want it to be over. I won't be drinking again, ever.

    Thank you in advance. This forum is really amazing! I'm going to refer a friend of mine who almost lost her life at 44 from cirrhosis. Unfortunately, she is drinking again, here and there, and I'm afraid she won't make it.

    I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

    Hell Ms. Styrious,
    Welcome to MWO, you have found a great place for support. I have the same wine habit as you, and I understand the need to have a glass of wine while on the phone to mother. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, if we treat it with care. If you are really worried it would be wise to get checked out by a doctor. But first and foremost you need to stop with the wine (or any booze). Get yourself some Vitamin C, some B-complex and Milk Thistle, also L-Glutamine is good for fending off cravings. Start the morning with a warm cup of water and fresh lemon. Drink plenty of water and lemon throughout the day and be sure to eat three healthy meals a day. Loads of roughage, rice, fruit and vegetables. Stay close to the forum, there is a wealth of information and support here.

    Looking forward to getting to know you better!
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin


      I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

      Thanks, not tonight! I've really been hitting the vitamins/herbs, drinking so much tea and lemon water I should probably just sit on the toilet all day. I've always had a healthy diet, lots of vegies, don't eat sugar, etc. I'm just wondering if once a week "binge" drinking could bring on liver swelling? Like I mentioned in my post, I quit a week ago, and will suffer through the calls with mom sober. I may need to find some form of herbal tranquilizer, however, LOL. It's funny, even the thought of drinking wine right now makes me feel sick. I threw away the half bottle I had left, and the smell was nauseating. I guess I scared myself sober.


        I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

        Ms S, is there any way you can get insurance now and get check in sixty days or whatever the waiting period is? Just in case? You must be in the USA, no healthcare, eh?

        If it makes you feel any better, I've had scares too, with pain in my kidneys and liver and chest. They went away when I went AF. I hope yours do too!


          I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

          Hello Bruunhilde...Yes, I'm in the USA, and the health care situation (or lack thereof) here is completely absurd. I'm just one among millions who just have to sit and cross our fingers that a major health issue doesn't come up. If it does, the only option is to go to the ER and get slapped with a massive bill and the end of it. Alot of people then just file bankruptcy. Sad.

          May I ask how long it was before your pain disappeared after you went AF?


            I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

            Not knowing too much about your situation it is hard to say. I do know that the adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys. I have searched and read much about this but not sure it creates pain or tenderness. Here's a link to at least look at it Adrenal Fatigue - Related Health Conditions - Alcoholism and Addiction. My advice~ don't drink, it just makes any problem worse in the long run. Best to you.


              I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

              :welcome: This is a great forum for support. Lots of different methods for stopping are in use here. I hope you find what will work for you to stop drinking.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

                Thanks, everyone! Still monitoring the situation and it seems to be calming down a bit. I'm now suspecting it could be my gallbladder. Nevertheless, I am grateful somewhat, as I see this as a wakeup call, and don't intend to ever drink again. I haven't had any wine for about 9 days now, and it hasn't been a problem at all. I was drinking once a week before, so there wasn't any withdrawal or anything along those lines. Haven't missed it at all. Liver area is just still a little sore, but no other symptoms, so I will continue to drink fluids and wait it out.


                  I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

                  Ms. Styrious;1149155 wrote: Thanks, everyone! Still monitoring the situation and it seems to be calming down a bit. I'm now suspecting it could be my gallbladder. Nevertheless, I am grateful somewhat, as I see this as a wakeup call, and don't intend to ever drink again. I haven't had any wine for about 9 days now, and it hasn't been a problem at all. I was drinking once a week before, so there wasn't any withdrawal or anything along those lines. Haven't missed it at all. Liver area is just still a little sore, but no other symptoms, so I will continue to drink fluids and wait it out.
                  Congrats on 9 days! :goodjob:


                    I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

                    Ms. Styrious;1149155 wrote: Thanks, everyone! Still monitoring the situation and it seems to be calming down a bit. I'm now suspecting it could be my gallbladder. Nevertheless, I am grateful somewhat, as I see this as a wakeup call, and don't intend to ever drink again. I haven't had any wine for about 9 days now, and it hasn't been a problem at all. I was drinking once a week before, so there wasn't any withdrawal or anything along those lines. Haven't missed it at all. Liver area is just still a little sore, but no other symptoms, so I will continue to drink fluids and wait it out.
                    Ditto the congrats on 9 days AF! :goodjob: I hope you do whatever you have to do to remember this scare, and don't take your body for granted. AL is toxic and poison. So I say no thanks.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

                      It came as a bit of a shock to me that a bottle, bottle and a half of wine once per week could make me so ill, but I guess it must be a cumulative effect of the years of drinking. Although I never considered myself to have an alcohol problem, as I could take it or leave it, and went for years of non-drinking between bouts. Oh well, live and learn. Everyone's body is different and mine obviously can't take it anymore.


                        I'm so afraid I've damaged myself...

                        Hello Ms. S. Hope your situation continues to improve. BTW, some folks are extremely sensitive to the effects of alcohol. You may be one of them. It was certainly the case with me. Anyway, be well and it's nice to meet you! John
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

