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Just starting the sober journey

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    Just starting the sober journey

    Hey everyone

    I just thought i would share my experience and see if can get any advice or support along the way. I?m from Canada and i have been off alcohol now for over 4 months i feel great and am very excited for the future. I stopped drinking because while drunk out of my mind a party i slept with one of my really good friends while she was still asleep... the next morning she told me that she knew about it and proceed to tell a couple of my friends what happened. I now can?t show my face to any of my friends and i have alienated myself to just staying home and not talking to anyone. This has never happened to me before, i don?t know what in my mind made me do such a horrible thing but i am 100% positive it was because of alcohol. I am starting a new college in September, which she also go's too but in a different program then i am taking, so that?s going to be a challenge in itself. I hope to make a clean break and start over at my new school. I guess the only advice i would want to ask is how to still be fun and outgoing at parties, so i can start the process of making some new friends.
    This is a very difficult time in my life so i would only ask for help or advice.
    Thank you so very much for this forum, i really hope i can get the answers i need to move on in my life

    "I am not a bad person, i am just a person that dose bad things"

    "The only way to overcome immense regret and disappointment in your life is to look to the horizon and know that things can only get better"

    Just starting the sober journey

    Hi & welcome broms to mwo,This is a great place & fantastic community with lots of support & good advice,read as many posts & threads as you can and post your feelings and thoughts as we all know what you are going through,remember your not alone in this battle also :-) there are quite a few fellow canadians on here,There is a tool box in the monthly moderation thread be sure to check it out,& dont forget to give yourself a chance,Good Luck.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

