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The stakes are life and death.

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    The stakes are life and death.

    Something really tragic happened in my town last weekend. I just heard about it today. One life was lost, and the other changed forever. And as these things go, who knows how many more people are hurt by this.

    One man is homeless and a very sad situation. He is seriously mentally ill. He is also an alcoholic. I know him from the tables of AA and also through volunteer work at the mission where he goes for hot meals. He gets a check once a month, and he goes and spends it all in a bar. Then he walks the streets as he always does - drunk or sober. He was walking the streets drunk this weekend.

    Another guy who is married with children was out on a bender. My friend who knows him says he sometimes thinks he needs to stop drinking, then other times is not so sure. Sound familiar? He was out drinking this weekend, and driving the streets.

    These two met on the streets. The homeless man is dead and the man uncertain about whether he's a problem drinker is in jail - and probably for a very very long time.

    I have been involved in the local recovery community long enough to have heard many sad stories of alcohol related death in one form or another. The very odd thing for my friend who told me, is that he knew both of these people well. I thought how difficult it would be to make any excuses or to place blame when it's just so tragically sad for both of them. And their loved ones.

    I am grateful to hear about these things and know about these things. It takes all the luster and glamour away from AL, and I can see only the ugly underbelly of drinking alcoholically and the attendant risks.

    On the other hand, I also heard two stories of hope today.

    One man who grew up in an orphanage, and then was lost and alcoholic as a young adult, has been in revcovery a long time. He has doggedly built up a portfolio of real estate rental property so that his own kids will "always have something." What a good man!

    I am also happy to be in recovery myself and moving forward in my own life with my husband. Things are coming together for us in such a way that we have been able to offer a work opportunity to another recovering alcoholic who needs work, and who is ready for this responsibility and opportunity in his own journey. I think it will be a win/win.

    AL = ugliness and death.

    Soberity = hope and life and opportunity.

    That's the choice for people like us.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    The stakes are life and death.

    Thank you DOGGYGIRL for sharing this. xxx


      The stakes are life and death.

      thank you DG ...your posts always make me inspire me x
      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


        The stakes are life and death.

        I realize that the time I spent wondering how I would ever have fun again, and feeling sorry for myself because "I can't drink" - I WAS MISSING THE WHOLE POINT!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          The stakes are life and death.

          Thank you DG. I'm back here on day 1 and have been reading as much as I can. Just got CDs and book this week, and LGlut. Feel better armed this time. I follow your story and am always encouraged by what you have to say. :thanks:
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            The stakes are life and death.

            Thanks For that post. It really brings home what alcohol really is....devastation. You are so inspiring, doggygirl. I just know your words must help so many people, including me. Thanks again!


              The stakes are life and death.

              Thanks DG, being back to day 1, I really needed the harsh reminder that nothing good can from drinking. I am so sorry for the loss of your freind, with 2 lives ruined so tragically.

              I am struggling to stay sober and dreading next week when my DH is away. But I have managed it before (once) so I will do everything to do it again. I am going to be in a posting frenzy next week!

              Thanks again x
              I can not alter the direction of the wind,

              But I can change the direction of my sail.

              AF since 01/05/2014

              100 days 07/08/2014


                The stakes are life and death.

                Thanks DG!

                Seems like almost every day you hear of heartbreak & tragedy related to AL & drug use.
                I lost my 18 year old nephew 8 years ago in an AL related accident. I see the pain, to this day in the eyes of his parents & sister. We must never become complacent!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

