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    New to All This

    Hi GettingThere - Wow.......Day 10 is awesome. I'm on Day 12. All I can say, is I know how you feel. I wanted a glass of wine my self today. All my triggers were in play. I took some more L-Glut and I think I've pushed past the feeling. All I can say is try not to think about it....shift your attention to something else and hang in there.

    QB - I love, love, love your positive attitude!!!! Keep on going girlie!!!


      New to All This

      Sorry Getting There DAY 10!!!! even better matey x
      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


        New to All This

        Thanks QB and WineSucks - Whew - MADE IT! It was really hard and I actually did use NA Beer to help me through. I feel a bit guilty for that BUT, I did not have AL. Today is better. Back to work and staying busy and not being alone seems to help. Having you all out there anwsering me and letting me know you understand and giving me tips really helps as well.


          New to All This

          I have a very similar story as your Getting There - 38, very successful career, great marriage, 2 wonderful kids. I DO NOT want to lose it ALL for the wine..!!! I am lucky I have not made major mistakes .... I very well could have made tragic decisions while drinking! I am SO lucky - I have been given a chance by the universe to rectify this madness.

          I am on day 6 ! And feel so much better and with a cleaner head on my shoulder. Keep us posted! It is nice to know we are not alone in this battle and we channel strength from each other posts!


            New to All This

            How are you doing? Glad you made it through those cravings! You are getting stronger every day.
            ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb


              New to All This

              Hey Getting There. Today must be Day 15 for you! Congratulations! I was just reading about the wedding you have coming up this weekend. I hope you find some strategies to help you out there. Don't give up all that you've accomplished! Have you read through the for coping ideas?

