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I Missed AL Today

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    I Missed AL Today

    WHY? I missed the reward of having a glass of wine. The past two days I have cleaned all the outside walls of my home. Climbed ladders scrubbed hosed etc etc nearly killing myself in the process.

    I kept thinking about how nice it would be to reward myself not that I was going to have POISON but just that feeling of missing it. Ahhhh! I became sad and still am. More work to do on myself I think! I think the physical side of giving up drinking is easier than the mental side of it


    I Missed AL Today

    You have a great attitude Mia.
    And one that will carry you through all sorts of tough times.
    The psychological side is definitely soo much harder to conquer and it takes a lot longer in my experience.
    The feeling of deprivation WILL lift, it always does. But in the meantime try and recall your last bender or bad experience with alc and know that that is the consequence.
    Thats what I did each time the devil comes a knockin' and it works!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      I Missed AL Today

      Startingover thank you so much! I so needed to hear that! I will just stay here and keep reading. I feel safe here. x And yes I will keep thinking of my last drinking session enough to make me nearly sick now.


        I Missed AL Today

        Stick with it Mia...stay close xx
        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


          I Missed AL Today

          Thanks Queebug and Mollyka I know I will not weaken but I HATE this feeling it just creeps up on you when you think you have it beaten. Better get out that sword! Chop, and chop!


            I Missed AL Today

            Just read some of my old posts from 3 years ago. God I never ever want to go back to that feeling and it took 3 more years to get where I am now, 61 DAYS TODAY


              I Missed AL Today

              61 Days - well done! I'm on day ONE. Congratulations


                I Missed AL Today

                Hi mumofsix great on Day one! You will great tomorrow morning! x


                  I Missed AL Today

                  61 days is awesome and reading lots today about the psychological struggles...what a journey this is....glad you sound stronger...
         do I get to put a quote/AF since etc? I can't find a way and today I'm just sitting tight on the laptop to stay away from the shop and wine that I want to buy!!! Need distractions!!! :nutso: xx
                  ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                    I Missed AL Today

                    Not literally ON the laptop of course...that would be very silly :shocked:
                    ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                      I Missed AL Today

                      Im with ya Mia, every once in a while a nice cold beer sound VERY deeeeelish! And the AL voice in our heads will do whatever it takes to convince of us of that. But we do NOT need AL to live, so we should let our NA brain take over and convince us to stay the course.

                      I know its a beeeeotch sometimes, but dont give in! Keep it up :goodjob:
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        I Missed AL Today

                        Hi, I was a "my way outer" about two years ago, the first time I tried to quit, and now I am back. I can't believe how many of you have the same problem as me....WINE! Last time I was on here I don't recall anyone else who had a wine problem like me......well I'm once again a newbie. I'll share more later, but am not farmilar with how this all works, so lets see if this goes through


                          I Missed AL Today

                          Ok, it worked! I am really looking forward to having this support system again. I couldn't not have quit before without it and should have kept coming after I quit, because obviously I got back on the wagon soon after. Well I seem to have hit a rock bottom. A week and a day ago I decided that I was going to quit. Well three days later I started getting the most horrible hallucinations, and started hearing CRAZY scary voices. I had to be hospitalized, and the culprit? Detox. How could I have done this to my body....I drank so much that my body couldn't function without it. SO SCARY. I never want to have to go through something like that ever again. Just enforces the fact that it is POISON. So today is my day 8. So far, so good, but I have just been hanging out at home. All of my friends drink, so I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the next "get together" Ok, well I just wanted to say hello and that I am looking forward to getting to know you all and supporting each other with this. WE CAN DO IT!


                            I Missed AL Today

                            :welcome: tarastar x
                            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                              I Missed AL Today

                              For me it's definitely a psychological addiction. I was so disgusted with myself on my last drunk that I just stopped and felt no desire to drink. Until nearly 2 weeks out. Now the alcohol voice as been sweet talking me, trying to draw me back. I had no physical withdrawal symptoms at all.

                              Congratulations Tarastar on day 8!

