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I Missed AL Today

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    I Missed AL Today

    FA-- We're at the same point--nearly two weeks, and we're hearing the voice. So, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" I'm not religious, but it sounds serious and authoritarian. We're the ones in charge talking directly to AL. Us!

    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      I Missed AL Today

      Juja;1153326 wrote: FA-- We're at the same point--nearly two weeks, and we're hearing the voice. So, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" I'm not religious, but it sounds serious and authoritarian. We're the ones in charge talking directly to AL. Us!

      That cracked me up! :H I'm not religious either, thank God! :H


        I Missed AL Today

        It is habit. You were in the habit of rewarding yourself with alcohol in the past so you need to find something else with which to reward yourself. Alcopop.


          I Missed AL Today

          Mia - Thank you for posting this....I agree with you that this is mentally more challenging than physically. Its that darn thought that goes through our head when we start looking at having a drink as a reward instead of the poison that it really is. I keep reliving my drunken episodes over and over in my head and re-reading my posts and those of others and it helps me. It's 8 days for me tomorrow but I'm hoping to get to where you are. You have such a good head on your shoulders and have been such an inspiration....hang in there!

          Juja and Flyaway - You guys are too cute...I'm over here actually laughing....but believe me, evil is evil and the little voice we here telling us to drink is no joke.


            I Missed AL Today

            There are times when I miss AL but I don't miss the bad things that came from AL.
            I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

            Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

            Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


              I Missed AL Today

              NO, Mia!!!! :egad:

              Don't go there. When you know yo are going to work hard and may want a reward, pre-schedule a full body massage for yourself. Then when you are finished working, go right to your massage.
              You can also get one of those foot massagers that I have with the water jets, and put your feet in there for 20 min. or so. This really takes the edge off for me. :l
              You are soooo much of an inspiration around here!! You are doing great. We all get the false lying sack of crap ideas to drink, but it's all a LIE!

              Here's a letter I wrote to AL on another thread..It's from a Reba McIntyre song about a relationship with a man, but I wrote it to AL.

              Dear Wine,

              You lie, you know you're gonna hurt me, so you lie to buy a little time, and I go along.
              What else can I do? Maybe it's wrong, but you know how much I love you..
              So you lie....... 'til I can find a way to say goodbye
              You lie.....
              How long until I just can't go on, and the urge to break loose is just too strong?
              I should let go that's what I want to do
              And now I know, I know it's the right thing to goodbye
              THOUGHTS become THINGS
              choose the GOOD

              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                I Missed AL Today

                Thank you Barb and everyone. Last night when I felt horrible my internet went down have not been able to get back on until now the next day. The phone provider keeps saying my signal is strong so I do not know what the hell is going on. Maybe a rat has eaten my cords again Ahhhh frustrating. But it would be more frustrating if I was hungover!

                Thanks Dad for positing (ALCOPOP) I love that name it is so fitting.


                  I Missed AL Today

                  BARB I love that poem I have stuck it up on my fridge. Thank you my friend! xx


                    I Missed AL Today

                    You bet....
                    THOUGHTS become THINGS
                    choose the GOOD

                    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

