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not fun anymore

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    not fun anymore

    I posted before and I still drink. It is not fun anymore. I am tired , can't do anything, it was fun for a while , but I still like to drink at good concerts. it is just so fun to drink a few beers at Kid Rock concert, in Nashville but then I go to Tootsies and drink more than a few. I need help i dont want to die

    not fun anymore

    Spider-- I can't really give you a ton of wisdom--but I have felt what you are feeling. I too liked to drink at good concerts and hockey games etc-- but at some point I know what you mean-- it went from my best friend to my worst enemy. Maybe try not to go to drinking events like concerts while you are fragile-- I know that works for some. Get a little time under your belt and then evaluate. Good luck


      not fun anymore

      Hi spiderweb,

      Glad you came back to MWO, you know this is a good place!
      Did you ever read the MWO book? It's a good start, has lots of good info.

      For me it was important to make a lot of changes in the beginning. For the first 3 months I pretty much stayed home & away from people & places I associated with AL. I needed to do that to strengthen my resolve & glad I did too. I vowed to never step foot in another wine store again & I haven't. Sometimes it's just a small change but it has a big impact, you know?

      Don't forget about the Use some of those great ideas to help you make yourself a good plan.

      Stay close to MWO too, it really helps o check inevery day. Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support

      Wishing yuo the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        not fun anymore

        I know what you mean about it getting to the point where it's not fun anymore. My mind played tricks like a few are fun at rock shows... really? Trust me it's much easier to have your hands free! And the music sounds better... not to mention.. no lines to get the junk and you don't have to go to the bathroom as much... not to mention you can REMEMBER the show Best of luck I do understand.. just trying to put some positives to not drinking at a show... (this one was a hurdle for me as well) xo

