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another go at it

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    another go at it

    found this site in the summer, and was really good for 5 weeks. then, as usual, felt things were too good to be true. Back to square one. I really want to get a hold on this over the holidays. hoping for support, i know it's here, but i have to do it myself too. why does this happen over and over? is there an answer? i'm afraid of the future, I have 2 empty bottles to dispose of already this week. Tylyr

    another go at it

    Hello tylyr,

    the holiday period is always hard for folks like us but after Christmas will be hard too.
    I don't know the answer but thanks to the people here and RJ, the future's looking better.


      another go at it

      Hiya Tylyr..

      There is no magic answer unfortunatly....All you can do is KEEP trying...and trying...and trying again....And eventually something will click...

      Your back here and trying again...Which shows your intent..If you feel low or worried you might drink...get on this site and read and post....It passes those difficult hours and reminds you why your here.....

      Looking forward to reading from you in the future...
      Best of luck this time....Macks
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        another go at it

        thanks Macks and Paulb. i really want to knock this on the head, why does it take over people's lives? I've got a good life, kids are great, no problems -except this craving. Out to lunch today, can I do it? Great support - am really banking on the support this time. Thanks a bunch


          another go at it

          Hi Tylyr...yeah, I agree with mack and Pauly boy, there is no magic answer...(although i must admit, that's wot I was looking for when I started here) different things work for different mack says....the thing is that you KEEP trying.....I am on my 5,000,000th attempt at AF/cutting down/control after 20 years of very heavy drinking, but luckily, I kept trying, and ended up here........10 days AF....I am like you, I cannot understand why I am like this with no serious probs in my life (see my story yukky weekend...I feel a real cop out sometimes!!!), but the thing is, you obviously feel you DO have a problem in your life, and it's a biggie...problem drinking.....hard not to beat yourself up Missus, but keep plugging away with AF, and again...Mack's right...stick with the really does help you pass that period when the 'urge' bangs you in the face....welcome hugs Melon xoxo


            another go at it

            Welcome Back Tylyr!
            Are you incorporating the supplements and CD's into your plan of attack?
            I thought I would never get past the cravings but after a couple of weeks listening to the CDs (not as often as I should) and taking the supplements I am doing SO much better. I am still not where I want to be but I am closer to it then I have ever been before.


            : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


              another go at it

              Thanks again

              I've been taking the kudzu, but not the one recommended on the site, and i'm wondering if it's good enough. I haven't had the prescription medicines because i've read of glaucoma, and this could be a problem for me. I'm still trying, and just hope i can get through christmas. I get so fed up of it all, but it's good to know that there are others in the same place. Glad of any support.


                another go at it

                Hey Tylyr,
                I only take the supplements. One a side note...I started taking glutamine over a year ago when I began a running routine because it supposedly helps to build muscle. One side effect I noticed is that I drank less per session! It did take a good 4-6 weeks to kick in. Then I found this site a few weeks ago and noticed that glutamine is on the list! So now I take the Thistle, Kutzu and Glutamine and with a little determination I have cut my drinking to less then half of what it was a year ago.
                Chin up!
                Oh and the CD's....I am not sure if they are the reason I am drinking less in social situations but I swear my behavior has gotten much better and I have drank much less then in the past (we have been to a party or two every week for the past three weeks). I am not sure if I actually 'go under' or if I have fallen asleep. At the least they are very relaxing.

                : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


                  another go at it

                  Hey Tylyr,
                  I am back myself. Joined in the summer. Checked in once in awhile and then just had enough. I too am counting on everyone's support which has been great. My big day is Jan 1 when I go AF for a month. If I can get to the point of considering it I think most can too. Welcome back
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    another go at it

                    Hi and welcome back.

                    There was one particular posting that really helped me. It's called Alcohol/Fixing the brain. I think it was CV1 or Roberta Jewell that posted it. It explains the brain chemistry of a problem drinker and some of the things we can do diet wise to curb the cravings.

                    Good Luck.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      another go at it

                      Welcome back I am also back after being away for awhile.
                      As was mentioned before don't give up trying, I have been AF for 7 days I feel so much better today than I did a week ago. I have only done supplements but I have been taking glutamine for some time now and I think it really helps along with ( and most appreciated ) this site. Hang in there!!

                      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                        another go at it

                        brain chemistry of a problem drinker

                        I'm new to the site. I'd really love to see this posting!


