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Day 3: Proper Perspective

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    Day 3: Proper Perspective

    Today is a day for me to remember that there is but one criterion for whether or not I'm having a good day.

    Did I drink?

    If not, today is a good day. End of story.

    L-glutamine definitely helped with cravings today. I get a "buzzy" feeling from it, which is not at all unpleasant.

    AL has always existed in a bubble for me. I'm careful with money, but would always spend money on AL even when I wouldn't spend it on anything else. My diet is usually fairly stringent; yet I'd drink a bottle of vodka and that somehow wouldn't be part of the equation of how I was treating my body. AL has always been exempt from all the rules and standards to which I held the rest of my life. I've been willfully blind, shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic, paying attention to a thousand little details that ultimately don't matter much while the one gigantic, obvious, looming disaster has gone unattended to.

    No more. Today I ate chocolate and tortilla chips. My brain tells me that I've screwed up, that that's unacceptable. So silly. I'm 6', 185 pounds, strong and a runner. I'm in great shape. And even if I wasn't, you know what?

    Chocolate and tortilla chips are not going to be the near, medium or likely long term death of a healthy 37 year old man.

    Chronic, relentless AL abuse certainly will.

    Today, I'm choosing to understand that I am not perfect, and fortunately for me, I can make all sorts of mistakes that have almost no ramifications at all. There are all sorts of areas of my life that are designed to to bend, but not break. If I insist on beating myself up every time I make the slightest misstep, I'll break. And when I break, I drink.

    Day 3. A good day. :thanks:

    Day 3: Proper Perspective

    Congradulations on day 3!!! I find when I stop drinking, I wake up feeling naturally positive and optimistic, everything is that bit brighter.

    Keep up the good work


      Day 3: Proper Perspective

      DA-- Excellent post. You seem to have your head straight, and are making thoughtful decisions. I'm going to your posts to help me. I'm struggling badly with Day 10. You're an excellent writer, too.

      Daya-- You're so right! When I don't drink, I wake up feeling happy and ready to go.
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Day 3: Proper Perspective


        Well said, The Dude!


          Day 3: Proper Perspective

          Chocolate & tortilla chips?
          Sounds perfect to me :H

          Keep up the great work!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Day 3: Proper Perspective

            Today I chommed down on banana and ketchup....acceptable?!?? Dear lord...this "Stop Eating Everything You See" Tea just ain't working so off for an L-Glutamine toasted sandwich...
            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


              Day 3: Proper Perspective

              Really good post btw DudeAbide
              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                Day 3: Proper Perspective

                Intersting post, I can relate. Watch what I spend and eat heathy/organic and hit the gym regularly. That all goes out the window when it comes to spending on and drinking to excess. Tonights vice for he has been an entire medium sized pizza and so far three ice cream sandwiches!!!!!

                Day 3 AF!
                "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                  Day 3: Proper Perspective

                  And that's what I'm doing my damnedest to remember: a box of ice cream sandwiches, two large pizzas, whatever...three days sober, it's all good.

                  No matter how much junk I eat, I know for certain that I will not black out, get in a car and put my entire family's lives, and untold other innocent people, at risk. So if I have to put down a sheet cake to get by, that's a viable strategy on Day 3!

                  Whatever it takes. Just don't drink. It will get easier.


                    Day 3: Proper Perspective

                    Great post!!

                    I remember spending years working out, eating super healthy, was so proud to avoid sweets, and then would polish off 1-2 bottles of wine 4-5 times a week and eat junk food when I had the munchies from the booze. Nuts....

                    We can burn off the food calories --- much harder to renew a scarred liver and reverse brain damage from booze.


                      Day 3: Proper Perspective

                      TheDudeAbides;1154183 wrote: Today is a day for me to remember that there is but one criterion for whether or not I'm having a good day.

                      Did I drink?

                      If not, today is a good day. End of story.

                      L-glutamine definitely helped with cravings today. I get a "buzzy" feeling from it, which is not at all unpleasant.

                      AL has always existed in a bubble for me. I'm careful with money, but would always spend money on AL even when I wouldn't spend it on anything else. My diet is usually fairly stringent; yet I'd drink a bottle of vodka and that somehow wouldn't be part of the equation of how I was treating my body. AL has always been exempt from all the rules and standards to which I held the rest of my life. I've been willfully blind, shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic, paying attention to a thousand little details that ultimately don't matter much while the one gigantic, obvious, looming disaster has gone unattended to.

                      No more. Today I ate chocolate and tortilla chips. My brain tells me that I've screwed up, that that's unacceptable. So silly. I'm 6', 185 pounds, strong and a runner. I'm in great shape. And even if I wasn't, you know what?

                      Chocolate and tortilla chips are not going to be the near, medium or likely long term death of a healthy 37 year old man.

                      Chronic, relentless AL abuse certainly will.

                      Today, I'm choosing to understand that I am not perfect, and fortunately for me, I can make all sorts of mistakes that have almost no ramifications at all. There are all sorts of areas of my life that are designed to to bend, but not break. If I insist on beating myself up every time I make the slightest misstep, I'll break. And when I break, I drink.

                      Day 3. A good day. :thanks:
                      DAY 3 for me too - I started my day 3 by going for a lovely long 15k hill run this morning, I am finding that I too are craving SUGAR - instead of chocolate I allowed myself two slices of wholegrain bread with Passionfruit Jam (Jelly to Americans) - Next weekend I have the Taupo Half marathon coming up - my hubbie kids and I will stay Saturday night - that will be a "flash time" for me of not having wine at dinner - arrgh. I am like you strong and a runner - I have put on 4 kilo since I started hitting the wine more and more I was 55 kilo - now 59 kilo ( still in good shape but nog good enough)


                        Day 3: Proper Perspective

                        I did the same thing. Strict diet eating healthy foods and sometimes allowed myself a treat. After time though I became accustomed to eating healthy the way I was and preffered those types of food down the road. Never thought twice about binging though, it didn't count.

                        Worked out regularly, and in very great shape, but again AL didn't have any limits.

                        Budget savey with money, being proud of how I could manage money so well, but when it came time to buying AL there was no dollar amount limit to spend and it never fazed me. Just swiped my card without a care.

                        Been over 20 days AF and let me say this. My workouts have become easier so I've pushed it up a few notches. (helps not being hung over and AL detoxifying from my body) I've noticed muscle definition everywhere and I am recoverying from soreness faster. Since I'm building more leaner muscles, my appetite has increased dramaticaly and eating all the time. I've gained a few pounds but lost inches and my clothes fit so well.

                        My bank and CC statements don't have multiple liquore store names on them at all this month Added bonus there is more money then I usualy have to transfer to my savings account.

                        When we start looking deeper for the rewards of not having AL, it makes it so much more rewarding and easier to cope with wanting it back. I think it's great how you are reflecting.
                        "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."-- Judy Garland


                          Day 3: Proper Perspective

                          TheDudeAbides;1154259 wrote: And that's what I'm doing my damnedest to remember: a box of ice cream sandwiches, two large pizzas, whatever...three days sober, it's all good.

                          No matter how much junk I eat, I know for certain that I will not black out, get in a car and put my entire family's lives, and untold other innocent people, at risk. So if I have to put down a sheet cake to get by, that's a viable strategy on Day 3!

                          Whatever it takes. Just don't drink. It will get easier.
                          Exactly. I'm usually more careful about what I eat too, but right now I don't care. I figure once I get the AL cravings under control the food will be a breeze!


                            Day 3: Proper Perspective

                            ...and when I dropped my teenager off to the supermarket for work I bought me two "squares" of russian fudge! LUCKILY they come in bite size pieces that you can buy separtely! I think when we consume al that we forget its FULL of sugar and half the cravings come from this. I arent at the gym at the moment with all my running I didnt want to push weights which I was doing 5 times a week with a trainer and was getting too tired trying to keep all my training together along with 6 children and one husband and a farm. I love running and it gives me alot more pleasure and freedom. I will go back to the gym in summer time when its too hot here though!


                              Day 3: Proper Perspective

                              I'm easing back into exercise with long walks with the dog. The weather has been so nice here and it just feels good to move again.

                              A Doc once explained to me how alcohol can really mess up the insulin production cycle and that drinkers can push themselves into Type II Diabetes much more quickly than overeaters.

                              Today, I will move again. I will breath with clean lungs. And I will enjoy life without alcohol.
                              Sober for the Revolution!
                              AF & NF July 23, 2011

