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Help: Topomax without supplements and CDs?

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    Help: Topomax without supplements and CDs?

    I am brand new here and this is my first post. I read RJ's book (one of at least 10 on alcoholism I've read in the past) and it struck a chord. I went to my doctor yesterday and admitted my problem for the first time to anyone ever. She gave me a prescription for Topomax and I am ready to start but I won't get the hypnosis CDs and supplements I ordered online until next week. I want to do this program right - should I wait until I have everything in hand and can start as directed in the book? Or just start on the Topomax right away? I am so anxious to start and get this horrible, wretched monkey off my back, but I'm addictive in many ways and feel like I can't do things half way and succeed. Any advice is really appreciated. I'm a mess - a single mom with a 5-year-old and I drink every night. I feel like I'm missing his childhood and killing myself, ultimately leaving him without a mom - literally and figuratively. The guilt is killing me and I have to stop.

    Help: Topomax without supplements and CDs?

    Hallo winetowater - welcome! You might want to check out the thread in the meds section "new here and starting topa with a question" as all of us there have been, or are on, Topa. It might give you an insight into how Topa helps us - there is lots of support there too. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about Topa. This is a hard road to travel and I feel your pain. Know that we are all here to help you and support you. I have had 8 months AF time with Topa then messed up and am now trying for a 2nd go round!! It does work if you let it. Hope to hear from you,

    hugs, sun X
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Help: Topomax without supplements and CDs?

      Hello Winetowater , my advice would be to start taking the Topamax , I have done this and I am now into my second week AF . Your mindset is here today and gone tomorrow and you are ready to fight today ! GO GO GO ! I am also new and am learning so much from just reading all the good advice..


        Help: Topomax without supplements and CDs?

        I don't take Topomax, but I'd say start it now. The supplements and CDs will help when they arrive. If you have any vitamin supplements in the house such as multi vitamins or evening primrose etc take them while you wait. From what I've heard different people have different reactions and the supplements just help to overcome the side effects. Meanwhile read what yo can


          Help: Topomax without supplements and CDs?

          Thank you so much for your very kind and supportive responses. I'm sort of blown away! I think having this site as a resource will be extremely helpful to me. My very heartfelt thanks again.

