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im new too

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    im new too

    :new: hi my names davy and am tying for abstinence from this dreadful disease.ive come to a point in my life where i cant carry the charade up any longer im 3 weeks sobz and got my facalties back together the booze has taken alot from me my health,my family,the house,car,relationships,jobs etc etc the health is my main priorityjust now like alot of peeps i satarted out drinking for comfort and it turned into major bingeing ive been to at least 30 funerals this year alone due to drink related illnesses all people ive binged with so it feels at times ive contributed to there death 2 out of 4 people up where i live that go to hospital is all drink related it doesnt stop i knew this gene was in me my father is an alcholic and his father was before him im an allout sorta guy im either in with both feet or not at all im easily addicted im dreadin xmas because ny downfall started then 5 years ago and cant let the past remain the past i wish it was that easy like they say in aa nobody can wave a magic wand and your cured im taking 1 day at a time and attending the aa as much as i can god bless yous all
    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

    im new too

    HI davy,

    There is help and hope on this site. Read the book, take the suppls and join us.

    Enlightened by MWO


      im new too

      Hello davy,
      You've come to the right place.
      I'm from Scotland too....Glasgow area..., so I know what you're saying about the drink culture here. I know lots of people who have drunk themselves to death........but there is hope, and help. Ive found it here.... I hope you do too.
      Keep in touch mate


        im new too

        wil do paulwish i felt like popeye bud but the truth is i dont since ive been takein fitz and seizures my life and health has gone up the creek but am gaining strength back daily all the things ive lost apart from my health are replaceable there just items even the wife lol my relationship sucks anyhow!!!!i do everything in the house while my partner just sleeps the washing,cooking cleaning ironing etc etc i lived by myself for 2 years and strangely enough i didnt binge but drank in moderation im just back from belgium i was there for 6 weeks the bevvy there cheap as hell but i didnt even bother with it just when i come back to this house it drives me insane!!all the crap i put up with,up here we all know each other i know all the spots or watering holes i can go if need be from jon o groats to edinburgh but village life is unbearable being an alcoholic people like bringing up other peoples downfalls and what they dont know they just make up anyway so when i go to the local shop for drink i may as put an ad in the local paper saying dave mitch is on the bevvy i always thought i was in control but obviosly not.......thats enough for me just now as some people might relate to what im saying but im not blaming my partner its me with the problem i just cant stop when starting on the spirits anyway goodluck and thanks for the support we all need each other to get through pm anytime as same to all
        Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


          im new too

          tanks hillary will take my time at some point to read the book im up to my neck in housework and kids out of the 8 years ive been an alcoholic my 3 kids have only seen me drunk 2 times i hide away with alcoholic friends in other villages but theyve seen me rough thousands of times all the best hillary and tanx for ur support
          Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


            im new too

            Hi Davy & :welcome:

            You've come to the right place.

            The good thing about the people here is that we all share a common addiction so we know how hard it is.

            All the best & Good Luck

            Paula x :l :h :l


              im new too

              hair o the dog

              :thanks: big cheery thanx to everyone on the site i know im in the right place by being on here the booze is a taker its great at the time but we lose all faculties known to man and it doesnt matter what side of the globe we come from or what ethnical background we have we do share the same probzzz so im really when people with the same religion as myself gets back in touch(pisseduptesticostical)lol only joking though about the religion but for myself until recent couldnt see through what damage i was doing not physical but mentallyto myself,loved ones and other people around............i shudder to think when im in a sober mindyou think when headin for the shop your wearin urban camoflage and nobody can see you right......wrong!you think we can hide the smell of drink by deodrants and mints right.........wrong!ive done all this in normal daytime activities how bad is that.the guilt the remorse the shame the hurt.trying to stop my hand shaking to try and get the reviver when woken up my friends sayin take the hair of the dog get the first sloopach down and the rest follows but just prolonging the agony of it the unevitable hang over roughness you only are creating anew one one of my friends died suddenly last tuesday coming off the drink to fast 21years of age another the same afternoon liver failure age32 and the following morning another friend died of choking on his own vomit age 40 so its doom and gloom i took a fit 3 weeks ago coming off broke 3 ribs i take them usually about 3rd day in so for my own health ive got to quit i dont want to ramble on but i feel a sense of confidence blethering to peeps in the same boat so once again forum big:thanks: to acknowledging my thread and hope yous all post back :crossed:
              Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                im new too

                I'm so sorry to hear about your friends, it must make it really hard for you.

                When you said that you hope we all post back, of course we will, we even turn into stalkers sometimes LOL

                Good to have you on board.........................

                Take care, Paula :l :h :l


                  im new too

                  thanx paula

                  :thanks: you warm the cockles of my heart paula by making me welcome in the forum so my heart goes out to all in the forum in the same predicament i could never say il touch another drop again as i said it 2 years ago in rehab and failed my partner was pregnant and i decided to overcome my addiction by going to rehab which was against my partners wishes i had decided at that point enough was enough so she kicked me out of my own home and i ended up in rehab anyway.she would phone me there twice weekly i was getting on great 9 weeks into the programme when my mother phoned the rehab to say youve got a new daughter so i plucked up the corage to travel from the rehab( all of 200 yards to the maternity unit at the hospital) i didnt even know she was in there for 4 days anyway i dragged in a 5 foot cuddly bunny rabbit and had a big bunch of flowers and felt a right plug when she wasnt there she was discharged the day before gutted i walked to the pub 400 yards down the road and drowned my sorrows and carried on for 2weeks this is just small wee chapters in my book i just thought how many of my relatives and people visited her in hospital but couldnt bring themselves to telling me in rehab are they embarrassed of me trying to sort my life out?i know my limits and my trigger points my life is an uphill struggle at the mo but im getting back to norm slowly but surely im just getting my driving licence back after 6 years so got to keep sobriety up to be truthfull the last 5 years has been a haze i must stress out tho iv never actually drunk and drove its always the next day with the hangover driving to the nearest wet place.the courts had my licence longer than ive had it lol theres no way im losing it again the first time was being drunk on a bicycle so bikers be aware 2nd and 3rd time next day 40mg on a 36mg breath count and 46 mg on the 36mg breath count ive had many drunk and incapable charges starting from ?25-they double everytime caught i think they are upto ?1000 just now and thats for falling asleep on the hi street waiting for taxis breaches of the peace are the same for singing in the hi street and once i got caught drinking a can of beer in the hi street fined ?500 its not worth it i can drink in moderation but the depressionof living through different chapters of my life thats triggered off the genes to my addiction....god bless people your my ray of hope keep posting all the best for 2007 fae the highlands o scotland(cudichn righ)davy mitch
                  Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

