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Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

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    Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

    Hi All,
    I realised today that I forgot to buy my new box of blood pressure meds- so haven't taken it for a few days. I have had hypertension for 9 years since I was 36. (My Grandmother had a stroke in her 50's & my Mum has had similar health problems for a long time-both drinkers.)
    When I decided to stop drinking in June- the day I found this site- my blood pressure was around 150/98, on medication. For a woman of my age it should be around 125/80. I had fluid retention in my ankles and looked puffed up. I wasn't a big drinker- 1/2 - 1 bottle of red wine 4-6 nights a week.
    This morning I checked my bp & it was 116/76. :lilangel: It hasn't been that low for years. I had checked it last week a few times & it was fine, around 130/80 but that was on medication.
    It is a combination of no Al & no sugar plus daily exercise & supplements. When I was drinking I didn't have the energy to avoid sugar & bad carbs, I would often binge on them mid-afternoon to get me through the day.
    I am not planning on giving up my medication yet as I have about 20 pounds to lose first- but will keep my eye on it. I work in the health profession & monitor other peoples bp's- am delighted that mine is improving. I said to my consultant a few months ago that I thought AL wasn't good for my bp- he said that moderate drinking was good for it. Even after 1 glass it goes up but I wasn't willing to admit that in the past. Now I realise that my AF life is the only life for me if I want it to be long & healthy. :h

    Anyone got any similar health benefits from being AF?
    SJ xxx :groupluv:

    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle

    Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

    That is great news!

    Maybe your doctor can lower your BP prescription.

    You made me laugh when you said that you were not a big drinker. SarahJane, the guideline for moderate daily wine drinking [women] is 4-5 oz of wine per day. You were a big ol' drinker!!

    But it made me laugh because it brought back memories of me polishing off 1/2 bottle when everyone else was nursing their first class for 45 minutes and I was thinking, "What's wrong with them. Why do they drink so slow?" Mmmm...maybe because they are not drunks and I am??

    Keep up the good work - you inspired this tired old man to get to the gym for some cardio.


      Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

      Hey Sarah. Isn't it nice. Good for you to be seeing benefits of better health. Same as you, when I drink diet is anything I can get my hands on that will make me feel better. Coffee zips you up and alcohol takes you down. I too have seen my blood pressure return to normal and have stopped BP med. Less anxiety. Wish I had more energy. I'm drinking only 1 cup of coffee a day and no alcohol. My energy was all fake and ruining my health. Now I rest and do what I can. I want to lose 20 lbs. also and so far have lost 7.
      Patience is my motto. Brick by brick I am building a better life. .
      ~~ Take2 it is funny thinking about how we socked it away. I used to wonder (still do) how anybody would drink 1 glass of wine w/dinner. How was it possible to spend 1hour or more and have only one glass and drink it so slowly?? I would have 2 or 3 cocktails before dinner then share a bottle or two of wine and don't forget the after dinner drink. Then go to a bar and drink more. It is laughable! I thought it was normal just didn't realize that it was 'MY' normal. I now see how out of control drinking was for me but I still shrug my shoulders and think oh well it's normal for me. That's why I am AF now and hope to remain so. Thanks for the laugh.


        Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

        SJ--Mine definitely went to normal when I stopped drinking like I was. Very nice!


          Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

          SJ - That's great about the bp....just one of the many benefits of not putting poison in our body!


            Huge Health Benefit to AF Life


            I think the same way as you about a few drinks. How can anyone have one glass of wine with dinner, or only 2 drinks in the evening? What's the point? I don't get it, and still don't. I guess our brains/bodies/genes feel the AL differently from those folks. If I'm going to have AL, I want to have as much as I want. But then, I'm that way about everything. One piece of pie? Five chips? Two cookies? Clean the house a little bit? No, it's got to be done thoroughly. Makes me wonder if there's an OCD connection to AL--to stop all the screaming in my head for more, more, more of whatever it is I'm doing.
            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


              Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

              Thanks for all the encouraging & entertaining comments.
              BP good today even after a good 4 mile run & more running around after the children.
              I agree with what you said Hyper & Juja, how do people stop at 1. My in-laws were always so annoying, sit on 1 glass, leave some there & then say it is time to put the kettle on. I would have been on my 3rd or 4th glass & not wanting a 'nice cup of tea'! What a relief now not to panic when there is only a bottle of wine between 3 people-wondering how I was going to have enough. Now I can relax & enjoy the company & the food. Just off to a drinks party now with my fizzy water, can't belief how much I am looking forward to an AF evening. What I really can't believe is that I always thought I was missing out if I couldn't drink- now seems so ridiculous.
              Have a lovely evening all.
              SJ xxx :groupluv:

              'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                Huge Health Benefit to AF Life

                way to go SJ x
                ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h

