"take home a M&S meal for two, and enjoy this new 2007 award winning wine, its not just any wine, its M&S.
Just two of the advertisements I have seen today, and all this before 10am in the morning.
Now, since I have been AF for 5 days now I have only just noticed what these companies are trying to ram down our throats, (literally). All aimed at brainwashing us into having a drink, and claiming that it is good for us and we will have a better time when we do(far bloody from it), but its not really me I am worried about, its the younger and future generations. Not only is the media trying to make young folk feel like they are inadequate because they are not a size 9 or don?t have perfect skin, or not wearing the next best fashion accessory, but they are also trying to gain the next generations of alcoholics.
They push it so much on everyone, as if it?s not normal to not drink. Now I know that they stopped advertising cigarette?s quite a while back, but is there anything we can do to get alcohol banned from advertising? I know there is no way that the government will ban alcohol completely(lines their fat pockets to much) but maybe if we got the adverts banned we could help save a few