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Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

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    Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

    Long day; weekend days are difficult early on. A lot of hours to fill.

    Went for a run today, my first in a while. We have a huge, 105 acre cemetery near our house and I love running there. I love seeing the singular, brief messages people chose to leave the world, the tiniest distillation of who they were. Often just 'Father' or 'Mother.' The occasional sports team logo. A Greek name, under which reads 'The American Dream'. The long, full lives make me happy, the short ones make me grateful that I still have a chance to turn it all around before I'm one of them, a tombstone marked 1974-2011, with the odd observer wondering what it might have been that did me in so young.

    And the answer, honestly, would be 'me.' It can be the hardest thing in the world not to have that first drink some days. Today was not easy; very fussy baby, perpetually underslept (what new parent isn't?), no energy, just had it. But I dragged myself out for a run to the cemetery to help get my mind right, get the exercise endorphins going, get some Vitamin D from the sun, get out of the house and out of my head. One of many options I had to halt the slow slide towards that first drink.

    Big distinction: I have the choice about whether or not to have that first drink. Always, always, always. After I do, things happen in my brain that take the fullness of the choice to drink or not away from me. Nine times out of 10, once I have one, I'm going to drink until I black out. But I *always* have the choice about that first drink.

    It is so easy to ignore the inevitability of tragedy if you focus on just the one drink, just this one little slip. But if you're here on these forums, you're willfully ignoring the wide view, the space shuttle shot of Earth perspective: so many seemingly innocuous first drinks, one little dot connected to hundreds, thousands of other little dots, marching slowly and surely and inevitably towards jail, insanity or death.

    Day 6: No need to try and fool myself today. No myopia for me. I see the forest for the trees, and I refuse to contribute to my own demise.

    Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

    Hi Dude,

    I just wrote you a long response, but somehow it disappeared. In a nutshell, try the MWO CD's. Two of them are subliminal and they reprogram your brain while you sleep.
    Take at least 4500 mg. of L-Glut each day, you can take more if you need to. The Way Up Newsletter : Benefits of Amino Acid L-glutamine
    Here is a link with info. on L-Glut.
    If you can't afford the CD's ask senior members here to pass theirs on to you, that's where I got mine.
    PM me and I will tell you which ones work.
    I was a bad alkie for years and now I'm on day 70 AF. It doesn't have to be hard if you have the right tools.
    Good luck to you.
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

      Dude, love your focus on the choice about that first drink. I didn't "get" that for the longest time. I spent years worrying about trying to stop at 2 or 3 or whatever. I can focus all day long on drink number 3, but by then it was always too late. Every time. I too only have a choice about the first one. It's game on after that.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

        I agree, great post! One drink does not satisfy me in the least...I always need one more and then one more until I am way beyond buzzed. I gave up 36 days sober before after taking one drink one night (only that one) and thinking I was free to moderate my drinking...nope!
        I have 13 days or so. I know the stress of a new baby, I started drinking when my little one was 3 months and it crept up on me until it was daily. I regret all the times I was passed out and she may have been crying for me in the night. I can't change it now, but I can change the future. Stay strong and don't miss out-the time goes by so fast. My daughter is four now.


          Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

          i love your post dude. the cemetery, the choice to take the 1st drink. so sound so focused. thank you for inspiring me
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

            Thank you, Dude.

            That post is very inspiring. Really is simple--don't take the first drink. I have taken the first drink so many times, and ended up having many more. Has gotten me into terrible trouble. I will keep this thought with me for today.

            "One day at a time."


              Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

              Hi TDN. So good to see you posting. How are you doing?

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow

                Great post! I have had a bit of the thinking that I could have a "few" beers on this boring and hot sunday afternoon. Thank you for reminding me where it would lead!!!

                Day 7 AF!
                "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                  Day 6: The 1st drink vs. all that follow


                  Hope you are doing okay today. We need your insight here. I'm into Day 9 now and know from experience past, that the urge to drink can and will pop up....

                  When that happens, I will cling to what you wrote....

                  I have a CHOICE about that first drink. I will not take it!
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011

