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August 1...who wants to start with me?

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    August 1...who wants to start with me?

    I'm new here and have decided it's time to stop drinking. I have been binge drinking for the last 2 weeks and have decided that enough is enough. Yesterday I got drunk with some beer, then malt liquor then a few shots of scotch. Today I wasnt even able to go to work, and had to call in sick....I'm tired of the lack of energy, focus and self-esteem.

    It's 6:42pm and I have not had a drink today...NOR will I have one. Who wants to join me and aim for the being AF the whole month of August?!
    First attempt June 30 (42 days)

    Day 1: August 13, 2013
    7 Days:
    14 Days:
    30 Days:
    60 Days:
    90 Days:

    August 1...who wants to start with me?

    I'm with you Joemero. AF August it is then!

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      August 1...who wants to start with me?

      I'm In!


        August 1...who wants to start with me?

        Day 1 down, AF! Now starting Day 2, feeling much better this morning...enjoying my coffee, no hangover, just feeling a little tired. I'm looking forward to the energy and productivity of the following days. I actually said a prayer this morning. My faith had been dwindling too while on alcohol.

        August! let's do day at a time!
        First attempt June 30 (42 days)

        Day 1: August 13, 2013
        7 Days:
        14 Days:
        30 Days:
        60 Days:
        90 Days:


          August 1...who wants to start with me?

          I'm in. Let's do this. Imagine how proud we will all be August 31st. Thanks for starting this.

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            August 1...who wants to start with me?

            Tipplerette;1157051 wrote: I'm in. Let's do this. Imagine how proud we will all be August 31st. Thanks for starting this.
            Yes! I like what you said about imagine how proud we will all be!
            First attempt June 30 (42 days)

            Day 1: August 13, 2013
            7 Days:
            14 Days:
            30 Days:
            60 Days:
            90 Days:


              August 1...who wants to start with me?

              Be sure to pop into The Nest - Lots of support and wisdom there for all newbies!
              -Cap'n G


                August 1...who wants to start with me?

                I'm in! August 17 will be a month of being AF, and I don't want that to be the tipping point for me. Got to stay close by.
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  August 1...who wants to start with me?

                  Thanks gregorino...Juja, let's do this!

                  So yesterday was day 2 AF but not so easy. After work my wife mentioned she was going to her friends house for a while and would be home late and would be taking my daughter with her. That's when I get the STRONGEST urges to go out to the liquor store and drink. If she doesn't see me, it doesn't count right? After all, one of the main reasons for stopping is to stop hurting her. So now that she'll be gone for a while, I can sneak some. Well thank God, NO. I ate some comfort food instead and watched a couple good shows on TNT.

                  AND TODAY I'M SO HAPPY I DIDN'T DRINK. I had a little trouble falling asleep last night, but eventually did. So welcome everyone to day 3 of my little August challenge. At least for TODAY don't drink!!!
                  First attempt June 30 (42 days)

                  Day 1: August 13, 2013
                  7 Days:
                  14 Days:
                  30 Days:
                  60 Days:
                  90 Days:


                    August 1...who wants to start with me?

                    Made it to DAY 5! But I am sooooo tempted to have a drink right now, I'm home alone and just got a new book in the mail and feel like having a glass of wine and reading...
                    First attempt June 30 (42 days)

                    Day 1: August 13, 2013
                    7 Days:
                    14 Days:
                    30 Days:
                    60 Days:
                    90 Days:


                      August 1...who wants to start with me?

                      Don't do it....Day 5 is great and you will just feel crappy!!!!! Sorry...just jumped in here and can't scroll back to see earlier posts...have you got L-Glut? REALLY helps me when the demon red is a-calling...
                      ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                        August 1...who wants to start with me?

                        Well I'm starting Day 1 again...Yes I slipped and thought I could handle a bottle of wine on Sat...which turned into 2, then me going out by myself to a bar made a fool of myself and ended up passed out on my couch, don't even remember how I got home (I drove...VERY BAD I know) and woke up with my shorts wet...I urinated myself! This has never happened before! A new LOW for me...Yesterday I had a 6 pack of beer to "cure" the hangover.

                        The good thing is God has given me the resolve the pick up and start again. I think this is the last straw...I am done for good!
                        First attempt June 30 (42 days)

                        Day 1: August 13, 2013
                        7 Days:
                        14 Days:
                        30 Days:
                        60 Days:
                        90 Days:


                          August 1...who wants to start with me?

                          Joe you need to print off your last post and save it to look at later. Then you need to make a plan on how you're going to stay sober. Willpower will not be enough.


                            August 1...who wants to start with me?

                            Here is a link to the In there you'll find tools that others have used to help them through this. Make a plan. Are you taking supplements or prescription meds? Have you talked to your doctor about this? Are you exercising? Are you going to meditate or use hypnotic tapes? Are you planning on joining a recovery group? What substitute non-alcoholic drinks are you going to drink when the urge hits? Have you gotten rid of the alcohol is your house?

                            Willpower and wishing won't do it. Make a plan. And when you start telling yourself that you can handle a drink or two and that you deserve a glass of wine, go back and read your last post. We tend to forget how truly horrible this can be.


                              August 1...who wants to start with me?

                              Back in the saddle

                              Don't beat yourself up about a slip-up. We all have had fits and starts. I'm on day 6 of about my 4th time trying to give up AL. I always fell into the same trap: I can just have one glass of wine while doing something enjoyable. And that always turned into a whole bottle, driving to the liquor store (luckily only about a mile away, but still...) to get more and falling into bed drunk. Coming on to these boards, though, and listening to others fighting the same battle has given me a resolve to really quit, and knowing that others have had the same battle really helps.

                              I agree that the toolbox has some great ideas. I don't use the supplements, but if I start feeling strong urges I will try the L-glut. Try to identify your triggers and be wary of them.

                              Good luck, and don't quit trying!
                              Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.

