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Starting Over...... Again

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    Starting Over...... Again

    :new: Im soooo tired of giving in to my craving for alcohol. I have this feeling deep down that I can and want to beat this. Just today I wont have a drink. We'll see how that works, just today. I keep lthinking about how it will feel when I can be 30 days, 6 months or even a year sober. Waking up the next day after you give in to youraddiction really sucks. OK today, here I come!

    Starting Over...... Again

    I'm wondering what your plan is? Do you have a plan in place? Because wanting to quit is not going to be enough.

    If you Google "stages of change" you'll find charts that talk about the 5 or 6 stages of change. The third stage of change is usually called Preparation or Determination. Part of this stage is making a plan. If you try to skip this stage you're almost sure to fail in making the change you desire. You have to have tools to use to help you make the change in addition to your desire.

    Joining MWO and talking to its members is a tool. Good for you for joining! What books are you going to read? MWO has a downloadable book that may help. If you look in the "What We're Reading" forum you'll find some other recommendations. Are you going to take prescription meds? Are you going to take l-Glutamine or Kudzu? Are you going to try hypnotherapy CDs? Are you going to try meditation? Are you going to try acupuncture? Are you going to try AA? These are possible tools that you might want to consider. In the Monthly Abstinence forum you'll find the Tool Box. In there members discuss tools that work for them. Read through there and pick some tools that you want to try.


      Starting Over...... Again

      I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but here's the link to the Tool Box:


        Starting Over...... Again

        Thanks for the link and no I don't have a plan set up yet. I guess the 1st step will be getting the book downloaded. You are very right, my best desires and thinking got me here so its going to take change to change.


          Starting Over...... Again

          L-Glutamine helped me tremendously with cravings. You can find it at a health food store. Take it round the clock, every 3 or 4 hours.


            Starting Over...... Again

            Also have something non-alcoholic to drink when an urge hits. Drink it in your regular drinking glass if you have one.


              Starting Over...... Again

              I know that feeling really well. "I know have sobriety kicking around in here somewhere!" Yet still continuing to drink.

              Keep trying. You do have it in you. And you're correct: if you just don't drink today, you're sober, now. Whatever view works for you works for you. And if treating every day like Day 1 works, great. Eventually, it does get easier. I think the reason we can fail so often is that there is a lot of delayed gratification: it's a lot of hard work upfront and the biggest dividends comes months, years down the road. Which isn't to say life doesn't get somewhat better, in many ways, early on.

              I echo the L-Glutamine suggestion. I do think it is helping me with cravings early on.


                Starting Over...... Again

                Think I'll p/u some LGlutamine @ the health food store tomorrow. Thanks for the support, much appreciated. End of the day is almost here YEA!

