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Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

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    Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

    Hi all, about 3 years ago I did 30 days AF with the help of this site - in fact I would definitely not have managed it without the help of many people on here. Unfortunately, I got back on the bottle and progressively I have got to the stage where it just cannot happen any more. Hence the new user name - Bottlestopper. I have to stop hitting the bottle, and I WILL.

    What helped me more than anything last time was that I started a thread called "newbies in need" and it really helped that every morning I had to get up and start each days thread so that others could post, it helped keep me motivated and was great to be able to catch up with other newbies each day. My user name then was aduggan, I dont know if anyone remembers me.

    I know there are a few threads on here that are geared up for "newbies" but I have found it hard to really search through them as many of them are very many pages long. Whereas newbies in need was a thread that was started each day for anyone who wanted to drop in. It stopped the threads getting too long and unmanageable. A place where we can all post our strategies, coping mechanisms, fears and give each other support each day. It sort of helps that each day is a new start, especially for anyone who is struggling.

    Anyway I am thinking of starting it again - anyone want to join in? Unless anyone absolutely opposes it, I will start it tomorrow morning which will be my day 3AF. Cant wait to meet some old and new friends.

    Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?


    I agree, daily threads are much easier to keep up with. There also used to be a daily ODAT thread. (One Day At a Time.)

    Just starting out it can be overwhelming to think long term.

    I'll look for it tomorrow.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

      It is overwhelming to think long term. When I first joined I saw the 90 day Buddhist Lent thread and I practically walked out of the room! I thought, oh no I can't commit to that! Now I probably could, but the first couple of weeks I couldn't commit to a month, let alone 3. One day at a time is the way to take it, especially in the beginning.


        Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

        glad some of you think it will be useful. I agree, one day at a time is much better and not so overwhelming with too many posts to search through.

        I will start it tomorrow - call it Newbies in Need daily thread (date) - what do you think?

        Looking forward to seeing you there tomorrow :welcome:


          Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

          Sounds good! I work crazy hours and might not always be able to check in first thing, but I'll try to make it most days.


            Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

            Check out The Nest

            Hey Stopper!
            You're off to a great start so keep it up! :goodjob:
            I have found that the Newbie Nest is very much like what you are looking for. It's mostly peeps with 2 or 3 days, a few with a couple of weeks, and a couple with a month or two. Then there's Lav and Byrdie - our Nest Mothers! They have some quality time sober behind them, but they keep showing up in The Nest to help out us fledglings!
            And yes, it's a HUGE thread going on for years with over 12,000 posts, but you certainly don't need to read all that to join in! Maybe the last 3 or 4 days to get a sense of who's who would be plenty.
            Give it a try!
            -Cap'n G


              Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

              Hi Gregorino

              I think I will try that too. Thank you. Will see if anyone wants to join me on a daily thread but join in on the newbies nest thread as well, if that is OK. I think the more places you post the better, more support to keep us on track.

              I am struggling a bit tonight, hubby has just opened a bottle of my favourite red wine, and it is very difficult, but I am working on my plan to stay on track and I will make it one day at a time.


                Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

                I like your idea! ODAT is the only way i can manage at this point...


                  Anyone remember newbies in need daily thread - start it again?

                  Hi botlestopper,

                  Welcome back to MWO!

                  The is a Daily AF thread in the Monthly Abstinence section.
                  We are serious about our sobriety there - come take a look!

                  Wishing you the best!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

