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Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

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    Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

    Here goes - a daily thread for those newbies who would prefer to take one day at a time and post their feelings, strategies, successes and fears on a daily basis. Everyone is welcome to join us. Together we will get there, be it total abstinence or moderation each of us have our own goals and we will do it if we support each other ONE DAY AT A TIME.:welcome:

    Make a commitment - I WILL NOT DRINK ALCOHOL TODAY!!

    Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

    Well today is day 3 for me. That means I have done two whole days without a drop of alcohol. That might not seem a lot, but it is for me. I havent done that for about 3 years, unless I have been seriously ill.

    I have been drinking since I was 14 years old, that is over 30 years, wow my body must be shot. In fact, it is a miracle how I am still alive. I am over 5 stone overweight, mainly due to my drinking, my knees are shot, i have all sorts of other problems and I am not living, I am existing.

    However, today I CHOOSE TO LIVE. I will not drink alcohol today. It makes me feel ill, it makes me do things I would never dream of doing whilst I am sober and it fills me with remorse and guilt. No, no, no I will not drink alcohol TODAY.

    Make the pledge not to drink alchohol today and join me?


      Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

      ODAT is it. 30 days, 90 days, a year is too hard to deal with. I'm with you!

      Different flavored iced teas with lemon have helped me at the witching hour.

      I'm pulling for everyone.:l
      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


        Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

        Good morning! Today is Day 24. It seems like an eternity in some ways, but when I look at the number 24 I think, that's really not very long. I'd like to just stop thinking about it, but then an urge will hit and I'll have to surf through the urge and then realize that I can't stop thinking about this yet. I can't let my vigilance down. I've got to stay focused and I've got to keep thinking about this. So today I'll stay sober. I've got a long work day planned into the night and then an early work day tomorrow. Very little time off between. I won't have time to drink! I hope you all have a great and sober day.


          Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

          Good morning!!

          Woke up this morning wanting a drink.

          Ate some food, drank a cup of java, woke up husband, played with dog and the feeling passed.

          Today I have Day 2 of Couch to 5K to do. Hopefully that will make me feel better physically and hence mentally.

          Meanwhile, will surf through any thoughts of alcohol knowing they will pass.

          Hope all have a good day!!
          AF April 9, 2016


            Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

            Good morning Juja, Flyaway and cinders - welcome to our thread. I think its all about making a plan, I have plans to keep me sober - full stop, and plans to keep me sober for today.

            My plans to keep me on track are:

            a take baclofen - i am full of anxiety, and from what I have read on here it is very helpful for that. i hope to hit the switch where one day I am completely indifferent to alcohol, can take it or leave it, but that seems some way off - so ODAT

            b No sugar and no wheat - I have read that insulin spikes can cause cravings similar to the cravings for alcohol, want to give myself the best chance here

            c Exercise - daily for 30 minutes (at least) - I hear this really helps reduce cravings and I also have 5 stone of wine fat to lose, so with the eating plan above, I think this will help to lose this too - an added bonus

            I am working on some other things, but dont want to give myself too many things to concentrate on, this is often where I have gone wrong in the past, - its that adddictive personality thing - ALL OR NOTHING. So if I give myself too much, I am more likely to fail.

            Today - I will not drink, I will exercise, I will try my meditation tape for the first time.

            Struggling a bit today, the craving has not stopped since I got up this morning, it is like an irritating itch that I just cant stop, like my whole body is on fire. I never used to drink during the day, but I wonder if this is withdrawal?

            Cindi - tell me more about couch to 5k, do you think it is possible for anyone to do this?

            Good luck everyone, we can do it ODAT


              Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)


              Cool Running | The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan

              Above is the link to the program. Read the entire article. They state clearly that if it is too tough from the get-go, adjust to what you can do but keep on going.

              I believe their point that so many give up an exercise routine because it is too difficult is spot on.

              I managed Day 1, did some weights the next day, and doing Day 2 today. (Week 1)

              The program is a 9 week program BUT if that is too aggressive, double it.

              However, as with any exercise program, if you have any underlying physical issues, talk to your doctor.

              Running was my passion in my early years. This program is something I am looking forward to.

              For my husband, running was pure agony. He hated it. He loved basketball and volleyball. Today he loves working in the "yard" of 9 acres we have. He gets a lot of exercise doing that. :-)

              Just as in our careers, I believe exercise should be enjoyable, not a chore.

              If you don't like running/jogging, think about what you enjoy. My brother, a diabetic, loves golf. He power walks between each stroke and carries his clubs, no wheels for him. That way he gets exercise while he is doing something he loves. Golfing helps him keep his blood sugar in check and reduces the amount of insulin he has to take.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

                I'm with you all, Day One for me. I woke up at 6 am this morning and really wanted a drink to help me get back to sleep. This had actually occurred several times in the night! A charming little habit I have developed....

                But I didn't have anything in the house, so that was good. I am not feeling too badly right now. Hope to get out for a ru n at lunch time. Get some good food in the house. Maybe go to our natural foods store and have them make me some carrot apple lemon juice...that's gotta be good for the liver?!

                I will not drink today. I want to make my kids proud and myself, too. I hate how out of control I have gotten, how needy, and how controlled by wine.

                Lord, my wine merchant may go out of business if I keep this up!



                  Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

                  Hi crazy - welccome. Maybe that could be your goal, to put your wine merchant out of business lol.

                  Just make it through today. Go for a run, keep busy, sleep, meditate, whatever it takes!

                  I have been cleaning, and doing some school work (teacher on hols) that is keeping me busy. However, I do find I am obsessed with thoughts about alcohol. Not sure if it is because of this site as well as I am logging on here several times a day. However, I want to be conscious, because if I am, it cant creep up on me.

                  going to go and do the relaxation/hypnosis cd's bought these about 4 years ago and havent done them for a very long time. Not sure how useful they were, but it will give me a chance for a rest.

                  See you all later - keep strong!


                    Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

                    Well off to bed for me, I made it through day 3. Onwards and upwards to day 4 tomorrow. Good night everyone xxx


                      Newbies in Need ODAT (one day at a time) (4.08.11)

                      Goodnight Bottle! Way to go on Day 3!

