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Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

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    Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

    So, over the past 48 hours:

    1) Our water heater blew up.

    2) The stock market has been in freefall and hypervolatile (I'm a stock trader)

    3) A looooooooong week with a fussy one month-old started to wind to a fussy close.

    All of which combined are a classic "It's been a long week, TGIF, time to blow of some steam!" drinking-justifying trifecta for me.

    I'll admit it: I really miss that feeling I got after two big drinks (usually two big belts, straight out of a vodka bottle). It is, quite simply, the best I have ever felt in my entire life. This will likely always remain true.

    I can continue to have that feeling for very brief windows every day if I'm willing to feel utterly horrible most of my waking hours, watch my marriage fall apart, lose custody of my son and inevitably make a blacked out decision that will impact the rest of my life, irrevocably. Something that will get me sent to jail, if I'm really lucky. Something that will result in my death, suddenly or by pancreatic cancer or cirrhosis or the like, more likely.

    I can have the handful of euphoric minutes alcohol reliably gives me. And nothing else in the world.

    Or I can have everything else in the world. And not drink.

    There are times, though their intensity, frequency and duration are already declining, where I would choose alcohol. And it is in this crystalline moment, the reality that I'm willing to make this tradeoff, that I realize that I'm essentially choosing some form of suicide over my son, my wife and myself. And I feel ashamed and embarrassed and disgusted.

    BUT: I have not lost anything. I have not had a drink. By fully admitting and thinking about everything I am willfully choosing to lose, all of things I am declaring by my would-be decision to drink are not as important as 30 minutes or so of chemical intoxication, I get a glimpse of the abyss and it takes my breath away. A massive reality check.

    This is good. Really good. Because whenever this happens, I know I will not drink.

    Happy weekend, everyone! :goodjob:

    Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

    Great post TDA and well done on your 12 days,and it will/does get better & better.and a happy sober weekend to you.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

      Water heaters are replaceable ~ have done that twice

      The stock market sucks ~ we're all losing money I'm sure.

      The newborn will settle down around the age of 6-7 weeks ~ they always do

      You are absolutely right - a few minutes of intoxicated relief changes nothing! You have 12 AF days under your belt now, so be happy & proud. Everything else will take care of itself

      Keep up the great work!!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

        Like the post and your determination!

        Lav is right - millions of people of people go through their own version of "It's been a long week, TGIF, time to blow of some steam" every week, and don't require getting drunk to deal with it. Sucks to be us sometimes, but the sooner we accept it and move on (in a positive way) with our lives, the better off we are, right?

        Besides, and I learned this the hard way, drinking never made my issues go away or made them get better in any way, shape or form. My disease wanted me to think that a drink would make me happy again, and didn't want me to think about the things that it would cost me. Funny how our minds can rationalize that kind of insanity.....

        So, kudos for looking at your week rationally (as hard as it was), and it really does get better!
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

          AAthlete;1158721 wrote:

          Besides, and I learned this the hard way, drinking never made my issues go away or made them get better in any way, shape or form.
          Amen to that, and to take it one step further, it's safe to say that drinking has caused the decided majority of the issues in my life. And 100% of the seriously negative ones that threaten the very foundation of my life. It's like a longer term view of the morning drink: a (very) short term solution to long term problems that were solely caused by the (very) short term solution!

          Such convoluted and exhausting logic. All of which you can totally not worry about if you don't drink.


            Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

            Fantastic post and ONE I will carry with me while I run in my Half Marathon this weekend! Usually before this we have dinner, wine and then the next morning I get to run - then we come home. However I will not be having dinner and wine but dinner and juice or water! I am feeling grumpy and tired today with not alot of sleep last night - plus sore muscles. However I am lucky to be on DAY THREE for me and feeling great about my progress. I still hate the thought of living alcohol free and having that nice relaxed feeling BUT I hated giving up cigarettes too and would never go back. Kia Kaha everyone (stay strong in Maori)


              Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

              Excellent post as usual..

              The concept that the beer buzz is not worth the dreadful aftermath is keeping me sober.
              AF July 4th 2011


                Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

                Great post and :goodjob:

                So many horrible things have happened in the last few years of my life that are due directly to drinking to black out. Period.

                I keep praying that the "obsession" to drink will slowly fade and I can be woman enough to stand up and handle the aftermath of drinking, sober.

                Thanks for the post!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Day 12: Stress, end of the week...

                  Good insight in your post. I also am amazed at how I can easily talk myself into something I know is my downfall and have been ready to cash in everything just to get that feeling after a few good drinks. Trying my best to put those days behind me. Day 3 almost complete.

