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Day 14: This is just ridiculous

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    Day 14: This is just ridiculous

    My wife is eating cereal. Very crunchy cereal. One. Piece. At. A. Time.

    Pick. CRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCH. Pick. CRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCH. For 20 minutes now. On and on and on.

    I don't even want a drink. I want to run screaming from the house. I want to submerge my head in the fish tank for 10 minutes or more, come what may.

    But hey, I don't even want a drink. Progress!

    We all have these little things we know are irrational, tiny annoyance that for whatever reason, happen to drive us to levels of distraction that are wildly out of proportion with their levels of perceived transgression. It's lunacy to be bothered by my spouse eating food. But I still need to leave the room when I feel the physical reaction that precedes rash behavior (body temperature rises sharply, muscle tense) kicks in.

    Which is a lot like overcoming cravings for AL. So many seconds pass before the initial thought and the actual drink, and every single one of them is a chance to do something (ANYTHING) that will short circuit the highway to hell, the interstate to ruin that has no exits, the pattern of behavior that leads to that first all-destroying drink.

    Two weeks AF, able to laugh at my own absurdity.

    Day 14: This is just ridiculous husband shovels, slurps and then crunches his cereal one heapin' spoonful after another.

    People like this should be limited to only eating oatmeal or Cream of Wheat!

    Thinking of you The Dude and sending you strength for tomorrow. Let's hope we avoid Black Monday...I KNOW you can avoid drinking no matter how this economic burfle shakes out.
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      Day 14: This is just ridiculous

      Ha!!!! How about a snorting, coughing madman - snort, snort, ssssnnnnnoooorrrrtttt, cough, cough, cough, sssnnoort, snort, snooort, snort, sssssnnnnooooorrrrrrt - cough! Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over.......... Shoot me in the head NOW! Breathe deeply, close eyes, leave the room, come back, SSSSNNNNOOOOORRRRRT - F**K!!!!! Go to bed, head under pillow, slllleeeeeeppppp. :H:upset:
      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
      Mother Theresa


        Day 14: This is just ridiculous

        I'm sorry Nicelife, but your post was freakin' HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! :H:H
        Guess sleepin alone ain't so bad after all!

        So was your post dude...(the first part I mean)!!!

        Turn--same way my 9 year old eats his cereal!! I need a plastic mat on the floor STILL for him!! :H

        Dude--The crunching....I DO have a very weird thing about would drive me bonkers too!!:nutso:

        Keep up the good work on 2 weeks AF!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Day 14: This is just ridiculous

          Nicelife - Maybe our husbands were twins separated at birth? I've become quite fond of those squishy swimmer's earplugs...blocks most of the noise. His coughing still shakes the bed violently. I don't even have to put a quarter in a machine to get a wild ride.

          (Those of you of a certain age will remember the "Magic Fingers" bed vibrators found in your finer MOtels in the 60s and 70s!)
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            Day 14: This is just ridiculous

            Turnagain;1160090 wrote: Nicelife - Maybe our husbands were twins separated at birth? I've become quite fond of those squishy swimmer's earplugs...blocks most of the noise. His coughing still shakes the bed violently. I don't even have to put a quarter in a machine to get a wild ride.

            (Those of you of a certain age will remember the "Magic Fingers" bed vibrators found in your finer MOtels in the 60s and 70s!)
            I think some were still around in the 80's as well...............ahhhhhhh errrrrrr or so Ive "heard" :H
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Day 14: This is just ridiculous

              Nelz;1160095 wrote: I think some were still around in the 80's as well...............ahhhhhhh errrrrrr or so Ive "heard" :H
              My, uh, boyfriend and I didn't have quarter for the ride after we scraped up enough money to pay for the room...early 70's:H

              Couldn't care less now.... What happens to us, anyway?!
              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                Day 14: This is just ridiculous

                nicelife;1160043 wrote: Ha!!!! How about a snorting, coughing madman - snort, snort, ssssnnnnnoooorrrrtttt, cough, cough, cough, sssnnoort, snort, snooort, snort, sssssnnnnooooorrrrrrt - cough! Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over. And. Over.......... Shoot me in the head NOW! Breathe deeply, close eyes, leave the room, come back, SSSSNNNNOOOOORRRRRT - F**K!!!!! Go to bed, head under pillow, slllleeeeeeppppp. :H:upset:
                There's a remedy, Nicelife, it's called separate rooms, and it's no big deal. The other stuff can happen whenever the mood strikes. My husband and I can't sleep together because we both snore, and consequently, neither rests. If he were here now, I wouldn't be talking to you guys. Ah, a room of one's own--and not a man cave.

                BTW, I had to sleep with him the other night because our AC went out. He has a window AC because it gets hot upstairs. Unfortunately, I turned over at some point in the night, raised my knee, and hit him in his testicles. He kept a pillow at that sensitive site all nite. Snoring wasn't the issue at that point.:H
                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                  Day 14: This is just ridiculous

                  I still can't laugh or see the funny side!!! The snorting/coughing doesn't happen in bed, it's everywhere else.....watching a television program is torture!!!! BUT, if I was boozed he would probably be stabbed in the head with a fork.....well, you know what I mean. Being sober at least renders me reasonable and rational - mostly. Have a great day everyone.
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    Day 14: This is just ridiculous

                    BTW Juja, If he keeps it up I'll probably do what you but by no mistake!!! Now that made me laugh about it - a little bit...
                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      Day 14: This is just ridiculous

                      nicelife;1160366 wrote: I still can't laugh or see the funny side!!! The snorting/coughing doesn't happen in bed, it's everywhere else.....watching a television program is torture!!!! BUT, if I was boozed he would probably be stabbed in the head with a fork.....well, you know what I mean. Being sober at least renders me reasonable and rational - mostly. Have a great day everyone.
                      That would drive me bonkers! Maybe he needs to see an ear, nose, throat person. And you sleep with this guy, too? You either an angel or a martyr. wings:

                      I glad you laughed a little. Know what you mean; life's not too funny now. BUT, if you do need a laugh, check out the Underoos (Australians) under General Discussion. They're great a laugh, when I know what they're talking about!

                      Why don't you give another room, or the couch, a chance tonight? It sounds like you need a good night's rest.

                      :l Juja
                      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

