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    Back again

    Hi All,
    I have been away from MWO for nearly 6 months now. In that time, my drinking has gone from being reasonably well moderated to spiraling out of control.
    Today I was too sick to go to work after a weekend binge.
    This time round, I have a special reason to stay AF. My fianc?e is currently overseas and will be returning in a few weeks. I am absolutely and utterly committed to being fit and healthy when she returns.
    Might go poke my head in the newbies nest and say g'day.
    I will not dink today!
    Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!

    Back again

    Glad you are back bugalugs

    Use the tools to revise your plan - make it a good one

    Most of us find out that drinking moderately just doesn't work. For me AF is the way I have to go & I am completely OK with that & you can be as well

    Wishing you the best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Back again

      Hiya Bugaalugs and welcome back.
      I know you can do this and I am cheering for you!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

