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rehab is for quitters

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    rehab is for quitters

    i dont know if anyone has been to rehab but i have 3 times i need help and ive been through the different avenues and channels and feel like singing u2's(bono)"i still havent found what im looking for",to alot of people in the forum we share the same addiction but mine goes deeper than most theres not much any rehab could do for me my problem is more phsycological(and no im not a nutter:H )only on times fri-mon im just a part timer lol my problem stems from infidelity(not on my side though)letting people walk over me and over trusting pure snakes that has led me to my position where i am now a comfort drinker today is my months milestone sobz in rehab your in a safe location a safe enviroment and have councelling day or night theres always someone at hand 24-7 but when you leave rehab you go back down the road again its a true fact that most goninto rehab they go a long time sobz then back on the wagon again as this help is no longer given you might be lucky and get a cpn in my region theres 1 in a 50 mile radius you see him once a month if your lucky as stated in some post earlier on throughout the different threads they are as much use as tits to a bull if you pardon my language.we need each other and i have found some hope on this forum and proud to be shareing views oppinions etc etc god bless yous all
    ps another wee problem niggleing at me is when you get married in your marriage vows is as in illness and in health!!!!!!alcoholism is an illness so how can people(husband, wives,he-shes or whatever floats your boat)seperate with there partners because of an illness! thanks for listening as your posts back is the highlight of my day just now as the clouds are on the horizon pease post back:thanks: mitch the highland haggis hunter
    pps.ive still not lost my sense of humour though
    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

    rehab is for quitters

    Hi Highland haggis....I'll lose the nutter bit, I prefer to think of you as a sheeps stomach stuffed with offal and barley with a cute smiley face...if there is such a thing.
    In sickness and in health....for me....if I had to put up with what my dearly beloved has over the last 9 years, marriage vows could go suck I'm afraid...i believe there is a limit, and I've stretched all of them. I am very lucky, I believe God/Jehovah/Buddah/Allah would excuse my man in the wink of an eye....
    Interesting to hear about re hab...I've often wondered how people get on when they are finally let loose as it were...I think I'll stick to trying to make it work in the real world, that way, I'll know I can deal with the sort of stuff that will ALWAYS pop up and has previously been an excuse to enter oblivion, and I mean an*t happens...what!! I always gonna treat every happening as a reason to kill myself..why don't I try and turn it around and use it as an excuse to use the money to get a massage/see a film/buy another pair of shoes....Hell, we deserve a nice's the only one we've got...soz if you believe in reincarnation...
    Be healthy Mitchy boy....keep the humour, Hugs The Melon


      rehab is for quitters

      Hi Mitch....... nice to see you're still here

      Never done rehab but I did try counselling, The girl who saw me was only 21 and had never had a drink problem............ so i didn't feel that she understood how I felt......

      I find this site good because we all actually understand each others feelings, as for partners, my hubby is brilliant, but i don't know how much more he would have put up with.

      Take care, Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h


        rehab is for quitters

        shopping therapy

        :thanks: people for the rapid response as for spending money i am a spendaholic i work offshore in the oil industry so money is quite easy come easy go and the more you have the more you spend...over the last 4 weeks ive been into town maybe 8 times on usual visits(i travel by train)80 miles there and drink alcohol on the train so instead of buying drink i treat myself with the ?100 i used to spend on alcohol to buy me something nice as a reward but still get grief over that but......hey am not bovvvered its better than pissing up against a wall and youve something to show for it yes shopping therapy you cannot beat it theres a sense of joy coming home sober and something to show for your money so if anyones reading this post try it for yourselves and post back to see if it gives you pleasure like myself.i find it hard to save money if something happened to me my partner and children are well catered for so thats not a problem i put alot of money into shares and pensions at an early age.ive seen banners and flags saying jesus saves....if this is true what bank is he with lol(just joking)on a serious note though try this shopping therapy on every milestone it gives me aboost hope it does for yous keep up the great comms yous make me so happy.. the haggis is sure a funny charachter 2 short legs on the left hand side and two long legs on the right hand side this is so that he or she(not in season yet)can accomadate the highland hillsideby running from left to right on the steep hillside but if your as crafty as me you round the up and chase them right to left this causes the longer legs to be on the upperside of the hill unbalancing the poor haggis and toppling them down and catching them no bother we then tag them to find out more about this strange critter its habitat and surroundings lol:H this forum relly does work keep up the good work folks!!!!mitch hi-land heather hopper
        Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


          rehab is for quitters

          yes paula its the sign o the times youngsters coming out of college uni whatever.... its not there fault,,,the only people that know what this problem is like is the people that have it...most of us are highly educated people and we could do there job 10 fold we know what lies within.. the triggers...the depression etc etc why dont they train up alcholics to become one of these councillors?im sure that theres alot of people out there that want to work and not having a job depresses them and they turn to alcohol im sure the said peeps would be great just for even moral somebody to talk to in gloomy times we all have our issues and maybe the said person can relate its definetely worth the goverments in respective countries to view this option but will they?????i dont think so however recently theres been people interviewed for various drug councillingjobs ex heroin users so why not alcohol?its crazy we tax payers pay tax from our wages then on the booze&cigs we buy( ive a dirty habit i smoke as well, part an parcel of drinking)to the goverment for this councillors to get paid and they dont have a scooby doo what they are doing....the reason they wont put money into the councilling is because the biggest money spinner is coming into the purse from the booze and cigs and see its not a problem because its legal im now wondering on the hard facts of heroin users would this be the same if heroin was legal........i dont know.........i dont mean to sound heavy but i get carried away on the keyboard thanks for the post keep up the good work yasall!fae the blu hackled mitch o the heelan
          Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


            rehab is for quitters

            Mitch...went up to stay with my friend who lives near Drumnathingy (drochit???) a few years ago...know what you mean about the hills......loved the countryside up there...if it wasn't for the weather...I would have emigrated up North instead of NZ....scenery here very similar to some parts of Scotland on your funny legs haggis man....forever away frae the liquor store!!! Weemelonhead xo

