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start tomorrow?

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    start tomorrow?

    so, i'm back to where i was a couple of years ago.
    drinking everyday. about 3 glasses of wine a night.
    i hate that i got back here again. i just stopped policing myself in my moderation and this summer, have had 3 glasses of wine every night.(occassionally i had 4).

    so, i'm shooting for 1 and a half glasses tonight then tomorrow, i'll have none.

    so, i hope that i don't have major withdrawals. that's my biggest fear.

    start tomorrow?

    Hi, have been where you are. I was a bottle a night. So at least four glasses. I stopped cold turkey and other than irritability i had no other major withdrawal symptoms. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep.
    Good luck!


      start tomorrow?

      Hi letgolaughing,

      Welcome back, you know this is a good place!

      I doubt you will experience withdrawal symptoms, 3 glasses of wine at night is nothing compared to what I drank
      Just be sure to drink a lot of water, take your supplements, eat well & you'll do fine.

      Here's the Write yourself a new plan for success

      Wishing you the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        start tomorrow?

        thanks y'all
        i had one glass of wine tonight. when i poured it i made sure to stop at the 5 oz mark(i know where it is on my glass)and i realized that this summer, i was probably pouring a little more than that because i was just drinking and not modding like i used to. so, probably, instead of 5 oz it was 6 or more and so, maybe i was having closer to 4 drinks than 3. anyway...hopefully that won't matter

        finished my wine tonight and i had a little headache and had a hot flash already! i think it may be anxiety though.
        i'm nervous about tomorrow and the next 4 days.
        my hubby says i'll be ok. i wish i could believe him.


          start tomorrow?


          I seriously doubt if you'll have WD symptoms. I was up to 5-6 glasses of wine a day for 6 years, and only experienced a headache on about the 3rd day. You'll be okay. Don't make it worse by imagining things, or being overly sensitive to your body. Get some good rest, and drink plenty of water.

          All will be well.:l
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            start tomorrow?

            letgolaughing;1160453 wrote: hi
            thanks y'all
            i had one glass of wine tonight. when i poured it i made sure to stop at the 5 oz mark(i know where it is on my glass)and i realized that this summer, i was probably pouring a little more than that because i was just drinking and not modding like i used to. so, probably, instead of 5 oz it was 6 or more and so, maybe i was having closer to 4 drinks than 3. anyway...hopefully that won't matter

            finished my wine tonight and i had a little headache and had a hot flash already! i think it may be anxiety though.
            i'm nervous about tomorrow and the next 4 days.
            my hubby says i'll be ok. i wish i could believe him.
            He is correct, I drank a whole lot more than that, albeit beer and not wine, but I did not have any problems with withdrawl.

            It is so great that your hubs is on your side and going to be helpful. Its like you are a kid at Christmas, marking off days on the calender, and watching them add up.

            I was even counting half days.........LOL Lots of great advice on here and good peeps.

            I agree with the stay hydrated, excersise, learn nutrition, just try to stay busy in general, and avoid any old triggers. Whif(not a typo I made this word up it means when and if) you do get an urge, tell yourself you dont drink, and redirect your thoughts, it gets easier.

            Your body and your wallet will both come up and thank you! GL and stay strong
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              start tomorrow?

              thanks. i will keep telling myself it'll be ok and re-reading your posts.

              i wish that i could get past this fear because there is a whole other side of me that is excited. i'm excited to see what it's like to not drink in the evening. to see how i feel. to maybe have less anxiety. to not be tied to that evening glass of wine. i so want to be able to just concentrate on the good parts of this, and this wd fear just holds me back.

              but, i'm going to take that leap of faith and do it. tonight's the night. it's gonna be alright :notes:


                start tomorrow?

                How great that you've talked to you husband about this and have his support!


                  start tomorrow?

                  it's thursday morning and I've completed Day 2. On to Day 3.
                  feeling fine so far. knock on wood.


                    start tomorrow?

                    Hey Letgolaughing. I totally relate to you. Tonight is my first AF evening in a long time. I also want the freedom of not being controlled by alcohol and I want to be the person my husband married, not his crazy out-of-control lush of a wife. My biggest battle right now is with anxiety, I am afriad to go to bed because I worry about all the thoughts that come into my head in the dark. My husband is away too which doesn't help. But reading everyone else's post is so helpful. We can all support each other.
                    AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                    Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                    Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                    Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                      start tomorrow?

                      Congrats letgolaughing!
                      You will be just fine ~ keep going

                      Hello & welcome Rollerblader!
                      Have you read the MWO book yet? If not you can download it right from the Health Store here on the website. I have to tell you I had some crippling anxiety when I was drinking & it's gone now. Getting AL out your system helps so much! I used the MWO Hypno CDs & highly recommend them. They helped me learn to relax without AL & helped get my thinking going in the right direction
                      Look in the for more great ideas to help deal with your anxiety.

                      Wishing you both the best today!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

