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Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

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    Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

    Hi Everyone, :new:

    Just wanted to introduce myself and say that after a very long time of trying to moderate, I'm now committed to no more alcohol in my life. I feel happy about the decision and even though I'm just beginning I feel like this is finally the right time for me.

    I don't think I'm a textbook alcoholic, but a problem drinker. Doesn't really matter, I've decided I want a sober life. Really tired of the alcohol roller coaster.

    Thanks in advance for your support. I see that this website is full of caring people who help each other along, and I'm thrilled to have found it. I've been reading here for a long time, but just decided to jump in.

    Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

    Welcome to the site!


      Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

      I like your quote! Welcome. There are a lot of people here to help you along. Good luck!


        Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

        I wanted to say that I'm not a textbook alcoholic either, but I don't think it matters what you call it. You want to quit drinking, that's all that matters.

        How are you going to do it? Because wanting it is not going to be enough. Read the to get some ideas about what has worked for others and make a plan.


          Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

          Fly & Looking,

          Thanks for the welcome - and for the link, Fly! My plan is as follows:

          No alcohol in my home
          My husband is very supportive and drinks very little
          No sit down dinners for 30 days (a big trigger for me to order a drink)
          No social events for 30 days (not a big problem at all)
          Exercise - I run a minimum of 4 x per week (and have for a long time)
          Healthy food - I eat organic, home made 99% of the time - love to cook
          Tea - just bought a beautiful teapot and have made drinking tea a really nice evening ritual - the tea really helps me to not drink!
          Written reminders of how much better I feel without alcohol's residual effect the next day
          Written reminders of how well I sleep (alcohol greatly disturbs my sleep)
          Reading copius amounts of literature by people who don't drink (I've read the MWO book and have the tapes)
          Visiting MWO regularly
          YOGA for meditation and relaxation

          That's at least a start.............Right now I'm reading a book about emotional sobriety which is really helping my mental outlook...............

          Thanks again, guys, for your help and support.


            Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting


            Welcome aboard....that sounds like a great plan!

            Don't get bogged down by labels - alcoholic, heavy drinker, etc. Just concentrate on wanting and desiring to live a healthy lifestyle. I think we often forget that there are many people out there who CHOOSE not to drink alcohol because they simply don't like it, don't desire it, and see it as a stumbling block to long term health goals.

            keep posting and god luck reaching your goal!:welcome:


              Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

              LT2 - thanks for the welcome. I agree about the labels - I kept reading and re-reading all the questionnaires to find out if I was an alcoholic. Really, who cares if it makes you miserable, right?!!


                Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                Hi unwasted welcome to mwo,This is a great community with lots of great advice and support,Know matter where you are with alcohol abuse there are people who are here who know what and can relate to what your going through,As been said check out the tool box in the monthly abstinence thread also post and read as many thread as you can, good luck and don't quit quitting,see ya around ;-)

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                  Thanks Mario


                    Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                    I am a big fan of drinking/staying hydrated, I think it really helps quell the desire to reach for AL.

                    Congrats on the decision to stop, and I am sooooooooo glad your hubby is on board and supportive, that will go a long way in helping you.

                    Stay hydrated, and dont let your AL brain ever talk you into needing to take action, politely tell it, thanks but YOU dont drink anymore!!

                    I m still waiting for the little yellow smiley emoticon flipping the bird to a bottle of hooch! LOL
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                      i am right there with you. though i may not drink every day, it has always been a problem when i do drink. that is how i (as well) explained it to my husband " i am tired of the rollercoaster" i hope you find your peace with this horrible poison.
                      I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                      sober since 2/4/12


                        Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting


                        OK, you asked for a smiley face flipping off al. Here's the best I could do. As you can see, I have entirely too much time on my hands today! LOL

                        Hope this isn't too naughty - guess if it is, an administrator will come along and delete it????

                        Gotta get our chuckles where we can!

                        Hi Star - let's do this together. Screw alcohol!


                          Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                          Hi Unwasted,

                          Just wanted to say hello & welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
                          You have a great plan in place - good for you,
                          That along with a strong commitment should help you reach your goal.

                          Good job btw finding Nelz his special smiley face :H

                          Wishing you the best!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                            Just want to add my welcome too. I am fairly new here too, but your plan sounds very similar to mine. I also have a real problem with going out to dinner. It's an automatic trigger for me to order a glass of wine. I'm ok at home, although I had a bad habit of cooking while drinking too. I'm in this with you, so let's take it one day at a time together!
                            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                              Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                              Lav, thanks so much - I love the way you respond to Newbies. You should get some kind of gold star for being here!

                              To - I'm with's great to have kindred spirits nearby. I am determined to change my life and get alcohol out of the picture. I really have a feeling that someday I'll wonder why I didn't do it sooner. For me, it's taken lots of tries, but I gather that's part of the problem with alcohol - just have to accept it and be glad not too much damage has been done. I know it's a huge adjustment, but I really want it. I'll watch for you on the threads and cheer you along!

