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Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

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    Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

    Forgot to say that of course I do order a glass of wine. Then another, then another. Then i come home and polish off a big bottle of wine. If only it were just that one glass....
    Anyway, I spend a lot of time on the Focus on Fitness board and the Pinkster's thread there on an invitation from KeepWalking, who first welcomed me to the board. Everyone there is also very friendly and supportive.
    Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


      Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

      Hi Unwasted,
      I love how quickly you had a plan.
      I came here and had no plan, just knew I was looking for help. I LOVE this site, and all the people on it, even though there are many I don't know. You found a good place. You sound motivated, determined, and ready to kick AL to the curb. Way to go, and welcome.
      I find coming here daily and just reading, or posting is what really helps me. Also knowing that everyone here understands just how difficult this relationship with AL can be.
      Again, welcome!

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

        Welcome Unwasted,

        Are you doing 30 day's alcohol free? (AF) If so, how are you going? If not, get cracking friend!

        Apart from all that..... How are you going there? Have you read the 'Toolbox thread'? Shame on you if you haven't! What's the latest?


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

          Sun, Guitarista and Tonstant,

          Thanks so much for your encouraging words. G - I had read so much before I jumped in that yes, I had found the toolbox and was ready to hit the road when I started posting. I'm not 30 days yet, but I did make 30 days a few months ago before I decided to try to control the amount I drank. I was able to cut down, but not enough to feel good the next day.

          I visited several other websites before figuring out that this is by far the best one. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but the people here seem real and very giving of their time and encouragement. I am so happy to be here. There's just nothing like someone who "gets it and has been through the struggle" helping you along the way.

          I do feel like I'm going to be successful - it's my time to embark upon a different kind of life.

          Thanks again for posting.


            Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

            Well done on having a plan in place!


              Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

              Congrats on your sobriety Unwasted! I enjoyed reading your plan.
              What are some of your favorite books you mentioned? I recently read Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife, and a lot resonated with me. Looking for a new read!
              ?A year from now you will wish you had started today.? Karen Lamb


                Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                Margaret, I actually have Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife saved in my Amazon account. Here are some books that I've read (tremendous help to me!!):

                Unwasted (the inspiration for my avatar) by Sacha Scoblic - fantastic chapter titled "Choosing My Religion"
                Waiting by Marya Hornbecker (great for helping you get a higher power concept if you have issues with it like I did)
                12 Smart Things to do When the Booze and Drugs Are Gone by Allen Berger
                by Augusten Burroughs
                Drinking a Love Story
                by Caroline Knapp
                Wishful Drinking
                by Carrie Fisher
                The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
                by Allen Carr (a bit dated but some very useful info)


                  Long-Time Visitor Now Committed to Quitting

                  Hi, all,

                  My favorite books on the alcohol struggle are:

                  A Drinking Life by Pete Hamill
                  Eric by Eric Clapton (I'm also an old rock 'n roller, so it was a double goodie.)
                  Tender Bar, a Memoir by J. R. Moehinger

                  I read them a number of years ago when the realization that needed to do something finally hit me. The books are so good that they're on my bookshelves, not in the pile to go to Goodwill.

                  I have to check out the others, even though I'm tired of talking and thinking about AL all the time.
                  "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

