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    You said:

    My thoughts on T-O-D-A-Y: I WON't regret TODAY if I don't drink.
    That is really a great way to think about it! What could I possibly regret about not drinking today? When you wake up tomorrow, can you imagine thinking, "I really should have drank yesterday?" Why would that ever be a good thing? But I sure as hell have thought, "I'm so ashamed of how I acted yesterday. I drank way too much yesterday. I have so many regrets about yesterday because of drinking."

    I'm so glad that you posted that! Thank you.


    I love this too. The self respect that comes when you don't have to feel bad anymore over drinking too much is amazing!



      Love it too !



        Today is day 18 AF for me. I was traveling the past week on business so feel like I was able to "stock pile" a few days without "temptation". Today was the first "alone" day I had, and also the first day that it went through my mind .... I could drink today and no one would know. I pushed the thought out of my mind 3 times today. The thought didn't last long ... It's been the worst past few weeks of my life in dozens of ways! I also thought to my self how I NEVER want to repeat the way I've felt (physically for sure) again and to drink would begin that cycle all over. A

        Thanks for this ... It was a good reminder for me tonight that I will have NO regrets in the morning!!
        Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

        NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
        AF - July 31, 2013



          Rita, great job on getting 18 days. Really, a great accomplishment and I agree. The words here are ones to live by -- I use this thought too. I just hold on to how I'll feel the next day when I wake up after a wonderful night's sleep and I stave off the wandering thoughts of drinking!

          Way to go!



            Day 3 and today is over, sat with my son watching a movie, usually I am off my head and alone cos nobody really wants to be near me, so yep, tomorrow I will wake without that horribly feeling of what the hell did I say last night - who did I annoy or upset - tomorrow I will wake with no regrets about today. Cool post.
            :lI'd really rather be skiing:H



              SR - hope you're still maintaining - way to go on getting a few days going!



                Way to Go SR -- Those first few days felt like forever long .... Now I am closing in on 3 weeks and the time distortion thing has self corrected and the days are flying by once again. Keep going!! You can, you can, you can!!

                (Time Distortion is when you are early into quitting and every day feels PAINFULLY LONG!! Plus you just want some of these days in the success bag - so it's like a kid waiting for Christmas).
                Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                AF - July 31, 2013



                  :h Just Thankful today that I am 3 weeks AF/NF. I am finally getting going on eating better and getting my supplements in my body every day. I started them on Thursday - and will report in a few weeks how that is going. I know this process can take time - but I am very impatient once I decide to do something. I like to have some "momentum" behind me - and the "starting out" part drives me crazy. Which is why I usually never stick to something and always have had the "tomorrow I'll start" mentality. NOT NOW, tomorrow the Brain tells me. HUMMMMM ... that is the Addictive Voice talking to me loud and clear! HA! Busted!

                  I feel FAT, PUFFY and a little jittery at times still. Looking for that HEALTHY GLOW - but it too is going to take some time. Which I am trying to muster up a dose of patience to go along with those supplements I'm taking!!

                  Today I will eat according to plan, I will NOT drink AL, nor will I let nicotine into this body. Today will be a day I can be proud to own.
                  Put your hands over your heart - and tell yourself that you are going to guard this essence of who you are with everything. Alcohol opens us up to darkness and depression instantly. You choose love today. Guard it by keeping the poison out of your body. It IS poison.

                  NF - May 2, 2013 (cig free Jan. 25, 2013)
                  AF - July 31, 2013



                    Good Evening and I wont regret today if I don;t drink today - love it love it. Just thought I would check in and see if you are all ok. Hope so. I am still here, and whoooo hoooooooooooo 7 days today, hey that is a whole week, talk about time distortion - the longest week ever but actually just checking the time and yep, a whole week. I am delighted and once again it is in no small part thanks to MWO, seriously gr8. Am feeling seriously loading with self respect - in fact wondering if me and my huge self respect are gonna fit in my bed tonight (joking - am all too aware that pride comes before a fall - well for me usually). Tonight was close, Husband home, came home last night, sat on the sofa and drank a bottle of red, not too tuff to take as I had to go get my kid from a friends late on so all good, but tonight having had the most overly productive day in perhaps a year (lol) I felt pleased, the house is looking lovely and anyways 5pm the danger hour for me, husband decides we need milk and off we go and of course straight down the wine alley, well two bottles (one each) we drive home, well long story short I haven;t drunk mine, he has his, but my son gave me a hard time because i said I wasnt going to drink for a month. So it is in the fridge - bellowing at me, but I am ignoring it, until this wine can present with better manners it can jolly well stay there. I am off to bed and looking forward to getting out of bed tomorrow morning with no regrets. xxx Good Night and Good Luck one and all.
                    :lI'd really rather be skiing:H

