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Day 4 Feeling Great

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    Day 4 Feeling Great

    Hi All,

    Well I guess when you are just out of a withdrawal and are all chirpy about your soberity, posts like this will emerge. I am on Day 4 feeling great and gonna keep on going at it.................anyone else in day 4 to give me company in soberity? Lets take day 4 together.


    Day 4 Feeling Great

    I just finished day 1, but congrats on day 4!!
    I cannot WAIT to get there.


      Day 4 Feeling Great

      Excellent mate! you will get there...just hang tight!


        Day 4 Feeling Great


        You will be completely surprised at how well you feel by day 10. Your body will figure out you are not pouring the poison down your throat and will start to heal.

        After a few weeks I have found sleep becomes normal, whatever that is for your body, and suddenly things look great.

        Unfortunately, I seem to find myself failing over time and having to do this all again.

        Stay with us and work on sobriety through its stages. Many here have gone through them all and their advice and wisdom are priceless.

        My plan is to stick with my sobriety this time and not let the beast lure me back.

        I look forward to getting to know you and both of us succeeding.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Day 4 Feeling Great

          me too!

          i am on day 4 as well! feeling uneasy about the weekend though. (that is my hard time) can't say i have been a joy this week though. have a fever blister which makes me feel ugly and am still feeling ashamed from this past weekend. i did talk to a friend about me going sober and she seems supportive so i am just happy i put it out there. let me know how the rest of the week goes for you and we can do this together!
          I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
          sober since 2/4/12


            Day 4 Feeling Great

            Dear Cindi and Starfairy,

            I am sure that by day 10 I should feel rejuevinated and you are right about the sleep when you are sober....thats real sleep not a drunken slumber which wakes you up like shit when you are dehydrated and withdrawn. i will keep on posting my progress.
            @starfairy...dont worry about nothing, we are gonna sail this through.



              Day 4 Feeling Great

              Congrats on Day 4 Vynan, and Cindi is right. You'll feel fabulous by Day 10. I was on an energy/happiness high. I guess I forgot what normal felt like. I've been taking melatonin at night and I sleep like a rock.

              Starfairy--Congrats to you as well on Day 4. You sound shaky and it worries me about this weekend. Are you taking L-Glut? If not I'd highly recommend it to help you with cravings. If you make it through this weekend the next one will be much easier. But you need a plan as to how you're going to stay sober. Stay busy, take supplements, read the MWO book, change your routine to avoid your trigger times, etc.


                Day 4 Feeling Great

                Thanks Flyaway.

                Just a Jist of things of what all I put in in the last 4 days

                Hi All,

                I think so far the most important update from me.

                Day 4- Absolutely normal, completely out of withdrawal. Slept like a baby last night, no sweats, dreams, halls etc.
                I think the diet pattern and the vitamins worked and body and mind has come back to normalcy. All i did was flushed the toxins with Water/electrolytes, Put in lots of fresh foods, Sertonin boosters like turkey, tuna, sunflower seeds etc, Vitamins primarily B, C and Niacin......worked like magic without anti withdrawal or anxiety drugs.....
                Yah one more magical stuff which helped me Camomile tea..had 2-3 cups every day to fulsh out the bad stuff, put GERD in control and primarily for a good sleep without anxiety.

                Thank you all for all your support and will be posting soon.

                Warm Regards,



                  Day 4 Feeling Great

                  flyaway..the weekends do scare me cause that is when i binge terribly. we have dinner plans with friends on friday but i have only agreed to dinner (no bar afterwards) and that i will be the D.D. (which i never do) i keep reminding myself how good i felt during my 8 month and 3 months when i was sober before. i am just trying to re-train myself because the things i do to stay busy are gardening and painting but i always do that with a drink in my hand.
                  I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                  sober since 2/4/12


                    Day 4 Feeling Great

                    Well done Vynan! I too am on day 4, but the cravings are not getting any easier for me.

                    This is the first time I have really decided to give it a proper go, going AF that is. I have gone a day or two in the past, just to prove to myself that I wasn't a "real" alchoholic, I just needed a drink to deal with stress, or because I liked the taste, or for company, or whatever excuse works today ...

                    But this time, I have decided to knuckle down, tell no-one, and get through one day at a time. I have quit smoking in the past (several times, but now I am SF 8 months), and I always got through it by telling myself that the worst cravings were in the first three days, and that they got easier to manage and less frequent from Day 4. This was true, and it worked for me as I was able to prepare myself for the cravings and had the strength to deal with them when they hit me.

                    Today, maybe because I was counting on it being an easy day after getting through the first 3, it has hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe it is because my OH decided that today would be a good day to stress me out (I'm sure she wouldn't if she knew what I was going through, but I don't want to tell her), or maybe it's just because I was unprepared. Either way, all I can think about all day is pouring myself a drink, because I know that would make me feel better, but I keep reminding myself that it would be a temporary high, and I would hate myself later for sending myself back to Day 1.

                    So, I'm gonna force myself to go down to the gym now. I'm putting it off because I can't stay down there all night, and my OH is working a night-shift tonight, so I'm going to be home alone in front of the TV all night - traditionally my favourite time, as I would use it as an opportunity to get wasted, and still have time to sober up before my OH gets home. So what I'm trying to do now, is wait until as late as possible, go to the gym, exhaust myself, and fall into bed when I get home.

                    By the way, does anyone have an opinion on Non-Alcoholic beer? Does it take the edge off, or just give you a thirst for the real thing? Is it cheating to drink it and say you are AF?


                      Day 4 Feeling Great

                      Stallone, do you have any L-Glutamine? It helps me a lot with cravings. If being home alone is a trigger for you, you need to find something else to do tonight to keep you busy. Avoid your triggers. Change things up. I'm not an expert, but I'd certainly think NA beer is better than the real thing.


                        Day 4 Feeling Great

                        Thanks Flyaway. I have been trying to keep active all day so I fall asleep at night, but with my work and other activities, watching TV at night is the one time I can really relax and I look forward to that time every day - trouble is, I always do it with a drink in hand, so I guess that's a trigger. But if I take away my favourite part of the day, I will just get depressed, and would probably start drinking for that.

                        And depression is one of those things that makes me over-drink. I have always been a daily drinker, but rarely an over-drinker. It is only stress and depression and rage that really set me off, so I don't want to risk taking away something I enjoy (TV, that is, not drinking!).

                        That is why I asked about NA beer. If I can use that as a crutch until I am able to relax without anything in my hand, I think this would be a good solution, for now.

                        I don't know what L-Glutamine is - some sort of supplement? I know this sounds ironic (or maybe moronic), but I don't like putting something into my body when I don't know what is in it!!

                        Anyway, I'm old-school, and prefer to do things the fast-but-painful way, like whipping off a band-aid.


                          Day 4 Feeling Great

                          L-Glutamine is an amino acid. You should be able to find it at a health food store or possibly a pharmacy. At least in the States you can. You say you like to do things the fast way, taking L-glutamine or any supplement isn't going to lengthen the time it takes you to get sober. It'll just make it easier.


                            Day 4 Feeling Great

                            Hey Stallone,

                            Just give it your best shot buddy. going to the gym and sweating it out is a very good way...dont pour a drink to drown your stress, it will just make it worse. Regarding non-alcoholic beer, I feel just the taste and smell will increase your cravings...but thats just me.

                            Take care and all the best, I look forward hearing from you on your journey...just hang in tight



                              Day 4 Feeling Great

                              Stallone, I have wondered the same thing about non AL beer - I do know that it has a miniscule amount of liquor in it - someing like .5%. I haven't tried it but had thought about it myself. I would hate to trigger a craving but it might be a good standby in certain situations. I have no idea what they put in it aside from the .5% alcohol. Hope others chime in on this question. It could be a good alternative for your wedding!

                              Just found this:

                              Perhaps a logical question would be: ?What if individuals with alcohol abuse problems or alcoholics would switch to non-alcoholic beer?? Wouldn?t that solve our problems? Well, there are a few major problems with this solution. First of all, alcohol-free beer in many peoples? view still does not have the rich flavor of regular beer. Secondly, even most non-alcoholic beer has a small amount of alcohol, which could cause relapse for recovering alcoholics. Thirdly, research has shown that the smell of any kind of beer may be enough to cause reactions in an alcoholic?s mind, triggering cravings. The smell may actually raise the brain?s level of dopamine, which gives the individual a high, making them want more. It may be the anticipation of drinking alcohol that aids in the addiction for more.

                              Perhaps it is best for recovering alcoholics to refrain from even non-alcoholic beer for the best chances of recovery.

