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Why Can't I stop?

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    Why Can't I stop?

    Hi all! I am new to this forum, not to drinking tho! I don't know what went wrong but I seem to go three weeks, detox then start again. Just wanted to say hi and touch base with others who are having the same problem. :upset: BTW I am from South Africa. No, there aren't lions roaming the

    Why Can't I stop?

    Hi, Russian Bear,

    Welcome! This is a great place to come to when you want to stop drinking or learn to moderate. The folks here are supportive, have great advice, and are not judgemental, so hop on board.

    I'm relatively new--not quite to 30 days AF--but I'm getting there. I wouldn't been where I am now if it weren't for Winesucks, Queenbug, Flyaway, Rubywillow, Clover, Lavande, and many more people. You'll meet them all.

    What do you want to do: abstain or moderate? Everyone will tell you you need a plan. My suggestion is to check in here daily, on any thread, and read and post. That was my first step.

    Good luck!
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Why Can't I stop?

      Russian Bear, it took me many tries, but I think something has finally kicked in. I just got so tired of feeling bad, I decided I'd had enough. I'm early on but feeling strong. I read on this site for a very long time and then started posting.

      I can only tell you what's helping me, but here it is:

      Changed my routine - avoiding triggers, esp social situations
      Healthy diet and exercise
      Reading tons of literature about people's struggle and winning over alcohol
      Replacing my cocktail hour with a lovely ritual of hot herbal tea
      Written reminders to myself about just how horrible alcohol makes me feel
      Written reminders about how there is absolutely nothing good about alcohol - other than a very short-term buzz that in actuality only made me say and do things I later regretted!

      Visit here a lot - many good people to help you along.


        Why Can't I stop?

        Just wanted to say hello and Welcome.
        As JJ said there is SO MUCH support here so dive in.

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Why Can't I stop?

          Hi Russian Bear,

          Just wanted to say hello. I am also new here and did max of close to 2 months last time. i f you can do 3, try to push it to 4 or 5. My two cents not about how many days but one day at a time, try to treat each day as your first day and it may feel lot more easier.

          All the very best with your journey.



            Why Can't I stop?

            Hi Russian Bear and let me add my welcome,:welcome: too. I used to be on a similar path: go a couple of weeks, start feeling confident, have a couple of glasses of wine thinking I could moderate and then be right back to where I was before detoxing. The only thing that has changed for me this time is joining these boards, staying close to them, and posting frequently. I'm still only on day 10, so I'm by no means out of the woods but for the first time I can see an alcohol-free future.
            You have some great advice here, especially about making a plan and constantly reminding yourself of the bad things about alcohol. Keep us posted on your progress.
            Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


              Why Can't I stop?

              Hi Russian Bear,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!

              They say nothing changes is nothing changes......
              You need to make a good plan for yourself so you don't automatically return to drinking. Learning new ways to cope with stress, new ways to fill your time & changing your thinking are essential if you want to remain AF. Take a look in the for lots of good ideas for your plan.

              If you haven't already read the MWO book too. Yuo can download it from the Health Store right here on the website. The Hypno CDs did a fantastic job in helping me learn to relax without AL & to change my thinking about it too - I highly recommend them.

              Give yourself a fighting chance to succeed - write a good plan, work up a strong commitment, rid your house of all AL & most of all take drinking as an option off your list! You can do this, a lot of us have

              Feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support

              Wishing you the best!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

