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BzzBee62: Progress Thread

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    BzzBee62: Progress Thread

    Hi Turnagain,

    I did some reading, and now see it's quite a common problem. Luckily I have always slept well at night, but now I'm also tired at times during the day. One thing I read is that when you'll feel tired during the day, it's best to do some activity. That will not only keep you awake, but apparently also makes you less tired! I tried this yesterday, and indeed I felt better afterwards. I think it's because I get "boredom tiredness", meaning as soon as I have nothing particular to do, my default is to go into standby mode (i.e. snooze).

    Hopefully, with all the vitamins and supplements, and some exercise, I'll feel more awake soon enough.

    Today is day 15 AF, yay!


      BzzBee62: Progress Thread

      Wow, I haven't been on here all week, but I haven't been drinking either, yay!

      It's been 3 whole weeks now, and I've been doing very well. I have hardly craved, and when I have, I've been able to push it out of my mind quite quickly. This coming week I'm attending a business function, where it is habitual for all colleagues to drink... I haven't yet decided if I'm going to partake or not.


        BzzBee62: Progress Thread

        Applause for you BZZZZ!

        Good luck with your upcoming function. Have you tried moderating in the past? How has that worked for you?
        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          BzzBee62: Progress Thread

          Hi Turnagain,

          I haven't ever tried moderation (well, just once, which I'll explain in a second), mainly because my drinking "spree" built up slowly over the last 5 or 6 years. I'm almost 50, and up until I was about 44-45 I was drinking "normally". That is, I never really gave alcohol much thought, and would go for many weeks without drinking (not because I was abstaining, but just because it wasn't part of my life. I would drink socially, and rarely get drunk... Which I think is what you could consider "like an average person" (let me know if I'm way off base here!).

          So, 5 or 6 years ago, I was having a couple of beers a few nights a week, on my own, which turned into two or three beers most nights a week, then three to four beers every night, then four beers with a few liquor shots, ending up at around 4 liters [8 beers] of beer per day (I started drinking in the morning) and half a bottle of either cognac or vodka (sometimes leaning more toward a full bottle of liquor!).

          So, to answer the question, my drinking habit is fairly recent, and was built up slowly over that period until the point of the ridiuculous - which I guess it often is.

          When I say I tried to moderate once, I mean that I gave up drinking for one week, and then decided it was ok to have a couple of beers, which ended up in a total binge and left me back at square one. For the next several months I continued in the same pattern that I had before the week of abstinence.

          Now, as to the function coming up, I think I will be ok. Just to test this, I had one beer last night (so I've broken my 3 week abstinence), and I didn't even feel like having any more after that. The reason I did this was to test whether I could have 'just one', which seems to be the case... Although in reality I know the business function will involve more than just one... So I need to make sure that I stay aware of what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it (i.e. to enjoy the function, not to end up drunk and start my daily drinking habit again).

          I do want to moderate, and hopefully with the right attitude I can, but the truth remains to be seen.


