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Something strange ...

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    Something strange ...

    Me again!

    Sorry if I'm over-using the forum at the moment, I just cannot get to sleep and the best way not to think about alcohol is to talk about it!

    Something strange happened today. I am a former smoker (like my drinking, never a lot but something I have struggled to make a clean break from ever since I started), but I am now cigarette-free for over 8 months, and I don't miss it at all. My lungs are clearer, I go to the gym regularly, and food tastes better. But today, on my fourth AF day, I began to taste nicotine in my mouth! I thought it was unusual to get a craving after so long, but put it down to my system cleaning itself out, and there was some residue of nicotine in there somewhere.

    But then, I gave my OH a kiss on my way out the door, and she tasted smoke! She is convinced now that I am smoking, it was that real! I simply cannot understand this - I thought it was just a craving but it seems something smoky from deep within me made it into my mouth after all these months smoke-free, and it can't be just a coincidence that I have just stopped smoking, surely?

    By the way, it hasn't helped my difficult Day 4 that my OH is accusing me of smoking, and then lying when I told her I'm not. I haven't told her that I stopped drinking because I don't want to confess to having an alcohol problem, but I was having a bad enough day as it was, and now to be accused of something I did not do - I am now experiencing cravings for both drink AND nicotine, and I have not felt the urge to light up in many months.

    Thanks for letting me vent here, it helps!:bang

    Something strange ...

    Stallone - this really is a strange phenomenon. Could you have eaten something that tasted/smelled like smoke? I can't think of a plausible explanation for it...........if you figure it out, let us know.

    I'm sure your stress is high because you're about to get married, trying not to drink, etc. etc. That's a lot!

    BTW, don't feel bad about using the forum - that's why it's here! Keep writing if it helps. We are here to support you.


      Something strange ...

      This is strange to me too. One of the reasons I decided to quit drinking is because I was picking up a nicotine habit after quitting 30 years ago! I decided fat, nicotine-addicted, and drunk was no way to go through middle age. I'd even doubt you myself except that it would be downright silly to come on here and say this if you did sneak a cigarrette. Here is a far-fetched idea: did you wear anything that you haven't worn since you quit smoking? Perhaps there is a residual smell somewhere?
      Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


        Something strange ...


        Thats strange, had you been with people who had been smoking, I ask that because a couple of times my hubs has asked if I've sneaked a cigarette and it's just that I've been close to someone smoking even just on the street, you get the taste of their smoke in your mouth as they pass by so could it have been that. Sometimes I get the odd whiff of cigarette smoke in my house and no one here smokes anymore, so weird things happen.

        I find even though I stopped smoking years ago, then had the odd one now and again whilst out drinking, when I'm AF I begin to crave them sometimes even though I haven't smoked in four years now, so don't worry if you suddenly get that urge from nowhere, it threw me for a while the first few times it happened:l

        Anyway great job on your AF day 4:l

        Just taking it day by day.......


          Something strange ...

          Thanks LIS

          I'm glad somebody else has experienced this - I was starting to ask myself "DID I smoke a cigarette, and can't remember" - then I was starting to imagine crazy scenarios such as I drank so much I smoked, and blacked out so much that I thought I was still AF - but that IS crazy, because even when I have blacked out, I have always been aware of it, and ashamed and disgusted with myself.

          Your explanation is a huge relief, thanks! How are you getting on yourself?


            Something strange ...

            My husband and I haven't smoked in years, but sometimes we'll walk into our house and smell cigarette smoke. My MIL experiences the same thing, thinking it's her deceased husband hanging around. I think it must be fairly common. You're not weird or hallucinating.
            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


              Something strange ...

              I just read your first post. Now that is weird, unless it's your lungs finally clearing themselves out. Did you have a hard work-out the day before, and some of the residue is making its presence known? Hey! Maybe your OH is the one hallucinating!:H
              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                Something strange ...

                Juja;1162836 wrote: My husband and I haven't smoked in years, but sometimes we'll walk into our house and smell cigarette smoke. My MIL experiences the same thing, thinking it's her deceased husband hanging around. I think it must be fairly common. You're not weird or hallucinating.
                only i can smell it in the house usually in the kids bedrooms and i've always put it down to my late in laws checking on the kids

                Just taking it day by day.......


                  Something strange ...

                  Toxins from smoke/cigarettes get lodged in fat cells. That's why sweating is one of the best detox remedies for former smokers. It's not strange that you could still be releasing smoke toxins!

