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has anyone seen my??
hi all has anyone seen my cherries i lost them quite a while ago:H anyhow we are coming up to what i would call a sad time of year for me but hope to cruise through to the next year without uncorking a bottle here in scotland its a custom to go what we call first footing.where you get a bottle of whiskey and go round to your neighbours house and have adram singsong etc etc the days of this happening now has sadly changed all you see now is the next generation of binge drinkers and alcoholics starting at an early age drugged up on various amphetamines and alcohol rocket propelled and looking for agro ive tried advise them against the alcohol but they laugh and give it the the old scenario it wont happen to me!i think we all have said that at some point and sadly look what has happened!even the first footing changed because its hypocrytical to complain aboutyour neighbours noise all year ie the dog driving you nutz barking all night the music thumping the walls etc etc and youve got the hammer house of horrors the shake rattle and rolls and cannot sleep....been there done that bought the t shirt but in a prospecive sort of manner you wouldnt bat an eyelid if stonecold sober and no acohol remorse what keeps me away from the old vino collapso just now is the fact of my last hangover and all the ones before that in fact for the ammount of vodka i consumed i should have shares in a potato plant in the soviet union either that or if a quiz question came up who funded russia withmoney to buy a space rocket the answer would be mitch lolrussia invented vodka yet they dont have alcoholic persons spread out like we do they have full villages and towns full of just alcoholics alone thats fact in uk if you reach the grand age of 100 you get a b/day card from the queen i received a card from russia saying happy 100th bottle of vod but sadly that was years ago( just joking and no harm intented to russia)its a nice country but bloody freezing anyway hope everyone gets the serenity what theyre looking for over the festive period and hope that 2007 brings new joy into theyre lives as for me i take everyday as it comes and just glad to say im sober and in frame of mind for the time being but its a struggle be gud all god bless yas
Attached files [img]/converted_files/4975=194-attachment.jpg[/img]Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.Tags: None
has anyone seen my??
Hi Mitch (its your mad stalker again LOL).
You're sounding really positive about the New Year, Just do your best, which is all anyone can ask of us all at this time of year.
I've taken on board your idea of shopping if you don't mind, every night that I don't drink i'm gonna put the money in a jar and save up for something special. My second hobby next to drinking is shopping so I think that it will really help me.
All the best & take care.
Love & hugs, Paula xx:l :h :lsigpicXXX
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me hopes so waves :crossed: me hopes so.just now i feel very alone the clouds are on me tonight the anxiety the low mood etc etc i need people to speak to i put humour into my posts just to liven up a delicate situation ive put myself in hope people get a laff off them , i know :new: but i still need all the initial help i can get!my first month of abs and its still hellish all i can think about today is going for a drink and thats no the answer im stressed out to the max come on peeps please post help me get through the day and hopefully back on track tommoz,thanx for posting once again waves god bless ya:thanks:Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.
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heart of gold
:thanks: paula you must of been posting the same time as me what a boost you just given me it lifted :wd: the clouds im glad you like the shopping therapy idea im going to hit the idea tommorow,i honestly felt really bad a wee while ago:upset: but when someone posts to me it gives me more confidence to stay sobz bless ya youve got a heart of gold x:h x
a good heart today is hard to find so please be gentle with this heart of mineNothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.
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Hi Mitch, you don't need to thank me, that's what stalkers are for LOL
If you wan't to pass some time, if you go into monthly moderation and click on the 'once upon a time' thread, it's a story thats gone on for about 6 months with everyone posting their own next version, last week I had a cat fight with Lush, over Pedro.....................
I promise you that it will pass hours on and you will LOL :H
If you promise to keep posting instead of drinking, then I promise to keep stalking LOL
Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :hsigpicXXX
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Hey Mitch -- hang in there!! Sounds like you are doing really good this month, so dont let the temptation bring you down now! Paula is right -- the "Once Upon A Time" story will bring a smile to your face and there's some pretty good authors contributing over there if I do say so myself! :H Jump on chat if you can.... I'm study Alegebra all day today if that makes your plight sound any better than mine! But I'm promising myself no drinking at all tonight no matter how many times I choose to throw this Algebra book across the room today.
Hang in there!!
AllieWhat happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....
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thanks allie
many :thanks: allie but il give the algebra a miss today it done my nut in in school my heads a wee bit o plate of mince and tatties just now my emotions are all over the place when i was at school studying algebra,geometry etc etc the teacher asked me do i know what a pye chart is i said"aye its a poster with different types of meat pies)thanks for posting m8 good luck to the alliegebra
Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.
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Hi Mitch..I enjoyed your are so very 'real' are doing great..just stay close to this group till it gets easier..and it will! It's a really good idea to stay busy during those wicked hours of temptation..the Once Upon a time thread is good and there is usually someone ready to chat! I'm at about 11 weeks AF now..been working hard to stay in the moment..I've slipped a few times with that and let some life situations annoy me...but, life's too short to spend too much time I come back here and it puts things in perspective..and you helped me today!
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:thanks: dilayne what a boost im getting tonight its great to know your all there in time of peril glad i helped you out....but your all helping me out that is the beauty of this forum we might not see each other but we are all there real people in real life situations god bless yas all keep on postinNothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.
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thought id send you a wee photo ov myself but im affy shy lol:H be gud paula and no stalking the night il leave the door open for you lol:H :l Attached files [img]/converted_files/163055=279-attachment.gif[/img]Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.
has anyone seen my??
Hi all, I'm bumping this up for those of you that remember Mitch96.
He wasn't on here very long but was a wonderful character who disappeared suddenly ..... I emailed him but never got a reply ....... until today!
Anyway I just had an email from him, He's been in hospital & not been able to get to a pc ... .
He promised me more details to follow .....sigpicXXX