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A little update on my progress ( or rather, lack of it)

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    A little update on my progress ( or rather, lack of it)

    Hi all
    Some of you may remember me from a while back when i lived in that dry country, the husband dropped the 4 year old at kindy and never came back, wine was delivered in the washing machine.
    Well, I did leave that dry country completely pickled and began my new life with my son in NZ where I am originally from.
    At first it went really well.... I still drank but in no way near the levels I did in the dry country. I began to think maybe I really could be that 'normal' drinker.
    Then I decided to go AF which this time, wasn't that difficult... i joined the gym, ate well and managed 24 days AF.
    Then everything in my world changed...., earthquakes do that.
    I started to drink again, heavily- 6 months to the day and i have been drinking and drinking, starting as soon as I can for as long as i can. I realised I couldnt get work and it got worse. My carefully considered plan of going back to the homeland, getting a teaching job and living AF had failed.
    So almost by osmosis, I applied for and got a cool job in SE Asia where I have just arrived.
    unfortuneately the settling in allowance i have been given( not much but enough) i have spent on cocktails and room service...
    I so want to start again and would be grateful for any motivation.
    I have the tools but just need that kickstart..

    A little update on my progress ( or rather, lack of it)

    :welcome: back Patrice,

    Yep I'm still here and glad to see you back again having another bash at the AFness.

    Time to get you back on track. Perhaps a revisit to the tool box.

    Try and think back to when you were AF and write down all the good things about it. Then write down all the good things about drinking. Either do it in private or type it out here. I did mine on a sheet of paper many moons ago. I probably had one good thing to say about drinking and covered 2 sides of paper with the good things about being AF.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      A little update on my progress ( or rather, lack of it)

      Hi Patrice. I remember you too! Welcome back. Throughout the years I often thought my drinking had to do with my circumstances - not addiction. And I thought the "geographic solution" would change my drinking patterns. I've lived all over the US, but the fact is my alcoholism followed me wherever I went and the progression continued until the functionality was minimal.

      So.....if I can get sober then I know you can do it too! We all have so very much in common. Don't drink today and make a plan. That would be an awesome start.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        A little update on my progress ( or rather, lack of it)

        Just think of your son Patrice....he needs you
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem

