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Memory loss

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    Memory loss

    With regard to moderating, I did quite well this summer thanks to the gang of Pinksters I followed in the Fitness section but a disturbing thing happened on the weekend that you all may or may not relate to. I went to my granddaughter's first birthday and brought a camcorder to record the outdoor party. All the babies were crawling around and the adults were on the lawn. I recorded some sweet baby antics especially of my adorable little one and behind the camera I chatted with those I was filming. I also drank about 10 to 15 oz of wine; lets say three glasses over the course of the afternoon. Did not feel or act drunk. The next day hubby and I are watching the film and I did NOT remember the conversations I had while filming. I drew a complete blank. So after three glasses of wine my memory was affected. Wierd. Scary. Anyone else have this happen with so little booze and not even being or acting drunk...

    So, I should quit. There I've said it. Not moderate; quit. I need feedback.


    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    Memory loss

    while i think that drinking does cause us to forget conversations, I'm not sure that 2 or 3 glasses would do that. I think that you were distracted by the camcorder. My husband has conversations with me(both sober)while he is on his computer or even when he's cooking, and i swear sometimes when i reference the conversation the next day, he acts like he's new to the subject
    of course, he is a "husband" LOL j/k

    however, i don't want to discount your thinking you should not moderate if you feel that the wine really affects you this way. I'm sure it has a mild "false-heimers" affect, and affects everyone differently.


      Memory loss

      Thanks for not going off the deep end with the evils of alcohol. It was a scary realization though. Sure makes me sit up and take notice.

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Memory loss

        Tip-- I doubt it was the wine. I find tons of times I forget things even while stone cold sober-- I think we only have so much gray matter to keep all our info in-- I used to say if I could just get the bad 70s and 80s songs I memorized as a kid and still sing now with my IPOD that I would recall loads of stuff!


          Memory loss

          Hi Tipp, I have found that after a certain age, the same thing happens to me. Although it also happens when I haven't drunk anything at all. (It's a little worse if I've had one or two) It seems to be a matter of how much attention I am paying to the task at hand, and a matter of age. I forget TV shows and it's usually because I'm not really watching them, I'm doing something else at the same time. That said, the memory issue is more ideal when stone cold sober.


            Memory loss

            The same thing was happening to me & that's why I chose to go AF.
            I think, in my case, the years of abusing the wine bottle changed my brain chemistry & when you add aging to the mix memory loss is going to happen.

            The birth of my first grandson 2 1/2 years ago is what finally pushed me into accepting the fact that I just cannot handle AL anymore. Having complete & safe access to him was defintely more important than having a couple of glasses of wine.

            It's something to think about. You'll never regret walking away from AL

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Memory loss

              I hear you Lavande and I truly believe it's coming to that. I definitely don't abuse alcohol when grand baby is around but I don't abstain from a glass either. But as life goes on and I turn 55 in October you start wondering if it's all that necessary. I have escaped the perils of being a raging alcoholic but no credit goes to me. I wasn't tempted to go that route but now that I am on top of the hill looking back at the past and forward towards the future I see that serenity is all that matters and that can be achieved without alcohol. The vantage point of life as seen from middle age is much simpler and I think my A/F goals will be achieved by slowly fine-tuning my drinking to the point of stopping. I certainly am heading in that direction. Thanks for your support people.


              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
              ? Lao-Tzu


                Memory loss

                Hey Tipp, I posted a reply to your other post on my thread "Oh no, back again", please check it out ...


                  Memory loss

                  Hi Tipplerette,
                  I can relate. It is a very surreal feeling. I'd wondered how many times it had happened too. I was loosing my memory after two to three glasses myself. It freaked me out to be forgetting conversations or details of them. I think it's all part of the process in coming to terms with what one decides to do as far as quit all together or moderate. These days there are so many ways to catch ourselves when influenced (even just a little bit) like your video tape. It can be eye opening. At the same time... I think I forget a lot of stuff (conversations) sober just because I'm sorta not totally paying attention anyway. It's hard to know. Take care, Choice. :h

