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Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

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    Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

    I am trying to quit drinking, but I drink a 12 pack of Michalob Ultra a day, but when I buy red wine, at the most I drink one bottle, some times just 2 glasses. is it better to drink red wine with food , like I do and drink a bottle, or just the beer? I am getting tired of both , but like wine with food. I have posted here before , I am serious and do need help and think of this as a place I can get advice.

    Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

    Hi Spiderweb, new here myself and I'm not sure of the alcohol in red wine but I think its high and what size cans/bottles of beer or wine are you drinking? The cans of beer here that I would get are 500mls and if I drank 12 cans of beer I'd be as sick as a small hospital and I don't drink red wine at all but I'd die for 2 days after a bottle of white wine. Drinking wine with food is meant to be 'the right way' but I think if alcohol is causing you problems no matter how much or how little you drink, its time to stop or at least look at yourself really hard. Did you try the nest here, pretty awesome folk there with brill advice.


      Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

      Spider--I think that the body responds the same way no matter what type of AL it is-- the issue is that it is AL. For example, wine might have 11 to 14% AL , beer 5 or so, so you may feel the affects of wine before beer and quit drinking it sooner. However, if you have a problem with AL since alcoholism is what is called a progressive disease, you will have problems with it no matter the type of AL you consume. And there is always a chance that you will start drinking more of the wine over time as the addicition progresses. That said-- there are some people who can drink moderately after going AL free for a while-- I am not one of them but I think there are some. I do know in my experience-- I switched to primarily wine for similar reasons as you and soon wa up to a bottle a night. At this point if I drank one liquor drink I would be buzzed but since my experience with the progression in the wine I know that it woudl just be amatter of time before i was into more and more liquor. It is really the way you feel about the drinking not just the physical effects-- nothing "bad" ever happened to me while drinking any amount. But it soon became apparent that I was playing Russian roulette by drinking-- I might haev anight with 4 beers and be fine and happy teh next day, or I might have 1 glass of wine and be climbing the walls with anxiety and guilt. Good luck with your decision!


        Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

        Hi Spiderweb,

        I'm not sure but are you looking for someone to give you permission to drink?
        This website is for people who want to quit drinking. Have you ever read the MWO book? You should to get a better idea of how the program works.
        I was a wnie drinker myself & won't argue with you - it is good with food. But taking back control of my life was more important to me so I stopped.
        If you are tired of the beer & the wine then make a plan to quit, commit yourself & just do it!!!

        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?


          Neither is a small amount of AL but a 12 beer pack is roughly half your necessary daily calorie intake assuming you are somewhat active. Beer belly anyone?

          for more math like this go to CalorieKing - Diet and weight loss. Calorie Counter and more

          beer = 12 tins X 330 ml @ 4.2% = 166 total AL g or - 1,069 calories
          wine = 1 bottle X 750 ml @ 13% = 98 total AL g or - 510 calories
          workaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic


            Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

            Well, I'd say both are "bad" if your trying to quit drinking. It's AL playing a trick on you as far as how to drink safely on either of those amounts. I think one bottle of red is less alcohol though so if your trying to cut back... but really if you want to quit I'm glad to hear that your getting tired of both. Honestly, all the deal making we make with AL doesn't seam to work in our favor much..... at least not for me. Take care, choice


              Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

              You are right I have to just be honest and make a decision to quit drinking . I went today and bought Livercare, and a good multi vitamin. I am going to start going to the gym, eating right , and getting a hobby, but my hobby is playing the guitar and I love to drink when I play, lol, but I will find a new outdoor hobby, maybe golf.Alice Cooper quit drinking 30 years ago, and started playing golf, he said he traded alcohol addiction for golf addiction, lol.I really need my friends here, so please reply.


                Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

                I'm in the same boat as you re associating playing music with drinking. I started wondering lately whether I loved playing music or just associated playing music with getting drunk, which made it pleasurable. I never used to be able to have coffee or alcohol without a cigarette, but I broke that bond forever when I quit smoking 1.5 decades ago. Now I want to break the alcohol/music and alcohol/emotions association, as well, ie drinking whenever I play musical instruments and drinking for whatever emotion is bugging me (stress, tiredness, anger). Good luck to both of us!


                  Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

                  hobby reallty helps - some kind of sport is good - i have struggled to be permanently AF but starting to play rollerderby has reduced my consumption.

                  A bottle is 10 units of alcohol -if you trying to stop any amount is not good, but I think you probably know that. Your plans sounds good - monthly abstinence forum is a great thread with lots of experienced people with lot of AF time and really willing to share and support you.
                  Lavande is one of them
                  one day at a time


                    Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

                    A bit of googling later and I find that Michalob ultra contains 4% alcohol and comes in 12oz/355ml cans.

                    4% x 355mls/1000mls = 1.42 units per can 12 cans = 17 units

                    1 x 750mls bottle of 12% wine = 9 units

                    So essentially yes drinking 1 750 ml bottle of 12% wine is 'better' BUT drinker beware. Switching drinks is a sure sign of a problem. I should know I've been through the lot and it always ends up the same.


                      Is it really bad to drink one bottle of red wine instead of a 12 pack of beer?

                      Hiya Spiderweb,
                      Sounds like a good plan for sure. I found going to the gym really kept me from going insane AF in the beginning. (I was not a gym goer at all before I quit)...

                      I hear you on the playing music and I had the same problemo with painting and drinking wine and smoking... I felt more creative. Since giving up both I feel like I'm forgetting something when I do art now. Its weird. I'm a lot happier now though so I think that will start to become more natural.... I've been busy with other hobbies because I needed to distract myself. Healthy distractions help heaps. My fiance is addicted to golf since he gave up drinking... so my once drinking buddy is now unavailable.. looks like I should take up golf. :H OR... start trusting myself again painting.

                      I think what's cool when you stop drinking is there is so much time to figure out all sorts of fun stuff to do and its amazing the energy I have to do it now.
                      Take care, Choice

