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Sober September Challenge!!!

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    Sober September Challenge!!!

    The long weekend completely undid me. Congratulations to those of you who are AF so far this month. I'm recommitting myself to not drinking for the rest of the month. Period.
    ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
    Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


      Sober September Challenge!!!

      Good morning Septembers!

      Audrey, good job on day 6! I agree, don't focus on what could go wrong - just focus on not drinking today and slowly the momentum will pick up!

      I got an amazing nights sleep last night (FINALLY!) It's wonderful what a difference that can make. For those of you who didn't make it through the weekend, don't beat yourself up - just jump back on and get ready to be sober for the rest of the month. No more Holidays for awhile now!!

      Hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday.


        Sober September Challenge!!!

        Hi all,
        Just checking in, I had my first body pump class tonignt and I think my body has just about stopped shaking :H I really enjoyed myself tonight at the gym it made a change to have some me time.
        I hope everyone is doing good, I love your attitude leaveinsilence, well done for getting back up and dusting yourself off.
        Together we can do this 10 A/F for me...yey
        take care everyone
        ronnie :l
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          Sober September Challenge!!!

          Good Morning
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            Sober September Challenge!!!

            Well done Ronnie and Jenny............and to eveyrone else.You guys have set the goals!! Just about to hit the road to work but need to check in to track my progress. I know tonight will be very difficult. Very stressful day coming up.Have a plan and will be looking for sujpport about 4.30pm ozzie time. Day 4 A/F ahead of me. Thanks everyone.Keep strong for each other:goodjob:


              Sober September Challenge!!!

              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                Sober September Challenge!!!

                Good job Ronnie - and Congrats Jenny. This group is doing great.

                I'm feeling better and better - finishing Day 3 here.

                Okay, hearing about that body pump class I'm now inspired me to head for the gym. Hope I can keep up the momentum!

                Have a great AF evening everyone!


                  Sober September Challenge!!!

                  Jenny, Its now 8.30am in Oz. I last posted 7.00am. So about 9 hrs difference I tnink). Will check later today:thanks: when I am not so rushed!!


                    Sober September Challenge!!!

                    Morning all,
                    Well done everyone you are doing really great, I will still be at work at 4.30pm boozer but I will be thinking of you, just stay strong you know you can do this honey. Well my legs feel like lead weights this so I had better keep moving, I will check back in tonight to see how everyones day went
                    take care xx
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      Sober September Challenge!!!

                      One day down. So far so good... just need to stay on track now. Stay tough everyone!
                      ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
                      Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


                        Sober September Challenge!!!

                        sober September

                        I just downloaded and began reading the .pdf. Decided to come to the forum. Really started cravings as I begain reading about alcohol.

                        I'm going to keep reading, see if I could sort out all the recommendations and the purchase of a medical/herbal supply store. I am at the "start" box, throwing the dice and seeing what direction I'm headed.

                        Sober September would be a new experience for me.:new


                          Sober September Challenge!!!

                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            Sober September Challenge!!!

                            Evening all,
                            Boozer how are you doing?
                            Hi ya...Imherenow, this is a great site and everyone gives lots of support just keep close to this site as we are all in or have been in the same situation at some point in our lives.
                            Well my legs are killing me now...who said exercise is good for you...:H
                            I am feeling so good at the moment, I think back to just a few weeks ago and I was in a very dark place then but now the sun is shinning all day (in my little world) and it is wonderful.
                            Hope you are all doing great.....and remember we are all in this together and we will all stick together :l
                            Have a fun evening all I am going to bags the sofa and take the micky out of x factor
                            take care xxx
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              Sober September Challenge!!!

                              Hello all!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                                Sober September Challenge!!!

                                Jennyneric, Well done on day 10. I have just looked on time/ date and it calculated that in Chicago it is Thursday 4.00am whilst here on the East Coast of oz it is Thursday 7.00pm. So we must be approx 15 hrs ahead of the US. Glad to see you are doing well. I am still struggling and learning. Hopefully one day ............I will be A/F and finally !!!!

