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Sober September Challenge!!!

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    Sober September Challenge!!!

    Hi everyone,

    I didn't start Day 1 the other day.. I read some posts and began getting a bit scared about withdrawl as I have been drinking Red Wine heavily for months and months now. So yesterday I drank some beer.. Right now I am fighting with myself whether to start today or tomorrow (1st September).... I know I know I should start today... but if I don't I promise promise to start tomorrow....

    Here in Malaysia wine is Very expensive and that is what I drink so I guess this is the right time and place to stop.

    Hi Audrey - yes its exciting going to a new place but also difficult (for me anyway- I dont know the language! and now I'm going through that bell curve of feelings of 'what have I done'). But I know I'm here to work to provide for my little boy..

    Hi Tip and Choice and everyone else.... I will be needing to stay very very close to this site because this time I have to succeed
    take care


      Sober September Challenge!!!

      hello everyone...I am in; got day 4 going today ( not my first day 4 but hopefully my last ); anyway this is a great idea for motivation, and I need motivation now that I am trying to forsake my motivation in a bottle....anyway, lets go September!!!


        Sober September Challenge!!!

        Clockwatcher, your name sure fits me right now. I'm only on the evening of day three, but I must have looked at the clock 100 times in the last hour. Stupid witching hour! I think I'm safe for the night, but it's been hard! I've tried every trick I could think of... glutamine, a long walk, then a long bath and then checking out this site for inspiration. I just keep telling myself to hang in there and soon the day will be over. And that eventually it will get easier. Sorry for the whining. I just wasn't expecting such a hard night before September even has started!
        ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
        Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


          Sober September Challenge!!!

          Hi Irie
          yes just hang in there.. the day will soon be done and you will wake up feeling so good tomorrow...
          I wish my day was done.. its only 10am here in Asia and I'm already thinking of drinking.. oh no

          Take care


            Sober September Challenge!!!

            Thanks, Patrice. You hang in there, too!
            ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
            Goal #1 - 7 days AF -


              Sober September Challenge!!!

              Irie, I watch it all day long as there have been days I wake up to an "eyeopener" as well as "a cold one with lunch" and then of course its always, "five o'clock somewhere"....I watch it a lot too at night when I wake up in the middle of the night and watch the digital clock numbers move...still, its good to be able to watch as many days in my life I have been blind drunk....perspective is a good thing for me right now...


                Sober September Challenge!!!

                Hi patrice!!!

                If you can and if you already aren' t with wine, stop it today!!! If not, tomorrow is new month adn new day!!!!

                Yes, to breake a drinking cycle isn' t easy..first 3-4 days are hard..
                I was drinking yestarday, this morning feel very down, anxiety, fear as usual on Day 1..But i decided to start detox now and enter September in a bit better mood..
                I'd like to do at least 14, 15 days AF (i' d like to reach 30 of course) because after 2 weeks i' ll have flights and waiting times in aiports..i'm scared of aiports and long travels and than i than i start non-stop' very bad to be in this artifical air dehidrated..
                But at the moment i'm thinking about today, just one day...
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  Sober September Challenge!!!

                  I would love to join you all here for a sober September. I am in my 2nd month AF but am struggling a bit this week, those '1 drink wont do any harm' thoughts are creeping back in. But mostly I am feeling fabulous- after countless Day 1's it is fantastic to get & pass the 30 day mark.

                  Will be lovely to catch up with some old & some new friends here.
                  SJ xxx :groupluv:

                  'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                    Sober September Challenge!!!

                    Hi Audrey, good for you.. I'm there tomorrow with you all the way. ( I am finishing the last today...)
                    It's a great idea to stop AL before you go to your new life.. I wish I had - it would have made it SO much easier to have started my new gig here in Malaysia sober.. Instead I have made it much more difficult for myself...

                    Doggygirl always said that AL problem follow you around the world and that has indeed been my experience.. She's a wise one

                    Hi Sara - fantastic you are in your second month... good for you girl..

                    Take Care everyone
                    I look forward to tomorrow


                      Sober September Challenge!!!

                      Hi all,
                      Day 4 for me but I cant wait for tommorrow then we can all start this challange together, good to see you here patrice.
                      Will catch up with you tommorrow

                      take care all

                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        Sober September Challenge!!!

                        Day 5 again for me and August 31 here.....looking forward to September sober with everyone,


                          Sober September Challenge!!!

                          Hi All,
                          Day 1 over for me. I'm looking forward to waking up to the first day of spring with a fresh outlook and a firm focus on the future.

                          Be strong!
                          Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                            Sober September Challenge!!!

                            Hiya mateys

                            August 31st drawing to a close here.... I am just about out of Alcohol ( 1 glass to go) and I'm really up for the 1st of September..
                            May we all be strong and help each other
                            Take care
                            Patrice xx


                              Sober September Challenge!!!

                              Hi Tips, I'm also turning 55 early Oct (4). Let's do this together. Right now I am in taper mode and just pray it works!! The worst time for me is when I wake up in the night and reach for a glass to help me go back to sleep! Very bad habit and one hard to break.

                              But I'm in! Best of luck to you all!



                                Sober September Challenge!!!

                                Hi everyone, It looks as if we have some newcomers here and some oldtimers, and some like me, in the middle. Good luck to everyone, and for those struggling, remember the first few days are really the hardest. I am just about 30 days AF and feel like a new person. Since I know moderating isn't for me, I just accept that alcohol is not in my life. I try to avoid social situations that involve alcohol until I know that I will not be at all tempted.
                                So for those struggling here is some motivation: my skin is clearer, I have been exercising much more now that I am not drinking or hungover, my job performance is much improved, my family is ecstatic that I no longer drink, and now that my husband is facing bypass surgery I don't have to worry about how drinking will fit into that picture.

                                Giving up alcohol means gaining your life back.
                                Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.

