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Sober September Challenge!!!

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    Sober September Challenge!!!

    Hi Guys! Not checked in for a few days but well done everybody! I'm on Day 9 now and facing 2nd weekend AF. 2nd TFI Friday today ..... not too bad so far. Can't remember last time I've been AF for so long. Am hoping have now broken the back of it but am not getting to ahead of myself - the cheeky thing about AL is that he does have a tendancy of sneeking up behind you when you're least expecting it!!! Keep strong everybody! xxx


      Sober September Challenge!!!

      PHOTOGIRL;1175484 wrote: Hi Guys! Not checked in for a few days but well done everybody! I'm on Day 9 now and facing 2nd weekend AF. 2nd TFI Friday today ..... not too bad so far. Can't remember last time I've been AF for so long. Am hoping have now broken the back of it but am not getting to ahead of myself - the cheeky thing about AL is that he does have a tendancy of sneeking up behind you when you're least expecting it!!! Keep strong everybody! xxx
      Please update your thread on the meds section - we miss you! And Congrats!!!:happy:


        Sober September Challenge!!!

        Hi All!
        I'm following GottaStop around today. I think it's because his avatar really makes me laugh. :H
        I'm checking in for the first time in a long time, due to technical difficulties. Sober September has a good ring to it! I know we can all do it together.
        PG-I completely relate to your comment about AL sneaking up on you! I've been sober for quite a while (I really should figure out the, and last night that bastard AL tried to get me thinking that it would be okay to have a beer (ok, who are we kidding, if I had one, I'd have 12!!). Just remember you are stronger than that! Kick those thoughts to the curb where they belong!
        Hope everyone is well and having a great Friday!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Sober September Challenge!!!

          Hi K-9 it's great to see you again! Hello to everyone else as well. :l

          It is a beautiful sunny day here in Auckland a day after the opening of the world cup.. I feel for all those hungover. We are meeting some friends for lunch. These friends are not too supportive of my fiance and I not drinking and sorta annoy me. (they are my fiances old friends) I've come up with something to say... When they say... "your STILL not drinking??" I'm going to say "you STILL are?" and just sorta laugh at the situation. hopefully it will STOP being such a big deal with them.... I know they went to the game last night so maybe it won't even come up.... I'm so excited to try my new response though.. Hope everyone is well!


            Sober September Challenge!!!

            Morning all,
            Well I blew it last night and is back on day 1 but I am not beating myself up over it I just have to learn not to let people get to me...
            Hope you all have a wonderful day, you are all doing great
            will check back later on
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Sober September Challenge!!!

              Hang in there Ronnie, you CAN do it. Nobody is worth your sobriety, they don't get that much power!
              Stay strong :l
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Sober September Challenge!!!

                Just checking in - day 10 and all good, so far. Morning runs (that sounds rude! I mean running) keep me feeling slightly tired all day - but that's nothing compared to the ghastly hangovers that often lasted most of the day. Really pushing hydration - thirst was always a big trigger for me. Constantly reminding myself that thirst means I need WATER.

                Thanks so much to all the people who've slipped and posted about it. When I read those posts, they reinforce how it's not worth it; you just have to start all over again and we all know how bad the guilt feels. So thanks for your honesty, all of you.

                Stay strong, everyone!


                  Sober September Challenge!!!

                  Checking in
                  You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                  Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                    Sober September Challenge!!!

                    Monica and Jenny,
                    A big WOO WOO on your AF days! Way to go! Glad to see you're both doing so well. Look at us... all sober on a Friday night! Who'd a thunk it. LOL
                    Even better is Saturday morning with no hangover, no regrets and no shame.
                    Keep up the good work!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Sober September Challenge!!!

                      Hope everyone is having a nice evening, I am full (yummy dinner out with friend) and happy to be sober this Friday. I was tempted to have a drink with dinner, but decided it would add nothing to my evening. It just would have made me more anxious and I would be disappointed with my progress to date (34 days AF).

                      Ronnie, glad you're posting. Still a lot of September left for AF days. We are all here for you!

                      Wishing everyone a fun and sober weekend


                        Sober September Challenge!!!

                        Ronnie, I to blew it last night. There is no point in punishing ourselves, just need to learn from the experience.In my case everything was fine,cravings in check until my wife suggested we go out for Italian and that was the trigger!!! I need to learn how to deal with triggers . I need to be able to learn to have food WITHOUT the A/L. The craving was frightening I just could not say NO! Anyhow, we push on. Hope you have a AF Saturday.Will check in again later. Just makes you realize how he (al) can tap u on the shoulder and before u no it You have polished off a bottle!


                          Sober September Challenge!!!

                          Hello Guys,

                          Starting off a happy AF Saturday. I'm going to the beach with Sis and her 7-year old so there will be no temptations to drink today.

                          It's great to hear from everyone - congratulations to you guys who are racking up the days AF! Wtichy - 34 days that's awesome! Boozer, we have to just keep on trying - I don't know what my problem has been this past few months either, but I know I've had a long string of days AF before and I can do it again! K-9 good to hear from you! I think I saw some of your posts earlier this year.

                          Have a wonderful AF day all! :h


                            Sober September Challenge!!!

                            Day 50 AF for me. Feeling really deflated due to some other circumstances in my life. But, I haven't had a drink in almost 2 months, so, that's something I guess.


                              Sober September Challenge!!!

                              I did almost 7 AF days..Than drinking for 4' s very hard for me to stop..:upset:
                              Now - again Day 1..
                              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                                Sober September Challenge!!!

                                Morning all,
                                It is so nice to see people posting on here, well done to all that have kept A/F and well done to us so blew it bust have got back up and started again.
                                Friday nights are a nightmare for me but I will get there.
                                It is a lovely sunning morninghere in Perth and I am full of joy although I will be at work for most of the day today.
                                My eldest had his trial out for the tee ball super squad yesterday and we should here ifhe has got in in about a weeks time. Tee ball is like Baseball but for kids, they hit the ball from a tee instead of the pitcher throwing it to them.....just incase anyone was
                                Hope you all have a great day
                                Ronnie xxxx
                                :dancin: enguin:
                                starting over

