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blood pressure/drinking

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    blood pressure/drinking

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this question but here goes, I'm hoping someone here can help.

    My blood pressure has always been normal (110/70 or kinda low) and I have always had at least 1 to 1 & 1/2 bottles of wine every night. Now at age 50 suddenly (my doc.appt about a year ago was normal) my blood pressure is was 147/94!!! I did this at a drug store just for kicks and was terrified and even tried it at different stores. Can my drinking be finally catching up with me? Will drinking that much daily affect blood pressure suddenly in this way?

    I am going to go AF for a while to see if this brings it back down but I was hoping someone might be able to give me some insight into this or direct me where I could find out BEFORE I see a doc about it. Thanks so much!

    blood pressure/drinking

    Hiya Green

    I do think its the wine... I have always had low blood pressure but began drinking a lot last year and it really went up ( I'm 48 yrs old and weigh 50 kgs so I'm not overweight). I stopped drinking and within a day or two it was back to low- normal)
    I have been drinking again ( rather a lot!!) and I know it is way up again.. haven't checked with a Doc but I have that pounding feeling.. I know its the booze..
    I am also going AF - I wish you well
    Take Care


      blood pressure/drinking

      Hi Green,

      How much do you weigh? Your height? Blood pressure usually increases if you are overweight...has drinking made you gain weight?

      All that wine converts to sugar which sends your triglyceride levels way up. Have your cholesterol checked as well.

      I'm not a dr, but all the daily/chronic drinkers I know - even the skinnny ones who might only carry weight in the gut -- take blood pressure pills or have been told to cut back on booze or else they will need the pills.

      You are a HEAVY drinker - pouring that amount of posion into your body every day is bound to affect your health. Best thing you can do for yourself and loved ones is to cut back [8 oz is considered the daily max] or cut it out of your life completely.


        blood pressure/drinking

        Hi green,

        I am a retired nurse & former wine guzzler

        At age 50 (minutes after my birthday) my always low blood pressure skyrocketed! So did my cholesterol levels. Yes, I definately believe that was a function of too much AL but also the hormonal changes of menopause & a strong family history of such problems. I had slowly put on about 15 pounds during perimenopause but I didn'tthink that was such a big problem because I was small to begin with. I never lost a pound when I quit drinking, actually put on another 13 pounds when I quit smoking which I am in the process of losing. So with no AL on board, no smoking I remain on 2 B/P meds but my readings are good. We're all different so you should see you Doc

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          blood pressure/drinking

          I quit heavy daily drinking 6 weeks ago and went for a checkup the next day. BP was 135 over 110. Had a checkup again yesterday after no AL for 6 weeks; 102/62.
          What's different? No AL!
          -Cap'n G


            blood pressure/drinking

            Thank you all for your replies. Very scary stuff. I have always been about 20 lbs overweight (+ or -) but my blood screenings (BP, cholesterol, triglycerides etc.) have always been impecably clean, numbers are great. Never thought about menopause because I don't have many other symptoms other than age

            Of course, I'd rather not believe it's the AL but I know better!

            Way to go gregorino! That's encouraging! Thanks everyone!


              blood pressure/drinking

              When I don't drink my bp is normal. My mother in law after drinking like a fish has started with terrible bp probs in her 70s-- teh doc told her to quit the wine and her bp is normal and she lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks! So it is very possible. I am overweight but when I don't rink my bp is pretty much normal. I am now trying to lose to get it normal all the time. My doc said it can vary by as much as 30 points with AL.


                blood pressure/drinking

                I had exactly the same experience at age 51 (this summer). But when I went on a 17-day fast, including NA, it went right back down. And so did my weight. Not necessarily recommending this, but the absence of AL seemed to make a big difference.


                  blood pressure/drinking

                  I quit drinking 9 days ago. I see my doc in 7 more days. I started walking 1.5 miles nightly 3 nights ago. Between the two big changes i am curious to see where my bp stands.

                  I have another 6 months before they do blood work again. Not that I want time to pass that quickly, but I am anxious to see the numbers then.


                    blood pressure/drinking

                    green, I was 50 when I had my last drink. After a lifetime of normal BP, just like you mine had gone high. I quit drinking and started exercising and it came right back down to normal.

                    Sometimes I think we forget that AL is a toxin. It absolutely takes a toll on our bodies. Thank goodness, our bodies are amazing and can often heal much if not all of the damage done.

                    Here's to quitting before some really horrid consequences set in.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      blood pressure/drinking

                      I too have had bp problems and think alot of it has to do with drinking, some with genetics. My bp has always been high, since I was a teen. Gaining weight and drinking more both contributed to my needing to add more bp meds. Going off the AL changes my bp in a week. Once I was off for three weeks and had to reduce the bp meds AND my bp was low still. So its magic for bp, going AF, good luck and let us know how you do. I struggle with it but feel so much better when I manage to be AF and being AF helps my body start recovering in so many ways. You will to. Please post!


                        blood pressure/drinking

                        Just back from my doctor appointment, 1st since I have been basically AF (not perfect).

                        Old bp 132/76
                        New bp 112/70

                        I have been maybe drinking 1 night/week for 3 weeks and began walking 2 weeks ago. Big changes for such a smalll change. I am excited. Now I just have to keep it up!

